Quantum Boards Grow


Well-Known Member
Havent been here a while, still rocking hard CM.
Amazing work :clap:

Can I ask how often and at what stage You defoliate ?
It looks You have them under control. I cant get mine to stop overgrowing the area :/
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Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
Havent been here a while, still rocking hard CM.
Amazing work :clap:

Can I ask how often and at what stage You defoliate ?
It looks You have them under controll. I cant get mine to stop overgrowing the area :/
+1 for a brief walkthru from seedling to vegg and flower on those vertical beauties.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty strain dependent but I tend to clean them up as they grow in veg, for air movement, then a good clean up and shaping around 1 to 2 weeks before flower. In flower I prune as needed while weaving the plant into the screen during stretch and one big clean up 2 to 3 weeks in. The plants are pretty much set after that and I just take out fans that cover buds as they fill in. I use large christmas ornament hooks around day 28 to support any branching hanging outside the screen and at that point the bulk of any work is done till chop.


Well-Known Member
May I ask what size those screens are? Very nice setup. I have an (8) cob, along with a (4) panel quantum setup and this vertical arrangement is promising. I pretty much have followed the led craze and have good success with standard horizontal methods. This looks like yields in same footprint may be even greater


Well-Known Member
May I ask what size those screens are? Very nice setup. I have an (8) cob, along with a (4) panel quantum setup and this vertical arrangement is promising. I pretty much have followed the led craze and have good success with standard horizontal methods. This looks like yields in same footprint may be even greater
Post 331


Well-Known Member
captain plants are looking good.
i have a few questions for you.
do you think running the plants back to back is better then against a wall with reflective material behind?
i will lose a few spots if i try that.
do you like the elites better then the regular qb?
i am retooling my room and if i keep my plants trained to the walls i will need 4 new lights.i am thinking the qb288 r spec 320 watt kit
i currently use cxb3590 light bars with 4 cobs,6 cobs and 8 cob .i hang them about 30 inches in front.they are driven at 50 watts per cob except the 8 cob fixture.i have that set for 320 watts dimmed.
i usually only hang one light in front of each plant.
the 6 light bars are driven by 50 watt chinese drivers and on heatsink usa 10 inch profile heatsinks.they were my first lights.
all others are driven by meanwell 185 @1400 in groups of 4 and are on pin heatsinks..
the 2 six cob lights are working great.the last two plants got almost 17 oz on one and a little over 14 on the other.not bad with my oldest cxb3590 3500 k cobs and 321 watts at the wall per light per plant.it has been awhile since i retooled my rooms but i need more room in veg.i think i am going to hang pipe (like in a closet ) in front of plants to mount the lights from.that way when i want to access the plants i can just slide the lights one way or the other.
thanks in advance for any input you give!


Well-Known Member
I designed this vertical set up because I have a very bad back and every aspect makes things easier to work on and less stress on my back. The screens are on wheels and the lights are hung on crossed pipes for easy movement. I've never taken readings to compare my back to back set up vs against a reflective wall. I actually rotate my screens 180 degrees each week also and have zero larf. This set up is more productive and much much easier to work on than a standard horizontal screen set up per sq/ft of floor space.


Well-Known Member
Yeah,my buddy said it would stretch a lot, very little for me. The straight white QB's like my 3000k's kick ass,haven't come to a solid decision on the elites yet,I should after this run with them,haven't played with the Rspec yet.


Well-Known Member
i have found some strains just dont like the torture we give them training to vertical screen.those i do not shape at all and just let them grow as big as possible then cut half the plant away shortly before flip.not the greatest solution but i get a bigger over all plant that way


Well-Known Member
Awesome thread, really inspiring. I think this makes getting a good result so much easier than trying to do the same thing horizontally. (scrogging for little larf)
Seems like it will work nicely with standing oscillating fans... as opposed to the hassle of a horizontal canopy


Well-Known Member
Sealed grow area that consists of lung room,veg area and flower. Air is moved in a circle between the three areas, veg is a couple degrees cooler.