Is Joe Biden a racist?


Well-Known Member
Well, according to Democratic Presidential candidates Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, he seems to be close enough to merit admonishment, because of his statement last week that he got along with and worked with segregationists in the Senate.

Geez, talking about grasping at straws, and now Harris and Booker have pulled race out as a talking point to attack Biden.

I thought that was the point of government, to discuss policy and try to reach a compromise with people you might not agree with, and now Biden is getting slammed for doing just that.

Booker I have no use for, but Harris I expected more from. She was someone that my not be my choice for POTUS, but she would possibly be a good fit as a VP for Biden, which might have been a strong ticket, but no more it seems.

I think Harris made a mistake attacking Biden over his supposed racial insensitivity, and then the next morning after the debate, she starts selling tee shirts emblazoned with "That little girl was me", the phrase she used when she confronted Biden over school busing. That was pretty quick marketing of a supposed off the cuff remark, right?

But, it seems to have worked because now her poll numbers have surged after the debate, pulling her almost event with Warren, but still a long way to go to catch up to Biden, the future POTUS :)

So we will see whether or not this really sticks to Biden and causes harm to his candidacy.

I hope not.

Joe Biden struggles and Kamala Harris surges after clash over race and busing

As he sought to undo the political damage, Biden courted further backlash when he spoke, inartfully, of a more broad-minded society in which people realize the “kid in the hoodie might be the next poet laureate and not a gang-banger.”

The crowd of more than 100 or so sat largely stone-faced and silent throughout much of his remarks.

Not long after, NPR surfaced a 1975 interview in which Biden, then a 32-year-old freshman senator, voiced support for a prospective constitutional amendment to halt court-ordered busing to integrate the nation’s segregated schools — a revelation that suggested the controversy would persist.
Well, according to Democratic Presidential candidates Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, he seems to be close enough to merit admonishment, because of his statement last week that he got along with and worked with segregationists in the Senate.

Geez, talking about grasping at straws, and now Harris and Booker have pulled race out as a talking point to attack Biden.

I thought that was the point of government, to discuss policy and try to reach a compromise with people you might not agree with, and now Biden is getting slammed for doing just that.

Booker I have no use for, but Harris I expected more from. She was someone that my not be my choice for POTUS, but she would possibly be a good fit as a VP for Biden, which might have been a strong ticket, but no more it seems.

I think Harris made a mistake attacking Biden over his supposed racial insensitivity, and then the next morning after the debate, she starts selling tee shirts emblazoned with "That little girl was me", the phrase she used when she confronted Biden over school busing. That was pretty quick marketing of a supposed off the cuff remark, right?

But, it seems to have worked because now her poll numbers have surged after the debate, pulling her almost event with Warren, but still a long way to go to catch up to Biden, the future POTUS :)

So we will see whether or not this really sticks to Biden and causes harm to his candidacy.

I hope not.
You might want the issue to center on calling Biden racism. That would be called a plea for pity and disregards the facts. Harris didn't call Biden racist. His opposition to federal enforcement of the civil rights act, specifically busing to desegregate schools was odious. He hasn't changed his stance one bit. Saying that it was in tune with the politics of the day simply points out that Biden is past his wear date. There is nothing wrong with calling him out for it. Also nothing wrong with Harris putting herself into context of the discussion.
Maybe I should dig up tty's quote about how if we stopped talking about racism most of the problems would go away.
I promise, more feet will be found in mouths. This debate needs to happen. It makes ypipo selfcrit and become more sensitive to the racial undercurrents that color their worldview.
I recommend the Rob Reiner film “LBJ”. Woody Harrelson plays Johnson and does it well. It will illustrate for those who can’t seem to understand how the two parties switched players and ideologies. It will show you quite well actually. Fall in love with Democratic leader Richard Russell who the Senate building is named for. Especially recommended for those who were not there. Watch this movie.
He's old.

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are living proof that you can in fact live too long and stay around too long.
The union I work for wants us to vote for Biden or get fucked. Everyday that goes by I get turned off more and more regarding Biden but the union can make your life hell if they find out you go against their best interests and it's a shitty situation.
Do you think she should just shut up about racial issues? Should she just step aside and not call it out? Keep her feelings to herself?
No, she shouldn't shut up.
That would hurt her sales.

This was on sale the NEXT morning after her debate with Biden on her web site.

She's using the race card, and I really don't think that applies to Biden
The union I work for wants us to vote for Biden or get fucked. Everyday that goes by I get turned off more and more regarding Biden but the union can make your life hell if they find out you go against their best interests and it's a shitty situation.
Voting is your own opinion, fuck the rest of them.
I am a Democrat that worked with a team of die hard Trump supporters, and you know what I did?
Kept my head down, and voted for who I thought was the best candidate, Clinton.
You do the same, don't tell anyone who you vote for, they don't need to know.
She's using the race card
I don't understand what you mean by that. Are you saying that Joe Biden's remarks weren't racially insensitive? Or are you saying that she is just pretending to be bothered by it in order to gain sympathy from people who are sensitive to racially charged rhetoric? Are you saying that she is just pretending to be black and that she never rode on a school bus?

Please elaborate on this "race card". I don't get it.

What the fuck are you talking about gringo?
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I don't understand what you mean by that. Are you saying that Joe Biden's remarks weren't racially insensitive? Or are you saying that she is just pretending to be bothered by it in order to gain sympathy from people who are sensitive to racially charged rhetoric?

Please elaborate on this "race card". I don't get it.

"why that nigga keep using teh race card to explain why how state-sponsored-institutional-racism is a bad thing? i mean, we stopped doing slaveries like 400 years ago. u need to go watch the new tucker carlson u fascist communist!" - Jimdamick, probably
Well, according to Democratic Presidential candidates Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, he seems to be close enough to merit admonishment, because of his statement last week that he got along with and worked with segregationists in the Senate.

Geez, talking about grasping at straws, and now Harris and Booker have pulled race out as a talking point to attack Biden.

I thought that was the point of government, to discuss policy and try to reach a compromise with people you might not agree with, and now Biden is getting slammed for doing just that.

Booker I have no use for, but Harris I expected more from. She was someone that my not be my choice for POTUS, but she would possibly be a good fit as a VP for Biden, which might have been a strong ticket, but no more it seems.

I think Harris made a mistake attacking Biden over his supposed racial insensitivity, and then the next morning after the debate, she starts selling tee shirts emblazoned with "That little girl was me", the phrase she used when she confronted Biden over school busing. That was pretty quick marketing of a supposed off the cuff remark, right?

But, it seems to have worked because now her poll numbers have surged after the debate, pulling her almost event with Warren, but still a long way to go to catch up to Biden, the future POTUS :)

So we will see whether or not this really sticks to Biden and causes harm to his candidacy.

I hope not.

Obviously, she's pandering to the below average types that make a living pushing the race card.

So what would she do if she were president, just never work with those she disagreed with.
Yeah, that will get things done. Didnt she get her promotion by fucking her boss? Guess blow jobs work better at getting your way than does bipartanship.

Booker also admonished him, while at the same time saying he would meet with Farrakhan, the ultimate racist. See, black racism and hypocrisy is ok.