
Sorry bud but i had 3 and the other 2 were 3 weeks behind this one. To the OP there are more experienced growers in autos here that will support 90 days is not a 1 in 1000 plant to not flower. It can happen. Please ask around to other memebers. You can initiate 12/12 but autos will have poor yeild. This plant has stalled for whatever reason but if it said auto it probably is. You can also try pushing harder on flower nutes to push them before reducing lights.
Yea well i wont get 00seeds anymore... Im coo. Hopefully the light switch make the ladies flower..
Mine didn't start to flower till atleast 3 months and probably longer. I just let them do what they wanted and left them at 24 on. After going that long i felt like 12/12 would only be a waste of all that time. They came from Mephisto so i know genetics are top tier. In the end they turned out beautiful.
What strain is that??? When did i miss this???
I had a blue toof special that took over 120 days to finish... Some of the best weed I've ever smoked!!!
I've had some 100+ day finishers. But they sure didn't start flowering after day 90 I bet. The chances are far greater they simply mixed up the seeds when shipping and sent the photo periods instead of the auto's. I'm sure it happens a lot.

Like how much bigger do you guys think this guy should let his plants get before they end up 8 footers while he hopes they are auto's. It sounds great an 8 foot plant, but It's not manageable in a indoor grow with his lighting. Matty's were stunted and small for their age. That's how he got away with it. I don't think this is going to be the case for Gimme. In 2 weeks with proper lighting this guy is going to be posting "holy shit I don't know what to do my plants are taking over my house".

Gimme what lights are you using ? I'm sure your plants have outgrown it.
BTW Matty, I do think that's a great looking plant. Just not a great plant for having veg'd that long and staying so small. I suspect something happened early on that slowed it down right ?
BTW Matty, I do think that's a great looking plant. Just not a great plant for having veg'd that long and staying so small. I suspect something happened early on that slowed it down right ?
I already said it was winter and had max 60 temp, air right to the roots couldve helped prolong veg and 24 hoirs of light couldve kept it from flowering sooner.
Also that plant is small no matter if it finishes in 70 days or not. It is a 70-80% indica. GG4 x 24 Carrot which is 100% indica. 2-3 oz yeild. My plant grew as big as genetically it was going to it just took longer. His plants are his choice but you are arguing its not possible to be an auto and it very much is. Nov 1st to end of April on the pic i shown and mid May on the other 2. Is what it is. He has 3 choices. Leave and see what they do in next 10-14 days(if no flower still than top it. Bam no 8 foot plants and go to 12/12), go to 12/12 now and risk it is an auto that got delayed and less light doesn't help it in any way or 3 he could up flower nites and if they don't flower next few days go to 12/12. In the end its his plant and i don't really care what he does as long as it works for him but to say definitively it can't be an auto when i can show the start dates pics on RIU and finish as well spanning 6 months is boneheaded. But i don't really have much else to add.
I already said it was winter and had max 60 temp, air right to the roots couldve helped prolong veg and 24 hoirs of light couldve kept it from flowering sooner.
Well now we know auto's kept in the cold can take 90 days plus to start flowering. His clearly haven't had such rugged conditions.
And I thought I was freezing my plants with 63 lights out temp for 4 hours. That's pretty cold @ a constant 60.
I jus switch to 12 12

Never, ever run an auto on a 12/12 schedule.

The reason they're called auto flower is because they are going to flower no matter what lighting schedule you run. So, that being the case, you want them on a long lighting schedule.

Most people I know run autos 24 hours per day non-stop. Some will run them 20 hours on, 4 hours off. You want as much growth as absolutely possible before it starts flowering.

You run regular fems on an 18/6 schedule for veg and then flip to 12/12 for flower. You do NOT do that with auto flower plants. Ever.
Well now we know auto's kept in the cold can take 90 days plus to start flowering. His clearly haven't had such rugged conditions.
And I thought I was freezing my plants with 63 lights out temp for 4 hours. That's pretty cold @ a constant 60.
Well, i think MANY growers know stress slows down growth. Many growers know MJ prefers 75-82ish temps NOT 60 so that kind of translates to most likely stress.... good luck OP, I'll be paying attention and hoping for a fat harvest.
Never, ever run an auto on a 12/12 schedule.
here we go again. It's not an auto lol

Well, i think MANY growers know stress slows down growth. Many growers know MJ prefers 75-82ish temps NOT 60 so that kind of translates to most likely stress.... good luck OP, I'll be paying attention and hoping for a fat harvest.

Well of course, I didn't catch that you had said you froze your plants to stop them from autoing. So why would you even infer that to this case with gimmetheloot at 90 days ? It's just confusing him. He shoulda flipped at day 60 when I told him except you were putting the idea in his head that he should wait because you once had auto's that didn't flower until 90 days. But you failed to mention at that point you froze and stunted your plants.

Gimme , have you done some sort of plant abuse we should be aware of ? Did your freeze them, piss on them , or any sort of other deviant behavior that would stop them from auto flowering ?

I'm soo out lol..
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here we go again. It's not an auto lol

Well of course, I didn't catch that you had said you froze your plants to stop them from autoing. So why would you even infer that to this case with gimmetheloot at 90 days ? It's just confusing him.

Gimme , have you done some sort of plant abuse we should be aware of ? Did your freeze them, piss on them , or any sort of other deviant behavior that would stop them from auto flowering ?

I'm soo out lol..
Please dude. You've been here for 6 months, probably JUST started growing. There are mad growers with credit here in the auto section and you are not one of them. Another person already in this thread said his auto took 60ish days to start flowering. Its in a journal here. Not cold temps like mine and when he did flower it wasn't on 12/12. You are a clown dude. Give it up. You probably grow some bunk ass shit with no real potentcy because if the seedbank says 63 days you harvest to the day and get non ready trichs. Grasscity or Icmag is where you belong.
I've had some 100+ day finishers. But they sure didn't start flowering after day 90 I bet. The chances are far greater they simply mixed up the seeds when shipping and sent the photo periods instead of the auto's. I'm sure it happens a lot.

Like how much bigger do you guys think this guy should let his plants get before they end up 8 footers while he hopes they are auto's. It sounds great an 8 foot plant, but It's not manageable in a indoor grow with his lighting. Matty's were stunted and small for their age. That's how he got away with it. I don't think this is going to be the case for Gimme. In 2 weeks with proper lighting this guy is going to be posting "holy shit I don't know what to do my plants are taking over my house".

Gimme what lights are you using ? I'm sure your plants have outgrown it.
Im using a viparspectra par 450 and a perfect sun dwarf star
Also that plant is small no matter if it finishes in 70 days or not. It is a 70-80% indica. GG4 x 24 Carrot which is 100% indica. 2-3 oz yeild. My plant grew as big as genetically it was going to it just took longer. His plants are his choice but you are arguing its not possible to be an auto and it very much is. Nov 1st to end of April on the pic i shown and mid May on the other 2. Is what it is. He has 3 choices. Leave and see what they do in next 10-14 days(if no flower still than top it. Bam no 8 foot plants and go to 12/12), go to 12/12 now and risk it is an auto that got delayed and less light doesn't help it in any way or 3 he could up flower nites and if they don't flower next few days go to 12/12. In the end its his plant and i don't really care what he does as long as it works for him but to say definitively it can't be an auto when i can show the start dates pics on RIU and finish as well spanning 6 months is boneheaded. But i don't really have much else to add.
I appreciate all the insight bro
here we go again. It's not an auto lol

Well of course, I didn't catch that you had said you froze your plants to stop them from autoing. So why would you even infer that to this case with gimmetheloot at 90 days ? It's just confusing him. He shoulda flipped at day 60 when I told him except you were putting the idea in his head that he should wait because you once had auto's that didn't flower until 90 days. But you failed to mention at that point you froze and stunted your plants.

Gimme , have you done some sort of plant abuse we should be aware of ? Did your freeze them, piss on them , or any sort of other deviant behavior that would stop them from auto flowering ?

I'm soo out lol..
They have been at consistent 75 to 80 degrees the whole way with 4in inline fan