Clones are completely legal under federal law and classified as hemp under the farm bill. Marijuana cases are being dismissed in Texas because without a thc test on every case, the state can be sued for wrongful arrest.

Would rather not let it get to that point in the first place.
said I was liquidating all my gps gear, and you got some of the cream. It's no biggie, KY, only thing was a friend's garden almost got pollenated by those beans is all. But it was caught in time. It wasn't whether it was a trade or not, lmfao, it was the fact I was told they was fem affie seeds and they wasn't. But I was trying to help you out when I seen your requesting beans from everyone and their dog. Why I offered and sent what I sent. Truth was, there are good reports on California Cannon, Texas Butter, and the Copper Chem. I was hoping for the best for ya. And I'd never do that with an addy, but it joggled your memory, didn't it? C'mon man, I had/have no reason to lie. I don't care that you seem to ask every breeder you can on the side to hook you up, yet never any pics, and you get so many beans and still complain? lol Let it go, man. I just had to mention the seemingly neverending quest for beans, when its obvious folks try to help you very much. And it seems to not do anything for ya, over and over and over, but again, just an observation. And rest assured, I don't nor will I regret anything, lmfao. Goofy fucker, lol.
said I was liquidating all my gps gear, and you got some of the cream. It's no biggie, KY, only thing was a friend's garden almost got pollenated by those beans is all. But it was caught in time. It wasn't whether it was a trade or not, lmfao, it was the fact I was told they was fem affie seeds and they wasn't. But I was trying to help you out when I seen your requesting beans from everyone and their dog. Why I offered and sent what I sent. Truth was, there are good reports on California Cannon, Texas Butter, and the Copper Chem. I was hoping for the best for ya. And I'd never do that with an addy, but it joggled your memory, didn't it? C'mon man, I had/have no reason to lie. I don't care that you seem to ask every breeder you can on the side to hook you up, yet never any pics, and you get so many beans and still complain? lol Let it go, man. I just had to mention the seemingly neverending quest for beans, when its obvious folks try to help you very much. And it seems to not do anything for ya, over and over and over, but again, just an observation. And rest assured, I don't nor will I regret anything, lmfao. Goofy fucker, lol.
what was I complaining about??and whats it to you if I do get seed there made to plant and if them beans was reg, they must have been a mix the way I don't sell beans I give them away.I CAN ALSO MAIL THEM BEANS BACK TO YOU FOR THERE NO WAY TO TELL WHAT THEY ARE ANY WAY,Just send me a safe address and I will be sure to send them back to you for my friend never did plant them but he did plant 2 beans and that's it for I just got off the phone with him.
no thanks, that's ok. its over and done with. They were sent in their breeder packs with instructions on what was what. lol Time to move on. Try to have a Happy 4th of July. If your friend is who I think it is that contacts me via pm, ask him not to anymore, that'd be great, thanks. lol
no thanks, that's ok. its over and done with. They were sent in their breeder packs with instructions on what was what. lol Time to move on. Try to have a Happy 4th of July. If your friend is who I think it is that contacts me via pm, ask him not to anymore, that'd be great, thanks. lol
I HAVE MANY FRIENDS,I also do not give a shit who contacts you that's NUN OF MY BUSNESS.
I HAVE MANY FRIENDS,I also do not give a shit who contacts you that's NUN OF MY BUSNESS.
Seriously you need to slow down.
1st all your posts are full of spelling mistakes and make you look very bad.
2, what's with posting multiple posts within 2 mins of each other constantly?
There is an edit button ya know.
at first just clones, but on IG they have a heck of a strain list now, and looks like they releasing them on strainly lil at a time. Clone shipper has a lil bit different design, but I hear that way makes it also in shipping.

Yeah, I noticed a lot more strains on IG.

The guy is pretty cool, too. Easy to contact. That's a huge issue for me. Way too many douchebags I won't bother with even if it means copping a cut I've been wanting to run.

I have 'friends' locally that have damn near everything...but I'm taking a personal break from '
Seriously you need to slow down.
1st all your posts are full of spelling mistakes and make you look very bad.
2, what's with posting multiple posts within 2 mins of each other constantly?
There is an edit button ya know.
yes i can not spell for shit i quite school to grow pot and this makes my 44th year growing but i got comen cents and thats moor then some has on hear even.i thought we was hear to learn and teach about growing pot and not post mite make you look bad but it sure as hell dont make me look bad by posting.and why should i slow down theres plenty of time to reast when we die.HEAR IS A TRUE FACT FOR YOU NO ONE IS MAKING YOU READ MY POST SO YOU CAN JUST SCROLL ON BY MY POST IF YOU DONT WOUNT TO READ THEM.LOL