That's the prob w/conservatism; it's complicated.


New Member
Because he's an alien...

Of course they cheated... they're the "moral right"... I did a strategic
vote and went...wait for it (you're going to love this) voted the separatist party to avoid them parachuting in a candidate..

I'll stand here for coming abuse...:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
Coming abuse? I'm jealous! You folks get what you deserve......Conservatives, you lucky dog!


Well-Known Member
I just saw palin pissing and moaning about people questioning her religious beliefs.. Boy she's got balls..she calls Obama a muslim...Wait.. they just showed palin saying she doesn't like robo turns out she's recorded them herself.. If theree was a god he'd hit her with a lightening bolt.. poll said 52% believe palin a mistake vs 38% in favor... time to eat your young...

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
If you're a so called "patriot" you've given the meaning of that word a whole new negative spin . Thanks for that.:cry:

Sort of like calling McCain a "hero" because he was shot down over enemy territory, captured, and tortured for years then released. I suggest you might look in a dictionary for a definition of "hero".


New Member
If you're a so called "patriot" you've given the meaning of that word a whole new negative spin . Thanks for that.:cry:

Sort of like calling McCain a "hero" because he was shot down over enemy territory, captured, and tortured for years then released. I suggest you might look in a dictionary for a definition of "hero".
Did you actually look it up; "hero"?

hero - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

No, not McCain....not in any sense of the word. Very astute.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Followed your link to the Merriam Webster's definition of hero and I still don't see how it pertains to McCain. Maybe you'd care to enlighten us unwashed masses of lesser beings.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
US Conservatism is simple. Terrorism is the enemy. Unite around Republicans. Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, etc. is evil. Everything the US does (unless initiated by a Democrat) is good.
Weird, it seems to work better when you replace the nouns with ones describing American conservatives.

How and why would a worldview get as skewed as yours? Isn't there some part of you that ever questions yourself or your beliefs?


New Member
Weird, it seems to work better when you replace the nouns with ones describing American conservatives.

How and why would a worldview get as skewed as yours? Isn't there some part of you that ever questions yourself or your beliefs?
The Dr., is in?

Skewed? In what way, sir?

Everyday. That's why I'm resolute in my convictions. Because I often mull them over in my mind, and, am never afraid to adopt a winning argument. Logic works only if you practice it, often.


Well-Known Member
And waste a perfectly good vote? Not a chance. I'll be voting for McCain/Palin; you can bet your pretty little ass on that!:-o;-)
If you're voting for McCain, how do you call yourself a patriot? Do you hold the US Constitution with the same contempt as McCain and Obama?


New Member
If you're voting for McCain, how do you call yourself a patriot? Do you hold the US Constitution with the same contempt as McCain and Obama?
The Constitution was adopted in 1787. The 2008, United States of America, Presidential election, is next month.

With McCain elected, I'll move to step two. With Obama elected, I'll wait and see what happens. I'd rather have a hand in things, if you know what I mean.