just ordered a mushroom grow kit.

I want to get some 'shrooms myself to see if they will help with depression. Would prefer buying some first before going thru the bother of growing them tho. Would like to see if they actually help before investing the effort in growing. Can barely take care of my plants as it is. :(

I had found a place in Naniamo on Vancouver Island that sold them for a decent price but lost the bookmark.

May end up just buying a spore syringe and giving it a go. Have a pressure cooker, canner and a shitload of mason jars so shouldn't need to buy much more than the media for them to grow in and someone mentioned some kind of bran you can get at bulk food stores in another 'shroom thread.

We used to pick free 'shrooms out by the Vancouver airport back in the day then out in the Fraser Valley east of Mission on a dairy farm where it was like a carpet of 'shrooms as far as the eye could see. An old gf and I filled a 5gal pail in a couple hours. Dried in the oven then ground into powder a half gram would have you talking to god. lol Sold lots at $4/g.

Good luck with the harvest!

I don't see how anyone could be depressed if They have mushrooms, the best Cannabis around, LSD, ecstasy tablets, pure DMT, and ketamine around. Not to mention some alcohol.
A cube is a cube. Wet or dry.

I don't know dude, I've seen people say that before but I've had very different experiences specific to certain strains. While they might all contain psilocybin they sure seem to have different effects.

I'm under the impression that when wet they contain psilocin as well. Wet mushrooms also definitely seemed like a more intense ride.
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I want to get some 'shrooms myself to see if they will help with depression. Would prefer buying some first before going thru the bother of growing them tho. Would like to see if they actually help before investing the effort in growing. Can barely take care of my plants as it is. :(
Looks legit but cannot verify myself ....maybe someone else can:

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I never noticed any difference between eating them fresh in the field or later when dried but we'd get so fucked up it would have to be a big difference to be noticed.

At a Halloween party in White Rock the girls cooked up two pots of cabbage rolls. One with and one without. I think everybody had some of each. Was a great f'n party. :D

I started with a kit, it sucked. Since then I’ve done BRF with a pressure cooker, spawn bags, etc. I’ve done SFC and monotubs. All of these had varying degrees of success for me.

Now, I have settled on a method. I buy these:

$35 for a dozen, no work, always get great success rates. I also now use the humidity chamber instead of a SFC. Basically it’s a clear tote with wet coco coir on the bottom, no holes to drill and it’s the best I’ve seen yet for fruiting conditions.

There are lots of ways to get this done, but this is what works best for me :)
I don't see how anyone could be depressed if They have mushrooms, the best Cannabis around, LSD, ecstasy tablets, pure DMT, and ketamine around. Not to mention some alcohol.

Depression is a natural way to cope with whatever in order to survive.
You can turn it off in order to not off yourself and function, but if you keep doing this you wont be able to combat the first reason you fell into depression in the first place.

I've had a lot of stress and thinking too much about where i am today and what i want to do to the point of wanting to shut it off every day with weed which caused me to be lazy n tired all the time.
Sativa/indica, haze, JH, durban whatver all B.S just knocked me out because that's the state i was in mentally for a while.

Today I didn't smoke and feel great and energized.
All you kids I feel so bad for you don't know the nuances of anything everyone is so extreme Weed kills, weed is a miracle drug etc c'mon.
Every day I see a good amount of growth on these little guys. Im excited to see how big they will get and to see some more pinning in the whole grow box. One part of the instructions has me considering adjusting the temperature.

Here is what it says : "If your mushrooms are small and not getting past the pinning stage - adjust to a cooler temp (18- 20 C) and make sure there is adequate moisture and misting, but do not overwater."

I am not going to adjust anything just yet. I want to see how big these little mushrooms get first. What do you guys think about lowering the temperature for fruiting? It makes sense to me when I consider that I used to pick mushrooms in the wild in the fall, cooling temps might make them grow more in an effort to reproduce before the winter.

Mushrooms June 28.jpg
I always fruited in a cooler temp then I colonized. I tried to keep my fruiting area down around 70-75 degrees. Its crazy how fast these mushrooms can grow. You can basically watch them sometimes. I've gone to work before and when I got how, the whole tray was 3x the size, and ready to harvest.
Hmmm something a little odd there in the growth. Almost ruffled stems. 18-20 ? That's 66-68F. Too low IMO. Are temps/ humidity flucuating? 23- 25.5 is about right for pinning and growth. They are a typically a tropical mushroom. Tennessee maybe the farthest north I've heard of a supposed wild find.
Warmer temps promote faster growth.Thinner, less dense.
A cold shock and return to warmth could stunt / abort some types.
Keep the rh up around 90% constant (a little higher is fine too), FAE several times a day
dont worry or over mother it ;) It still looks good. patience is key.

This is optimal parameters per Stamets.

Spawn Run:
Relative Humidity: 90%.
Substrate Temperature: 84°F - 86°F. Thermal death limits have been established at 106°F.
Duration: 10-14 days.

CO2: 5000 - 10,000 ppm.

Fresh Air Exchanges: 0 per hour.
Type of Casing: After fully run, cover with the standard casing whose preparations described in Chapter VIII. Layer to a depth of 1-2 inches. The casing should be balanced to an initial pH of 6.8 - 7.2.

Post Casing/Prepinning:
Relative Humidity: 90 %.
Substrate Temperature: 84 - 86°F.
Duration of Case Run: 5-10 days.
CO2: 5000-10,000 ppm.
Fresh Air Exchanges: 0 per hour.
Light: Incubation in total darkness.

Primordia Formation:
Relative Humidity: 95-100%.
Air Temperature: 74-78 °F.
Duration: 6-10 days.
CO2: less than 5000 ppm.
Fresh Air Exchanges: 1 -3 per hour. For practical purposes, fanning a terrarium 2-3 times a day is sufficient)
Light: Diffuse natural or exposure for 12-16 hours/day of grow-lux type fluorescent light high in blue spectra at the 480 nanometer wavelength. (See Chapters IV and IX).

Relative Humidity: 85-92%. (For cakes: 95-100% )
Air Temperature: 74-78 °F.
CO2' ':less than 5000 ppm.
Fresh Air Exchanges: 1 -3 per hour. (For practical purposes, fanning a terrarium 2-3 times a day is sufficient)</font>
Flushing Pattern: Every 5-8 days.
Harvest Stage: When the cap becomes convex and soon after the partial veil ruptures.
Light: Indirect natural or same as above.
Yield Potential: Average yields are 2-4 Ibs. /sq. ft. over a 5 week cropping period. Maximum yield potential has not been established.
Moisture Content of Mushrooms: 92% water; 8% dry matter.
Thank you guys very much for the information. With the small grow box, it is difficult to gauge what my exact humidity is, unless I kept my gauge in the grow box with the dome over them and I don't want to do that for obvious reasons. I go by visual inspection of the casing soil and the water droplets on the dome cover itself.

I have noticed that on the largest of the mushrooms, those ruffles have smoothed out. Either way, I have decided to lower my fruiting temps a bit. Im going to have to play with the heater to find the sweet spot of 23 -25 deg C. I dropped it down a bit last night and found the room temp to be 23 deg C while the heater was in it's off cycle, meaning my lowest temp will be 22-23 deg C. Ill keep on keeping on and observe the effects of a slight temperature drop.
For the air exchange, I remove the dome cover twice a day to inspect everything and determine if it needs a light spray of water. That is all it's getting, aside from the natural air exchange it will get from the air holes in the dome cover (which is probably not that much).
I'm pretty confident that my temperature and humidity levels are adequate, but I do have some room for improvement regarding FAE. With this type of set up, is there anything you might recommend to improve this factor? Maybe just a simple fan lightly blowing over the dome? But then my concern would be contaminates getting in, using unfiltered air.[/QUOTE]
All sounds fine. to be honest I don't use a temp or humidity gauge. If I'm comfortable in the room, its good enough on temp.
As Far as FAE, I used mostly dub tubs or mono tubs with lids. No vents. Dub tubs had one long edge taped as a hinge. Open and fan the lid up n down a few times, lightly mist the air, and the inner top tub every time. 2-5 times a day. Get as fine as mist as possible. Mono tubs, same process, just fan the lid over the casing a few times, mist, replace.

I would say no on the fan. keep the air as still and clean as possible. Just fan the cover gently over the casing a little more each time you open it.. then mist Every time. If it gets too humid you will know, The mushrooms will develop "fuzzy socks". Fuzzy myc at the base of each stem.
Are your vents only on top? filtered? If non filtered and only on top, they may be doing less to improve gas exchange/ (removal of CO2 from casing level), and more to destabilize a constant humidity level.
Filtered vents on top work best when combined with filtered lower vents just above casing level. They draw in fresh while expelling the heavier CO2 from the lower vents just above casing. If you're are opening and fanning several times a day, no real need to have those open.

Remember lower temps = usually lower RH

Is the heater just because room temps are a bit lower than optimal? What type?
All sounds fine. to be honest I don't use a temp or humidity gauge. If I'm comfortable in the room, its good enough on temp.
As Far as FAE, I used mostly dub tubs or mono tubs with lids. No vents. Dub tubs had one long edge taped as a hinge. Open and fan the lid up n down a few times, lightly mist the air, and the inner top tub every time. 2-5 times a day. Get as fine as mist as possible. Mono tubs, same process, just fan the lid over the casing a few times, mist, replace.

I would say no on the fan. keep the air as still and clean as possible. Just fan the cover gently over the casing a little more each time you open it.. then mist Every time. If it gets too humid you will know, The mushrooms will develop "fuzzy socks". Fuzzy myc at the base of each stem.
Are your vents only on top? filtered? If non filtered and only on top, they may be doing less to improve gas exchange/ (removal of CO2 from casing level), and more to destabilize a constant humidity level.
Filtered vents on top work best when combined with filtered lower vents just above casing level. They draw in fresh while expelling the heavier CO2 from the lower vents just above casing. If you're are opening and fanning several times a day, no real need to have those open.

Remember lower temps = usually lower RH

Is the heater just because room temps are a bit lower than optimal? What type?

The heater is just a small portable electric heater. I normally use it in my greenhouse during the fall and the early spring. I use the heater because the instructions made it very clear that I want the spawn to colonize, case and fruit at 26-28 deg C. The only temperature exception is the one I already mentioned, where reducing the temps will give a better fruiting result. I have my temps regulated between 23 and 25 deg C now. The mushrooms have responded well. They have grown a lot and I see many more pinning sites.
I think the "ruffles" on some of the mushroom stems is from a slight over watering. I have spent some time going over pictures of mushroom diseases and abnormal growth and the closest thing I could come up with is abnormal growth from too much water, but not enough to bring about the "fuzzy socks". I have reduced the amount of water I spray. I am only giving a very light spray on some of the casing soil, on parts that look a little dry, and a light spray on the dome cover once a day.
I'm not too worried about the air exchange at this point. I'm pretty sure that removing the dome twice a day is enough for air exchange.
The first of many! This is part of the first clump of pins. I picked one or two of these a little bit late I think. Apparently the optimal time to pick is just before the veil breaks. Either way, I fell pretty good about these first ones and I know many many more are coming!

Mushrooms 1.jpg
Gorgeous man! Have a blast!

Its a tough call on the when to pick them thing. I've seen them double in size in the 24 hours around harvest time. Sometimes letting them mature till the caps open more really means a much larger mushroom. Anyway something for you to experiment with, congrats!
The first of many! This is part of the first clump of pins. I picked one or two of these a little bit late I think. Apparently the optimal time to pick is just before the veil breaks. Either way, I fell pretty good about these first ones and I know many many more are coming!

View attachment 4358928

You going to do those to try them out or wait until you have a pile more?

Nice that it's working!

Congrats on your first harvested fruits!. It's possible those were the pre flush I spoke of. There appeared to be a ton of pins in waiting from your pics. I'd expect a much heavier next flush.

I agree with Thundercat on the when to harvest thing. Let at least a few go longer next flush. you might find they double or triple in size and weight. Then testing dried g to g (from that flush) between the earlier and later may be worthwhile. why not double or triple you fun :D

Good Job Voodu. I'll get some printing info available before next flush.

Oh, what variety is this?
Congrats on your first harvested fruits!. It's possible those were the pre flush I spoke of. There appeared to be a ton of pins in waiting from your pics. I'd expect a much heavier next flush.

I agree with Thundercat on the when to harvest thing. Let at least a few go longer next flush. you might find they double or triple in size and weight. Then testing dried g to g (from that flush) between the earlier and later may be worthwhile. why not double or triple you fun :D

Good Job Voodu. I'll get some printing info available before next flush.

Oh, what variety is this?

There are many more pin sites and clusters growing right now. Including tons of tiny mushrooms in the patch I picked the other ones from. The mushroom species is "Stropharia Cubensis Cuban" according to the website.
I think I'm going to let some mushrooms grow larger and experiment with potency, to make up my own mind about when I should pick them.
I ate one small fresh shroom last night, just to dip my toe into the water, so to speak. I could feel a small body stone and a little bit of euphoria about 90 minutes afterwards. Once I get a few more Ill start playing with dosage before I set off to talk to god. I just want to be careful because I'd prefer not to speak with the devil.