Why do you oppose universal, single-payer healthcare?


Well-Known Member
As long as these Big Corps are pumping Shit into the Air and Water all of them should be paying for everyone's Health Care.
After all it's those things that are killing People with crap we haven't seen before, Ya wana make big bucks off all the goodies on the Planet and Profit like a Thief well let's make them all pay a tax that will pay for most of it and we can handle the rest.
If we continue down this road we are on there will be no planet left for all of our offspring, With all the scientific knowledge we have and not using it, like Wind, Water, Sun, and I would venture to say many other things we could be using for Pennies this whole planet could be saved and people who are starving and have nothing would have at least have food and a roof over their heads.

Sometimes I wonder if those who continue to use use use and Knowing there is another way but choose not to go that route are thinking, We have to wonder, Is it Greed or just Stupidity ?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I wonder if those who continue to use use use and Knowing there is another way but choose not to go that route are thinking, We have to wonder, Is it Greed or just Stupidity ?
So you're off the grid, don't eat beef and aren't typing on the internet? You are a user just as much as the worst person you can think about. You and I are in the same boat, loaded with pussies who are not willing to stand up to the government and demand change so don't go around talking about big business should pay, bullshit. We should pay, we have to force them to use the money how we want them to.


Well-Known Member
Insurance by definition is the group paying for the individual.
To rail against universal healthcare is the epitome of stupid.

Universal puts everyone in one big group. That is not the case with health insurance currently. There are many groups.

Edit to add*

The law does not require you to be covered for flood. The bank that owns your house does.
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Well-Known Member
Funny thing. I met a doctor who is in his twenties a few months ago. I was waiting for my wife and we got to talking. He was a marathon runner and a cardiologist. And developed AFib. He said 24% of people above 70 will develop it. No known reason. I'd never heard of it. You just never know. He went back to school to study electrocardiology. At least now he's quite familiar with his malady.
Over 70 is a group.


Well-Known Member
So you're off the grid, don't eat beef and aren't typing on the internet? You are a user just as much as the worst person you can think about. You and I are in the same boat, loaded with pussies who are not willing to stand up to the government and demand change so don't go around talking about big business should pay, bullshit. We should pay, we have to force them to use the money how we want them to.
Ya Okay, you got me figured right out. Thanks for that. geeze wow I needed that.


Well-Known Member
People like him do not see any obligation of a citizen to society because society has shunned them for their views such as it is ok to have sex with a 12 year old.
I'm not Robroy.

I'm against single-payer because I prefer ACA. I don't want one-size-fits-all healthcare. I want to be able to opt out of coverage for the issues that I am not at risk for.

Curtis jacks off too much so his dick doesn't work. He needs a plan that covers his broken dick. He should have the option to have that covered. I do in fact advocate for his right to have that covered. I take very good care of my hormonal balance and don't jack off constantly and I get lots of sun. I drink tea and eat fruit and green veggies everyday and stay hydrated. I wish to opt out of coverage for broken dick from hyper-masturbation syndrome. I therefore should have a lower premium. People with healthy dicks shouldn't have to pay for Curtis's broken dick, but maybe he can sue pornhub.

Likewise, I do not smoke tobacco. I am a tech diver and I have extremely good cardio-pulmonary health. I wish therefore to opt out of coverage for emphysema and lung cancer. However, a tax on tobacco products can pay for lung cancer. Pretty straightforward. However, as I age, I may wish to add such coverage, IE change groups.

I do not consume sugary drinks, alcohol or sweetened foods like candies and pastries. My metabolic health is extremely good. I wish therefore to opt out of coverage for diabetes. An obese bernout like (I'm guessing shyttstikk) with a sedentary lifestyle should have coverage for this pervasive ailment. I do advocate for his right to healthcare and wish for him to have adequate coverage. In fact, a tax on sugary drinks can pay for his metformin.

Now, with ACA, all groups are bigger, bringing down the cost of all premiums. People opting out of coverage for certain things will have an EVEN LOWER premium. ACA is universal healthcare. It's just not a one-size-fits-all plan like single-payer. We're in agreement that what the GOP wants, which is uninsured millions, is inhumane.
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Well-Known Member
"I don't want to pay for something that doesn't affect me"

Not only is that incredibly self serving and antithetical to living within a community of people, it's completely ignorant about how the concept of insurance actually works. Not sure which one is worse..

If you don't want to help other people who can't help themselves in society when you can, you don't deserve to be in society


Well-Known Member
"I don't want to pay for something that doesn't affect me"
Nobody should pay for that but the massive corporations raking in mountains of profit from those ailments. IE, coca cola should be paying for your metformin. I will not need pills to make my dick work anytime before 2030 so I shouldn't be in a group with someone like you who is addicted to porn and constantly jacking off. But I'm not suggesting that you don't have a right to coverage for that since your dick doesn't work due to hyper-masturbation syndrome.

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
"I don't want to pay for something that doesn't affect me"

Not only is that incredibly self serving and antithetical to living within a community of people, it's completely ignorant about how the concept of insurance actually works. Not sure which one is worse..

If you don't want to help other people who can't help themselves in society when you can, you don't deserve to be in society