
The new regs for edibles in Canada is no more that 10mg THC per package. One 10mg cookie or 10 1mg cookies per package. Anyone using edibles for medical isn't going to be buying that crap unless they're rich and very few are.

At least the BM has nothing to worry about until the gov't gets with the program so nothing to worry about at all. lol

You can walk into a liquor store and buy a 'package' of booze that can kill you and that's OK. Try drinking a Texas Mickey and see how that goes. 128oz of 80 proof booze will kill a horse.

how many servings are you limited to though?

I suppose you could fill a shopping basket full of individual servings...


The amendments will also limit the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the substance in cannabis that makes people high, to 10 milligrams per serving in cannabis edibles and extracts. For cannabis topicals, the limit will be 1 gram of THC per package.

The Ontario Chamber of Commerce said even though the new proposed regulations will allow for the development of a range of products to meet consumer demand, the industry body was disappointed to see that multi-packs for edibles cannot exceed 10 mg of THC per package.

So it seems 10mg per package being sold?
So it seems 10mg per package being sold?

That's what I saw on the news last night. 10g of 10% THC pot is 1000mg of THC so there's 100 servings right there. Even an 8th of that pot is 350mg THC so don't eat it! :D

They're just all freaked out about the horror stories out of Colorado when they first went legal and some dumbass lady reporter ate a whole 100mg bar and flipped out in her hotel room then wrote a really negative story about her experience. If you get too high on edibles just down a couple shots of booze and you'll be fine in no time. Medicinal use of alcohol is a real thing too.

... EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT IN HOW THC affects them when ingesting.
25 mgs can floor a 350 pound man and at the same time 100 mgs can be taken by a 95 pound women who s never smoked pot in her life..and only felt energetic with the 100 mg while her husband was couched for an entire day :lol:
ya everyone IS DIFFERENT and this shit will fuck people right up and others wont even believe your high lol
... EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT IN HOW THC affects them when ingesting.
25 mgs can floor a 350 pound man and at the same time 100 mgs can be taken by a 95 pound women who s never smoked pot in her life..and only felt energetic with the 100 mg while her husband was couched for an entire day :lol:
ya everyone IS DIFFERENT and this shit will fuck people right up and others wont even believe your high lol

Who hasn't drank too much, heck, some even learn their lesson, others, well, they keep doing it :) but it's a choice... at least after the first time :)

It would make sense to limit a serving to 10mg, but a serving should be perhaps one square of a chocolate bar.... so 10 squares in a bar would be3 a 100mg bar...
There does need to be a standard serving, like a "shot" of alcohol, or a bottle of beer... People need to know that a gummy is the same as a brownie, is the same as a cookie, etc...

Imagine if you had to buy your liquor one shot at a time from the liquor store? or carry your beer one bottle at a time out of the store?
That's what I saw on the news last night. 10g of 10% THC pot is 1000mg of THC so there's 100 servings right there. Even an 8th of that pot is 350mg THC so don't eat it! :D

They're just all freaked out about the horror stories out of Colorado when they first went legal and some dumbass lady reporter ate a whole 100mg bar and flipped out in her hotel room then wrote a really negative story about her experience. If you get too high on edibles just down a couple shots of booze and you'll be fine in no time. Medicinal use of alcohol is a real thing too.

Meanwhile, I'm over here eating upwards of 800mg per day :weed:
And that's why with all you guys said here....I predict FLOP-OLA

But it's quite entertaining watching them fall all over themselves making stupid rules that have no chance of succeeding tho.

I'd wager that most of the greedy scumbags that advised them how to set up legal pot are already out the door with their bags of cash-ola ahead of crash.

Imagine if you had to buy your liquor one shot at a time from the liquor store? or carry your beer one bottle at a time out of the store?

That's not quite the same tho. You can buy one bottle of beer if you want and even shots so if you bought a dozen 10mg cookies and they put them in bag for you then it's much the same as buying a box of beer.

They aren't saying you can only buy 10mg of edibles at once just that any individual package can only contain 10mg whether it's in one cookie containing that 10mg or 10 cookies with 1mg each.

Bound to be a limit tho to how many you can buy at once like it is with bud. One oz max I believe.

My point is that they will WAY overstock anticipating HUGE sales of these edible. They will sell very well for a bit imo. Then as folks realize that they are not for everyday use, sales will decline ..FAST.
I think they will scare most folks.
I know regular weed users that won't touch edibles. I bet most of us do.
So who are all these people that will be flocking to edibles.....NO WAY. The odd person who likes them regularly or the occasional user is not going to support the amount of production they will create in the name of greed. You watch guys.
Gonna be a bust.
Then the re-stocked by then shelves will now sit full. The initial order will sell well. The next order not as well.
Plus the amount of "new" companies that way over produced will be wondering what to do with all this stock.
Once again imo they will go way overboard and be stuck with most of it eventually.
Remember...every restaurant is busy at first. It's two years in that really counts.
With edibles it will be less time than that.
The Peoples Plant is teaching them, like it did to us, but they are years behind in their education.
The Peoples Plant usually teaches those who think they own her.
That's not quite the same tho. You can buy one bottle of beer if you want and even shots so if you bought a dozen 10mg cookies and they put them in bag for you then it's much the same as buying a box of beer.

Not to be argumentative, but they are saying any package can contain only 10mg, which is a single serving... so, if they applied the same type of rule to liquor, you would not even have the option to buy a 26'er or a 40oz, you would have to buy 26 or 40 little 1oz bottles... Beer, perhaps not a good example, since they come in individual bottles, but they wouldn't be able to package them in the cartons, you'd have to put it in a box when you buy them to carry them home.

It's not a big deal, just buy more servings, BUT, a 40oz bottle of liquor is MUCH cheaper than 40 1oz bottles isn't it?

I assume there must be some "equivalence" between the edibles and dried bud when it comes to possession limits in public... but you should be able to stock up at home... I don't know how they could know your food has thc in it though unless they send it off to a lab...
It's not a big deal, just buy more servings, BUT, a 40oz bottle of liquor is MUCH cheaper than 40 1oz bottles isn't it?

Of course and that's why they are setting the limits like they are. Can't be giving the stuff away to the sheeple now can they? :D

Meanwhile, I'm over here eating upwards of 800mg per day :weed:
At the beginning...
years ago ....I took 4 to 5 grams each day..
that toook me 8 weeks to get to .and yes I felt it the entire way and a month or so after getting there..but after that and now.. There's no high even switching strains.. Sleep very soundly.
I ingest a gram a day at night with absolutely NO HIGH after 9 plus years of have stage 4 recurrent....which they took out the first time with surgery //and of course it came back three years later and they gave me a death sentence. lol
Told them to go fuck themselves..:hump::hump::idea:(::P>:(
still here BECAUSE OF THAT DECISION!:shock:
... EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT IN HOW THC affects them when ingesting.
25 mgs can floor a 350 pound man and at the same time 100 mgs can be taken by a 95 pound women who s never smoked pot in her life..and only felt energetic with the 100 mg while her husband was couched for an entire day :lol:
ya everyone IS DIFFERENT and this shit will fuck people right up and others wont even believe your high lol

Amen to that, made a batch of eds last run, of course I had no idea on dosing. Half a tea spoon of my butter has me shutting the blinds and worried about a hit squad coming to get me. Whereas half a teaspoon gives the wife the best sleep of her life.
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Amen to that, made Iast batch of eds last run, of course I had no idea on dosing. Half a tea spoon of my butter has me shutting the blinds and worried about a hit squad coming to get me. Whereas half a teaspoon gives the wife the best sleep of her life.
spit take......lol