What’s eating my plant


Well-Known Member
I tried cutting a leave off to inspect it and seen nothing. Pulling the whole plant out and inspecting with a loop still can’t see any pest. Anyone know what could be causing this?


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In a grow tent indoors there are 4 plants this one started showing it first. now one next to it is starting to also, two other plants have no spots on it
It might just be becuase im a newbie tonthis and going overboard but I keep ladybugs on my plants. Super easy and kinda cool too. All they need is a little shader area to live in i covered a tuperware bowl with cardboard. For water i keep a sea sponge damp and for food they love cheap raisins just soak them in water for a couple hrs.
Hotrodharley any idea on what could cause this?
I would suspect possible fungus of some type. But not diagnosing that yet. Perhaps others who have had similar will come along. But the whitening spots that degrade reminds me of a fungus.
I don't know about the parts with holes, but leafhoppers leave clusters of small almost circular brown spots. I'll have to wait till the morning to get some pics of the leaf hopper damage on my outdoor plant, but some of the damage in pics 3 and 4 look kinda like it. My plant in a pot got stuff like the holes on a few leaves, the only bugs I've caught on it were a couple of immature leafhoppers and some tiny red mites. If you want to see leafhopper damage tonight growweedeasy.com has some pics. They also spread plant diseases/molds/fungi so if hotrod is right about it being a fungus and there's leafhopper damage they could have infected it.
Here we go. The first is what leafhopper damage looks like when it's relatively fresh. The second one is what it looks like a week or so later. The third is the one that I've only seen immature leafhoppers and red mites on. It also got a white powdery mildew infection around then.


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Hit them with a neem oil based insecticide - fungicide. Garden safe fungicide 3 will take out mold mildew n bugs. Is organic and available at most big box stores for around 5 bux. Spray the whole plant top and bottom of the leaves. You may have to apply more than once.
It's hard to get a lot of the insecticides here in Ontario, the provincial government made it illegal to sell all of them at first, then started loosening the rules a bit at a time. It was supposed to stop use of some of the really scary stuff that some gardeners were dumb enough to use. The pesticides that were getting a lot of people sick, killing all the pollinators like bees. Problem is the importation of those things are controlled by the feds, so people were just buying them in other provinces, or online from the US.
Supposedly as soon as it's shown to be safe the province takes it off the list, and it can be sold again.
I'm pretty sure neem oil is legal to buy. I haven't seen it in any of the stores here, but then I haven't been looking. I just use insecticidal soap for bugs and a potassium bicarbonate spray for mold/fungus.