
Well-Known Member
Day 91 Northern California Lot-o-Pot Garden

Despite the extreme heat, 3 gallon pots, and near death phosphorus toxicity my garden is doing well. Not exactly flying, however they are creeping along in an area new to legal cannabis.

Plants are showing gender right after the solstice and my favorite is a male. There is a lot of variation among the F1s mainly noticeable from the auxiliary bud physiology. Some of the auxiliary buds are compact whirls of leaves, while other are typical shoots. There is also variation in leaf color and stem:leaf ratio.

I tried to force plants in to flower without light deprivation using water stress and triple super phosphate. The phosphate was a mistake and I lost some of the fan leaves remaining from the water/heat stress. However, the plants seem to be making up for it with new grow on all the meristems. Additionally, each pot was turned 180 degrees after the solstice in an effort to balance growth and resources. Defoliation is going to occur either manually or nutrally as the plant sheds it heat/P burned leaves.

Best wishes to each of you. Looking forward to making care packages.

Medicated Bonsai

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Just curious but do growers at this level buy a machine for trimming? I couldn't imagine trimming this entire forest by hand. I'd have arthritis and carpal tunnel half way through. I hope I can get to this point some day(the grow, not the arthritis).
Some do use automated "Twister" machines and the like. Some hire pro trim services....others use friends to do shitty trimming and steal to ruin the friendship.

I was in no rush. Dried and cured, slowly trimmed thru the winter.
Several elbows handed over untrimmed to friends.

Medicated Bonsai

Well-Known Member
Some do use automated "Twister" machines and the like. Some hire pro trim services....others use friends to do shitty trimming and steal to ruin the friendship.

I was in no rush. Dried and cured, slowly trimmed thru the winter.
Several elbows handed over untrimmed to friends.
Dang yea, I've been curious since I've noticed certain people on here pull some serious weight. I hope I can get on that level some day.

It seems crazy that people would risk friendships over weed but I could definitely see it happening. I've been super careful since I've seen this type of stuff happen to others. The only people that know I grow are my siblings and the people here on RIT.

It took me like 3-4 hours to trim 1 plant (253g) and judging by your pictures, it looks like you havested 20+ lb's lol :eyesmoke:. I have no idea what the actual weight would be but I bet it was ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Just curious but do growers at this level buy a machine for trimming? I couldn't imagine trimming this entire forest by hand. I'd have arthritis and carpal tunnel half way through. I hope I can get to this point some day(the grow, not the arthritis).
You could but it would probably cut most of your trichome heads off. I personally tried machine trimmed vs hand trimmed and there's a huge difference. I get really pissed off that dispensaries around here mostly use machine trimmers and you notice the difference believe me!