cfl's V's hid's


Active Member
straight up question, over all what's best cfl's or hid's all answer are appreciated your info will help mary j grow thanks chaps


Well-Known Member
All depends on the application
Growing in a tiny space with poor ventilation? Use CFL's due to heat issues
Got more room, plenty of venting/vented hoods/cool tubes? Then definately go hps/mh

cannabis chris

Active Member
Usually the smaller in size the fewer watts, so both. But it's better to have many small CFLs surrounding a plant instead of a few bigger CFLs that don't give good coverage.


Active Member
does anyone know which are cheaper to run long term i understand a small cfl will be cheaper than hid but i mean with equal light which is the most cost effective


Well-Known Member
To equal the light output of 1 hid you'd need a closet full of cfls....more in power consumption and heat creation than the 1 hid
I dont remember the numbers exactly and cant find the post atm but what you're referring to is the lumens/watts ratio of each light and I do know that hps has the highest lumen/watt ratio of any type of light


Well-Known Member
straight up question, over all what's best cfl's or hid's all answer are appreciated your info will help mary j grow thanks chaps
:leaf::leaf: I use a combination of Hps, Fluorescent, and Compact Fluorescent. Why choose when you can have the best of both worlds. If you have the choice and its reasonable for your setup i suggest you go the same route. There is no point in deciding which is better because each have there own perks. :leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I dont want to start a whole ruckus over this but it has to be said. If you so a full grow with cfls you'll never get the tight, thick nugs you would with an hid. If you're strapped for cash, check out The $20 150w hps Its not the intensity ofa big kilowatt lamp, but its a frig of alot brighter than any comparable cfl and a great starter lamp. If you want airy, wispy buds, by all means get some cfls. But if you wanna grow some

fat nugs, Gotta get that HID!!!
Just my humble opinion.
Good luck with whatever choice you make, but think about it, watch Greenhouse Seeds on Youtube those guys win the cannabis cup pretty much every year, and tell me if you think they could do that or even come close with cfls.
The pros do it, every "comercial" grower does it, and most importantly I do it, so it must be the right way to go!!!!
Good luck and happy growing!


Active Member
thanx for the rapid reply chaps but i think the good doctor has a brilliant point after all theres nothing to stop me using both (scales tipped)


Well-Known Member
ive been using hid's both hps and mh in conjunction, have been recently growing with cfl, i must say that side by side they really can't be compaired. they're completly different worlds apart. neither is better than the other its all user preference, and there's not any point in argument between them. happy growing!


Well-Known Member
yes if I had the money and space I would use all
I would have a mother/clone room with flouros
I would use a mix of cfls and mh hortilux blue for veg
And then mh and hps for flower
thats just me though


Well-Known Member
for sure, and with lowes' 300w equivelant cfl in 2700k i'll e using cfl for side lighting to supplement my 250hps. lights cool.

do you really use a strobe light?


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha no....but I would imagine that would fuck up the plants hormones quite a bit
I just like making fun of people who brag about their awesome super pro $900000000 light set up


Active Member
the only part i dont agree with there is the less dense buds with cfl, i think with accurate cfl placement and decent number u can have just as good as hid results.


Active Member
since starting this i have gone the route of the cfl i have 1 200w and five 23w and things are going well but i still agree a small hid during flowering wouldnt hurt