Well-Known Member
Trump loves you. You're the ones that actively divide those who would ordinarily vote DemocraticGo take a poll on it.
Trump loves you.
Trump loves you. You're the ones that actively divide those who would ordinarily vote DemocraticGo take a poll on it.
Trump loves you.
Trump loves you. You're the ones that actively divide those who would ordinarily vote Democratic
No, it will raise taxes dramatically for everyone who makes more than 30k per year annually. I'm talking about Bernie's plan. For people making between 30k-60k it's up to double their current tax rate. Look it up. Bernie's bill is shit. It will also encourage providers and drug manufacturers to charge more since it's all coming out of taxpayer dime. If you have something better to cite and link, go for it.Another right wing talking point
I notice a trend. Nobody can argue against universal healthcare without invoking right wing talking points.
It won't cost the average American more, it'll cost those at the very top more, those who earn the most. I'm pretty sure they can afford it
It won't change your doctor, it will only change your provider. Every doctor in the US will accept Medicare, so you will be able to choose any doctor you want
It doesn't eliminate private insurance, it eliminates duplicate insurance. If you want/need something M4A doesn't provide, you're completely free to buy it yourself
It won't cost more to you at the price of consumption or to the provider at the price of sale. Every modern country on Earth implements universal healthcare at half the cost per capita
Where is your evidence Sanders bill will double the current tax rate of people making 30K-60K? Cite it here in your next replyNo, it will raise taxes dramatically for everyone who makes more than 30k per year annually. I'm talking about Bernie's plan. For people making between 30k-60k it's up to double their current tax rate. Look it up. Bernie's bill is shit. It will also encourage providers and drug manufacturers to charge more since it's all coming out of taxpayer dime. If you have something better to cite and link, go for it.
We currently spend $35 trillion and 30 million fewer Americans receive access to affordable healthcareBernie's plan will cost between 32.6 trillion and 49 trillion dollars in the first 10 years
The rich will pay increased taxes. As they should, since they earn more. The upper middle class might pay a bit more in taxes, but they can afford it also, and the overwhelming majority of them are not heartless enough to be able to condemn poor people for it. They're all very good people. Strong progressivesHe just admits that almost everyone will pay increased taxes.
The price tag in America is twice as much as the universal healthcare havens you fear, and we cover far fewer people..The price tag is staggering. Sanders Predicts His $10,000 Tax Hike Will Save You Money. Watch the Fine Print
Your cherry picked polls are unconvincing. Plenty of other polls and simple common sense say otherwise. Berinie's plan represents a failure in his leadership..If polls don't really mean anything, why don't you tell that to Fogdog or Buck when they post polls they think supports neoliberal centrist positions? You only seem to chime up about the value of polls when one gets posted that concludes the opposite..
I can’t take anything you say seriouslyWhere is your evidence Sanders bill will double the current tax rate of people making 30K-60K? Cite it here in your next reply
We currently spend $35 trillion and 30 million fewer Americans receive access to affordable healthcare
The rich will pay increased taxes. As they should, since they earn more. The upper middle class might pay a bit more in taxes, but they can afford it also, and the overwhelming majority of them are not heartless enough to be able to condemn poor people for it. They're all very good people. Strong progressives
The price tag in America is twice as much as the universal healthcare havens you fear, and we cover far fewer people..
LET PROGRESSIVES WINBernie has never accomplished anything and now we should just blindly follow
like good sheep LOL
I thought it was only the Bern?LET PROGRESSIVES WIN
Sanders has explicitly stated his means of payment to fund Medicare for AllBernie quite purposefully left out a budget and means of payment from his plan
Improve the ACA how? What should the ultimate goal in regards to healthcare be for the Democratic party?Improve the ACA
Why would wealthy people choose to buy into Medicare?include the public option to buy-in to Medicare.
We could also use some government assistance to crack down on drug company price gouging.
Sanders has explicitly stated his means of payment to fund Medicare for All
Have you ever actually addressed the way Sanders plans to pay for it, or instead always argued that he just didn't think about how to pay for it?
Improve the ACA how? What should the ultimate goal in regards to healthcare be for the Democratic party?
Why would wealthy people choose to buy into Medicare?
Do you want to answer that yet or just keep avoiding the question?
The barter system would fix all of this, right?If you had a better grasp on why drug prices are so high, you wouldn't propose the root cause also deliver the solution.
What a shitty stupid postMedicare for all will do for everyone what it does for seniors. Everyone will get abbreviated doctors visits. Usually a doctor won't be involved at all. Doctoring is more profitable under Medicare if the physician functions as a clerk. You will be expected to participate in every medical feeding frenzy on federal money that your doctor can discover. The death rate in the country is already increasing. Medicare for all will accelerate the rising death rate. This is what people want and they are likely to get it. However, don't expect it to be healthcare because it isn't.
Without Medicare most seniors would be dead already , so I think it must have some health benefits LOLMedicare for all will do for everyone what it does for seniors. Everyone will get abbreviated doctors visits. Usually a doctor won't be involved at all. Doctoring is more profitable under Medicare if the physician functions as a clerk. You will be expected to participate in every medical feeding frenzy on federal money that your doctor can discover. The death rate in the country is already increasing. Medicare for all will accelerate the rising death rate. This is what people want and they are likely to get it. However, don't expect it to be healthcare because it isn't.
Some experiences don't make sense until folks go through the experience. A lot of seniors are dying prematurely already. Many of us are using things like orthomolecular medicine remedies that regular doctors are as much as forbidden to even mention. Cannabis cures are growing by leaps and bounds. People are staying alive despite diminished levels of care. If citizens want government funded healthcare, it needs to be without the skimming operations. That is possible only if citizens themselves write the bill themselves. When was the last time a bill was written by a senator, congressman or a group of citizens? I mean one that had a chance of passing. You will never come out ahead with a lobbyist inspired healthcare bill even though you are convinced that you will. Lobbyists are the world's best salesmen so it is no surprise that citizens buy into what they are selling.Without Medicare most seniors would be dead already , so I think it must have some health benefits LOL
Oh, you’re one of these “cannabis cures everything, maaaaaaan!” huckstersSome experiences don't make sense until folks go through the experience. A lot of seniors are dying prematurely already. Many of us are using things like orthomolecular medicine remedies that regular doctors are as much as forbidden to even mention. Cannabis cures are growing by leaps and bounds. People are staying alive despite diminished levels of care. If citizens want government funded healthcare, it needs to be without the skimming operations. That is possible only if citizens themselves write the bill themselves. When was the last time a bill was written by a senator, congressman or a group of citizens? I mean one that had a chance of passing. You will never come out ahead with a lobbyist inspired healthcare bill even though you are convinced that you will. Lobbyists are the world's best salesmen so it is no surprise that citizens buy into what they are selling.