Alex Jones is a pedophile


Well-Known Member
So I read the news this morning. I know very little about Jones, seems like a piece of shit, but it sounds very plausible that hackers did this.


Well-Known Member
So I read the news this morning. I know very little about Jones, seems like a piece of shit, but it sounds very plausible that hackers did this.
You don't have to hack someone to send them an email.

It's pretty clear that some people trolling Jones sent the images to infowars.

When infowars turned over their discovery, rather than turn over only those emails pertaining to the lawsuit, they decided to be a wiseass and send everything, including the child porn they probably never looked at.

But Alex Jones being Alex Jones, he went off on another conspiracy theory and got censured for it.

He's lucky the judge didn't jail his ass.
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Well-Known Member
Deep State snuck into his compound down in Texas posing as a semi hot Russian named Maria asking lots of questions about the NRA and Sandy Hook and inserted a thumb drive into his laptop with the child porn.

Seems plausible