Well-Known Member
Queen Slay needs nobody's endorsement to surge in the polls now. Someone asked Joe Biden to hand the torch over but she just took it. Now, his only hope is an endorsement from Barack Obama. I wonder why the former president has not endorsed his running mate. To be fair to Biden, he did hold back. He said something to the effect of, "You were a prosecutor and I was a public defender" and for those willing to do some homework, this could lead to some criticism of the California Senator.
As Vice News points out, she does have some baggage:
It behooves us to bear in mind that the co-founder of Vice news is a radical right wing fuckstroke and kids should be in school.
So while Bernard is going around trying to have his picture taken with as many black people as possible, many polls that show Biden in the lead seem to assume he'll remain popular with black voters. I don't think so, nor do I think Harris is really trying to appeal to just one demographic. I think that Harris will surge when people see where she stands on the issues. Ultimately, I think that Barack Obama will end up endorsing her, just because he'd be ignored if he doesn't. The DNC needs him to remain influential and it is my opinion that he oughtn't squander his influence by endorsing Biden.
Barring Williamson's potent witchcraft, Harris has plenty of momentum. Imagine how far she could go with the right campaign and endorsements. I think she can make it to the White House and I think I would like to see it.
As Vice News points out, she does have some baggage:
https://news.vice.com/en_us/article...e-could-be-just-as-big-of-a-problem-as-bidensAs a California prosecutor and later, attorney general, Harris fought to uphold wrongful convictions secured through departmental misconduct, endorsed efforts in California to criminalize truancy, and oversaw a department that argued the state of California couldn’t release some prisoners because it would reduce the number of prison laborers.
As prison data shows, those policies all disproportionately harm people of color.
It behooves us to bear in mind that the co-founder of Vice news is a radical right wing fuckstroke and kids should be in school.
So while Bernard is going around trying to have his picture taken with as many black people as possible, many polls that show Biden in the lead seem to assume he'll remain popular with black voters. I don't think so, nor do I think Harris is really trying to appeal to just one demographic. I think that Harris will surge when people see where she stands on the issues. Ultimately, I think that Barack Obama will end up endorsing her, just because he'd be ignored if he doesn't. The DNC needs him to remain influential and it is my opinion that he oughtn't squander his influence by endorsing Biden.
Barring Williamson's potent witchcraft, Harris has plenty of momentum. Imagine how far she could go with the right campaign and endorsements. I think she can make it to the White House and I think I would like to see it.