What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
So I just got home.

When they told me my prescriptions were ready, I went up and paid for them and noticed that the old people (there were 5 of them) were still staring at me. So I said out loud to nobody in particular, "This will do it for us."

The pharmacist said, "I beg your pardon?"

I said, "Nothing."

Finished the transaction, picked up the bag, turned, looked over at the old people and said, "We're schizophrenic." and walked away. I'd love to be a fly on the wall after I left and around their dinner table later on this evening.

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
So I just got home.

When they told me my prescriptions were ready, I went up and paid for them and noticed that the old people (there were 5 of them) were still staring at me. So I said out loud to nobody in particular, "This will do it for us."

The pharmacist said, "I beg your pardon?"

I said, "Nothing."

Finished the transaction, picked up the bag, turned, looked over at the old people and said, "We're schizophrenic." and walked away. I'd love to be a fly on the wall after I left and around their dinner table later on this evening.
i like you


Well-Known Member
I went to make coffee this morning and all my faucets had explosive diarrhea. Spitting out nasty rusty water and lots of gushing air. Had a water guy come out and apparently there was a water main issue last night and they shut the valve in front of my house. I was at the end of the line they drained and had to wait for the last of the air trapped in the pipes to get out because the town lackeys didn't purge the lines like e they were supposed to. I went out and opened an outside faucet to vent the lines then went in to wake up. Half asleep I took a leak and then flushed. The noise that came out of the tank made me think it was going to blow off the wall like in a movie.:shock: I dove to the floor and closed the valve, which IDK when the last time it was touched was so I'm now expecting a leak because of all the crust that fell off. It took almost a half hour before I got clean water without sputtering. This time wasn't a big deal, but this shit happened once before right while I was in the middle of seasoning pork chops and I couldn't wash my hands. That pissed me off. Then I trimmed for a couple hours, now I'm headed out to the garage. 8 days till I start working and I have 30 days of shit I want to get done. Yay.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I went to make coffee this morning and all my faucets had explosive diarrhea. Spitting out nasty rusty water and lots of gushing air. Had a water guy come out and apparently there was a water main issue last night and they shut the valve in front of my house. I was at the end of the line they drained and had to wait for the last of the air trapped in the pipes to get out because the town lackeys didn't purge the lines like e they were supposed to. I went out and opened an outside faucet to vent the lines then went in to wake up. Half asleep I took a leak and then flushed. The noise that came out of the tank made me think it was going to blow off the wall like in a movie.:shock: I dove to the floor and closed the valve, which IDK when the last time it was touched was so I'm now expecting a leak because of all the crust that fell off. It took almost a half hour before I got clean water without sputtering. This time wasn't a big deal, but this shit happened once before right while I was in the middle of seasoning pork chops and I couldn't wash my hands. That pissed me off. Then I trimmed for a couple hours, now I'm headed out to the garage. 8 days till I start working and I have 30 days of shit I want to get done. Yay.
Best of all they got you to bleed their system after your water meter.


Well-Known Member
Best of all they got you to bleed their system after your water meter.
I thought about bitching about that, but a few years ago I figured out I pay something like $0.004/gal. so I don't really care. I can count on one hand the times I've had service interruptions in the last 20 years, so I can't really complain. They began updating the whole system a couple years ago, so it's become more common, but it needs to be done, there were still sections of pipe they think were pushing 100 years old they pulled up in some places.

I bet nothing they put in now lasts that long.


Well-Known Member
We went from cold and rainy to instantly too hot... and rainy. It's been 90f+ all last week, and it continues. The really shit part is we get a shower every couple of hours so it is constantly like a tropical rainforest. My clothes are sticking to me and I'm pouring sweat just walking a block to my car. No likey. I guess I'm stuck inside with the treadmill for a while. Can we please get a stretch of weather that is between cold rain and tropical rain forest? No??? Then can it at least not rain FOR ONE FUCKING DAY? Thanks god, you're the best...


Well-Known Member
managed to keep my cool while getting disrespected by this girl i went to culinary school with. i could clap back SO hard on her right now but aint worth my time. i literally tried to help her in a LOT of things cause she is financially strapped and her bf don't really do much. so it's w.e. she can struggle all her life.

got the runs from yesterday. idk wth it is but i ate some hotpockets and had a blueberry smoothie with peanutbutter and banana's. then at night i ate some cookies with milk so im guessing it's the milk.