What did you accomplish today?

looking at some REAL beaters now $2k
That happens everywhere natives here say it (my wife is half aboriginal). My mate who is Japanese say they should be greatful white people found it first. He said they would of just been exterminated if it was them (Japanese) that found them first. I thought that’s full on

what happens everywhere o.O" i am confused. meh i aint Hawaiian so i mean doesn't really bother me can't undo it anyways got some activists i think that is what you call um that is really into that shit. Japanese people sure do love to visit Oahu though feels like a poor mans Japan minus all the good stuff.
looking at some REAL beaters now $2k

what happens everywhere o_O" i am confused. meh i aint Hawaiian so i mean doesn't really bother me can't undo it anyways got some activists i think that is what you call um that is really into that shit. Japanese people sure do love to visit Oahu though feels like a poor mans Japan minus all the good stuff.
Would you ever move to the mainland
Today I spent two hours visiting laborious death upon the front flower bed which I'd been neglecting. Bermudagrass was choking out the gazanias. I filled a *ucking trash can with uprooted grass. I had to really dig in order to get those pesky deep stolons (think long thin bulb which will send forth more biohazard).
One patch was thick with volunteer gazania seedlings. I rescued some, and once they have a bit more size I'll fill in the gaps in the flowerbed. I pondered turbocharging them with stale rice and sour milk ...

Would you ever move to the mainland
of course.. eventually but not anytime soon. i didn't have it as easy compared to my sisters who got the opportunity to move/live else where with my parents fully paying for there start up. got to save up my own money and do that. idk where i want to live but personally i want to live somewhere that snows.

my general plan was basically to settle down here talk to my gf/wife about it and see what she wants and then make the trip together. if not then i still plan to move i have friends all over from gaming back when i used to be a hardcore gamer. been on a long hiatus since my mom got diagnosed but i still talk to them daily. closest one i'd live with and im closest too is in colorado he smokes a shit load of weed per day but he also used to live here in Kailua and visited earlier this year. got friends in cali that offered as well but that friend is Married and him and his wife are constantly moving apartments every single year. said some shit about the rent getting higher so they move just after 1 year lol. i don;t like his wife though she is a real prune.
Today I spent two hours visiting laborious death upon the front flower bed which I'd been neglecting. Bermudagrass was choking out the gazanias. I filled a *ucking trash can with uprooted grass. I had to really dig in order to get those pesky deep stolons (think long thin bulb which will send forth more biohazard).
One patch was thick with volunteer gazania seedlings. I rescued some, and once they have a bit more size I'll fill in the gaps in the flowerbed. I pondered turbocharging them with stale rice and sour milk ...

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Hey hun, you misspelled fucking
of course.. eventually but not anytime soon. i didn't have it as easy compared to my sisters who got the opportunity to move/live else where with my parents fully paying for there start up. got to save up my own money and do that. idk where i want to live but personally i want to live somewhere that snows.

my general plan was basically to settle down here talk to my gf/wife about it and see what she wants and then make the trip together. if not then i still plan to move i have friends all over from gaming back when i used to be a hardcore gamer. been on a long hiatus since my mom got diagnosed but i still talk to them daily. closest one i'd live with and im closest too is in colorado he smokes a shit load of weed per day but he also used to live here in Kailua and visited earlier this year. got friends in cali that offered as well but that friend is Married and him and his wife are constantly moving apartments every single year. said some shit about the rent getting higher so they move just after 1 year lol. i don;t like his wife though she is a real prune.
I’d love to travel around the States just need the kids old enough to remember
long ass day today. coworker that was in the hospital being a huge cunt lately. idk why but she is extremely miserable and feels the need to make everyone else feel like that despite we did nothing wrong to her. gonna be one hell of a week too cause thursday friend going to funeral gotta catch uber not too bad didnt feel like waking my dad up or asking my sisters bf to pick me up. friday other coworker is going to hospital again for check up.

getting put on payroll next week which is good news for me especially since i will have medical again. been just looking at cars all day and night besides working can't find a damn car im interested in within my current budget by the end of this week. i need to save up to around $3k+ that is when the choices get more juicy. still trying to keep the choices considered as beaters and more towards the 90's or later years so it's fairly cheaper still need room to work with for school thats why so im probably not gonna buy anything above $7k. 7k is still kinda high for my budget something around that price should still be in decent condition tryna keep my budget more around $2-5k range.
I’d love to travel around the States just need the kids old enough to remember
i like to travel but not alone i'll go out to eat or watch a movie alone but not travel to another state/country. the only time i will ever do that is to meet up with friends for gaming conventions and they need to understand that if im ever gonna invest in that they need to take the damn week off cause im not spending $1k+ for a 2-3 day trip only. my good friend whom is like a female version of me i went to culinary school with i asked her if she wanted to travel with me but idk.. think she is hesitant cause she lives with her ex bf well he lives with her and her family and im sure she still has feelings for him.

if i do have to travel alone though i'd likely hit up Japan for sure. that is #1 on my list. one of the bosses at the beef jerky job actually is from Japan. he haole but he lived in Japan before coming here. tried to tell him to hook me up with a job in Japan so i could move there as that is where i wanted to initially move but he said the easiest job to get there to live there is teaching english. i think that is where he met his wife as well cause she doesn't look local japanese she looks like she came from Japan. idk why but i love there culture. i've been to a few places in the states though.

Vegas, lots of places in California. SF, LA, San diego, Santa Cruz, im sure more, Arizona, Mexico, Maui.

yea having kids young sucks for traveling we didn't start to travel until we were older only traveling we did was when to moved to arizona for about 2 years but that is cause my dad was physically violent beat the shit out of my mom and went to jail for it.
I never realized how disgusting cigarettes smell until I quit smoking.

Seriously. They are disgusting.

Only the addiction makes them smell good. They are in fact completely revolting.

Sorry I meant the smell of coffee brewing, not the smell cigarette smoke. I don't hang with anyone who smokes so I'm not exposed to it that often. I'm pretty sure my dad still sneaks cigarettes, his car reeks of stale smoke and he keeps gum in his center console. I made a comment about it once and since then we take my car if we're going out together. I think he's worried I'll tell my mom.
Sorry I meant the smell of coffee brewing, not the smell cigarette smoke. I don't hang with anyone who smokes so I'm not exposed to it that often. I'm pretty sure my dad still sneaks cigarettes, his car reeks of stale smoke and he keeps gum in his center console. I made a comment about it once and since then we take my car if we're going out together. I think he's worried I'll tell my mom.
I've always liked the first light of a cigarette, after that :spew:. I do really like pipe tobacco, I've even burned it like incense before. Now that I think of it, I can't remember the last time I saw/smelled someone smoking a pipe.
I've always liked the first light of a cigarette, after that :spew:. I do really like pipe tobacco, I've even burned it like incense before. Now that I think of it, I can't remember the last time I saw/smelled someone smoking a pipe.

You should come for a visit. We have more than our fair share of hipsters that smoke pipes and vaporizers.
Yesterday I started clearing small trees in the patch of woods next to my house where I'm making my new compost area and a little dirt /mini bike trail. I found 2 huge, dead, oaks I need to drop before autumn, one of them could definitely be a threat to my house. Then I cleared all the scrub out of the wild blackberry(maybe raspberry? , I can never remember) patch behind my house, pruned my lilacs and dead headed the roses. Trimmed a few ounce and delivered a couple. Came home, grilled up a thick cut sirloin, sauteed some carrots and sweet corn and made rice pilaf.

Today I was up at 530, trying to get used to this morning bull shit. Showered, full breakfast, played with the cat, got the trash and recycling together and down to the street. I'm about to go clean my spare room, or I should say the junk collection room, so I can get my AC in. It's only low 70s here, but we're in the low 80% humidity. I was sweating in the fucking shower and I'm sticking to everything.
You should come for a visit. We have more than our fair share of hipsters that smoke pipes and vaporizers.
I don't like vapes almost as much as I don't like cigarettes. I'm really sensitive to a lot of strong scents and they'll get me gagging if they're overpowering. I was in line at the supermarket behind this woman last week who must've thought body spray was a shower in a can an I started gagging uncontrollably. The fucking C told me if I'm gonna be sick I should go to the bathroom, so I got pissed and said some things about her weight and hygiene I probably shouldn't have, but that shit was really offensive, even the woman bend me said she couldn't breathe.