Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
I support whoever gets the nomination at the convention.

Just like I have since 1972.

Because I'm a team player. Vote republicans out and everybody benefits.

Argue with that.
I'd be more than happy to vote for any Democrat that wins that doesn't need to cheat to win. If you cheat, you're just as bad as a Republican to me.

Tangerine, do you agree with that?

or do you believe I should vote for someone I agree with who I know cheated? Should I cheat to win?


Well-Known Member
I'd be more than happy to vote for any Democrat that wins that doesn't need to cheat to win. If you cheat, you're just as bad as a Republican to me.

Tangerine, do you agree with that?

or do you believe I should vote for someone I agree with who I know cheated? Should I cheat to win?
I support whoever gets the nomination at the convention.

Just like I have since 1972.

Because I'm a team player. Vote republicans out and everybody benefits.

Argue with that.


Well-Known Member
She rigged it in 2008 too against Obama --- er, wait.
hillary got more votes in 2008 than obama did

she lost based on superdelegates, the only time in history that has ever happened

unlike bernie and his limp-dick, living with mommy sycophants, she never once cried about it.

in fact, she whole-heartedly endorsed obama for president soon after he was the presumptive nominee. bernie dragged his feet for months.

i almost cant believe bernie and his loser fans are still trying to divide the party 4 years later