Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Really? Most of us thought it would be the Senate which would not actually vote to impeach him. But most of us don't have your access to Russian thought guides.

God what a rube you are.
It's Nancy Pelosi's fucking job to put the already introduced motion to impeach before Congress for a vote, not to second guess what the Senate might do with it.

You must be a Republican.


Well-Known Member
It's Nancy Pelosi's fucking job to put the already introduced motion to impeach before Congress for a vote, not to second guess what the Senate might do with it.

You must be a Republican.
You force others to do hazardous and unpleasant sex work and then take most of their money. You must be a Republican.

I am sure Nancy is all broken up about your opinion of her.


Well-Known Member
I don't care what RT wants, that's what I'd like to see.

A Lockheed Martin bankruptcy would be icing on the cake.
RT is the perfect source for you. You could put "forced others who trusted me to do hazardous and unpleasant sex work and took most of their money" on your resume and you would probably earn a modest salary to do what you are already doing.


Well-Known Member
Bernie's base is white male misogynists with racist leanings. Aka Bernie Bros..

It shouldn't surprise anybody that most people disregard them.
You get crazier and more entertaining with every attempted smear.

You go vote for Joe and wonder why nothing changes.


Well-Known Member
Boy that was easy lol.
The F-35 is a POS flying compromise that has never performed up to any expectations other than separating taxpayers from their money. The lifecycle cost of the program is $1.6 trillion. Total outstanding student debt is... $1.6 trillion.

Sometimes the solution really is easy.


Well-Known Member
RT is the perfect source for you. You could put "forced others who trusted me to do hazardous and unpleasant sex work and took most of their money" on your resume and you would probably earn a modest salary to do what you are already doing.
Funny how you try to trash the source rather than the veracity of the information.

It's almost like you don't know bullshit from the real thing.


Well-Known Member
"Many people watching at home have health insurance coverage through their employer, who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government run plan?"


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
The F-35 is a POS flying compromise that has never performed up to any expectations other than separating taxpayers from their money. The lifecycle cost of the program is $1.6 trillion. Total outstanding student debt is... $1.6 trillion.

Sometimes the solution really is easy.
A POS lol? Have you actually read what the pilots who fly it are saying? They rank it as the most capable jet they’ve flown. The costs associated with production and development were high but they always are with newly designed aircraft and are expected to drop significantly over the life of production.


Well-Known Member
A POS lol? Have you actually read what the pilots who fly it are saying? They rank it as the most capable jet they’ve flown. The costs associated with production and development were high but they always are with newly designed aircraft and are expected to drop significantly over the life of production.
RT says it's terrible and we shouldn't have it!

Why would they lie?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
RT says it's terrible and we shouldn't have it!

Why would they lie?
Honestly I have no clue other than the quotes of the actual pilots that have flown it. But, I highly doubt the most advanced aircraft available in the world is a piece of shit lol. Tty has contacts (deep state) that keep him up to date on all of the shenanigans. Uncle Greg who works in janitorial at the pentigon I’m guessing, as his info is always spot on lol.


Well-Known Member
Lockheed Martin is a job creator. Killing jobs while making college free is a much worse economic prospect than debt.
You mean to advance the notion that building war machines is the best way you can think of to create jobs?

How despicable. How morally degenerate. You're advocating for an economy based on murder and then you have the temerity to judge the ethics of others. How sickening.