Useful Seeds : Blueberries and Chocolate


Well-Known Member
Critical purple kush have both been chopped

just waiting on the last 2 gelat.og and the cmh tent will be done and i get put the new space together.

I built the 3 tables today, gonna paint them and put pond liners in tomorrow. Still waiting on parts for the new lights, so thats at a stand still.

All my automated watering stuff will be here in few days too, so hopefully by next weekend everything will be up and running.


Well-Known Member
Looks like they enjoyed the topping and are filling back in nicely!
Ya for sure. Lowers shooting up everywhere the past few days, They are kinda starting to cramp eachother a little, leaves touching etc, waiting on a few more pieces to the new room puzzle , i think they will thrive and really take off once they have more space and get under the LED`s. Although this bunch seems to really love this 600w MH.


Well-Known Member
Day 34

They are now being watered twice a day. Approx 500ml gives a little runoff each time. The coco isnt being allowed to dry at all anymore now. Wet/dry cycles are done. Its all constant feedings from now on. Next week i will increase to 3 times daily, i plan to flip them shortly after that and expect to be watering 4-5 times daily for the remainder of flower.

Roots are poking through the fabric pots, and they are starting to crowd eachother. Bunch more work to do tomorrow to get everything ready for the switching of rooms.

2 ml amor si
2 ml calimagic
4 ml micro
6 ml bloom

80f/ 65-70 rh


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Well-Known Member
Day 36

Cruising along , 2 of the different Pheno girls are showing spots on big fans, will keep a close eye on them. The other 7 sisters all looking great, glowing.

Been working like a madman trying to get everything ready for the new room. Starting to wire up lights tonight, tables are built.

The cmh tent is finishing up tonight or tomorrow, the gelat.og are ready to chop. I Will get that tent taken down , get the room all cleaned and get some panda film on the walls , run my intake and exhausts all out through exterior wall and a bit of electrical work done. I'll Soon be ready to rock n roll



Well-Known Member
Now THAT is a nice light!!!Clean as a whistle!!!
Thanks Frank

Ya it looks clean when its fully lit and in a pic lol

The wiring on the backside is another story. Tomorrows task will be finishing the 2nd build and wire management lol. OMG what a mess , controlled chaos

Cant get over how blindingly bright it is. Pic dont do that part justice at all

Frank Nitty

Well-Known Member
Thanks Frank

Ya it looks clean when its fully lit and in a pic lol

The wiring on the backside is another story. Tomorrows task will be finishing the 2nd build and wire management lol. OMG what a mess , controlled chaos

Cant get over how blindingly bright it is. Pic dont do that part justice at all
When i first turned on my qb288 it scared the shit out lof me!!!


Well-Known Member
Ya man, they were kinda crazy bright when they turned on, wasnt expecting that lol.

Cmh tent is all finished up, both gelat.og turned out fkn stellar, cant wait to smoke some of this stuff.

Tent has been removed from space, partition tore down and some wiring moved around. Were getting close. Tonight or tomorrow i will move the girls into another 4x4 in a different room, allow me to have full access to the space and quickly do the work that needs to get done before the plants come back in.

Panda film on walls and ceiling
Drill holes through exterior wall for intake and exhaust lines.
move tables into room and install legs
Run plumbing for drain to waste
Setup a control panel/central location for drivers,controllers and timers
Hang lights
Prepare reservoir and automated irrigation ( manifolds and drip lines)
May paint the floor if i have any energy left over lol

So not alot left to do, if everything goes smoothly i think i can have everything done by tomorrow night.


Well-Known Member
With my birthday being yesterday and today fathers day, needless to say im much further behind on new room setup than i expected to be.

I did get a wall done in panda film, waiting to get some acoustic sealant and canned spray foam tomorrow before really sealing up the room. Need to grab 2 sheets of drywall aswell, close up the end once everything is done.

The girls are spread out in the 4x4 as far as they can be, they still getting all touchy feely with eachother tho, not much i can do about it until the room is ready.

Happy fathers day


Well-Known Member
Day 40

All branches that were super cropped yesterday were back to Normal today

Starting to get a little bit of a danky smell in the tent. Everything looks pretty good. I'm pleased

Feedings still 3 x daily

2ml amor si
2ml calimagic
4 ml micro
6 ml blooom
Ph 5.8 drifting to 6.2



Well-Known Member
Day 42 since sprout

More super cropping and maneuvering the plants around , trying to keep them off each other.. it's becoming harder everyday.

Panda film just not doing it for me, don't like the way it looks in the room. Grabbing drywall today, will just plaster and paint

