Embarrassing confession


Well-Known Member
I have no freaking idea how to use blunt rolls.

Ok so you know the ones, 2 to a pack, grape flavor etc, many brands. Do these things even have any glue on them? You lick the strip? part below? over the whole freaking thing? Some work perfect. 80% it's a nightmare, they stick a little then open up. I have taken to rolling papers over the blunts just to keep them rolled. WTF am I missing?
You probably don't let it dry/harden before lighting up or you are buying an old stock of wraps that are too far degraded to stick.

Honestly i hate those blank wraps with the sticky strip, if anything i prefer swisher sweets that i can tear apart and roll back up with flower, it does take a little finesse but so does rolling a joint.
just get yourself a pack of zig-zags an leave the grief behind...weed an nicotine are a shitty mix anyways...

Got plenty of skins, I don't get zig zag much any more but other selections and that's how I smoke 90% of the time but every once in a while I like a blunt. I like the way they stay lit and you can smoke it slower, plus I'm a sucker for grape. But they suck so bad. Half the time dried out and crumblie.