Majority Backs ‘Medicare for All’ Replacing Private Plans, if Preferred Providers Stay

Except that FDR's detractors were in a minority like a bunch of squawking birds. Kind of like Bernie babies.

And comparing Bernie to FDR is like comparing a hot dog to a side of beef.

Your not as intellectually dishonest as you are intellectually lazy. You have a Robin Hood complex and want to tax the rich to get free shit for yourself, I want to tax the rich to fix the infrastracture and lower the deficit.

You should hook up with RobRoy and start a pigeon farm, join the chess circuit and see how many rooks you can knock over. You're as inept as Bernie's record.

You and your buddies should form a traveling misogynist minstrel show and tour the southland, see how many states you can flip.

And how are those Trump SCOTUS boys working out for your progressive causes?

You don't have a fucking clue who your enemies are or how to effectively combat them. Enjoy your squawking lunatic fringe.
He really thinks he is on to something with his "can you make an argument without using Republican tactics" thing. Nothing has shown his dishonesty more than this - it is the only thing he is accomplishing and it is increasingly shrill and desperate.

So the Republicans wouldn't talk about legitimate concerns that are clearly shown among the population? Somehow those concerns are off limits to discuss because Republicans also see them?

This guy has no business in politics. Any side he is on is discredited by his presence.
If we're going to pay for anything, I think the average Americans interest should come first, call me crazy, they're the ones that pay for it
You hide behind this "Americans' interest" thing the way Trump hides behind the flag. Neither of you care what people really want, you obfuscate manipulate and prevaricate to try to get what you want. Too bad Trump is better at it than you are.


To me, both your type and Trump are the same enemy. You don't see how you are being used and manipulated because your overblown ego makes you blind to it.
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i think it's so adorable when two perspectives begin the futility of ad-hominem attacks upon each other. it really distracts from the topic of discussion. it's like: here we are, the 99% working class crying over spilled milk while the financial-elites leverage our vulnerability of survival.
imo entitlement is the source of america's social dysfunction. the wealth inequality at the federal, corporate & wealthy levels compared to the working class is substantial. but here we go again, exacerbating the anti-capitalist & anti-socialist phobias, astounding! Like a broken record, individuals repeat what they've heard unknowingly preserving the status quo of our capitalist society's elite.

i love capitalism. But tell me capitalism isn't without its fatal flaws & i'll just shake my head in disappointment. like look at the interest payments for our national deficit over the next 10 years. $1 trillion just to pay interest payments on public debt? wtf?

imo a lot of the blame falls upon the leadership of government, corporate media & celebrity culture. they have been ultra successful in influencing public opinion with political posturing red herrings, thereby polarizing both sides of social issues, preserving the status quo of their relationship with their elite connections. american business culture has taken sycophancy to a dangerous degree, particularly at the elite level.

i work for the VA where shameful communication & bureaucracy is the norm. in management, the culture comes from the top down

but hey i'm just a millennial, what could i possibly understand? :P
I know your type well
Just for the record, IMO these are the best in terms of what they cure. 1.) Mega doses of Vitamin C, especially liposomal vitamin C 2.) Maga doses of niacin 3. Cannabis 4. plain baking soda. 5.) Dandelion They are listed in order of how effective each seems to be.
I am no more an expert on these things than you are or anyone else. Trial and error show that they work very well and many times better than those of formal medicine. Lifespans in the United States have started declining. Socialized medicine of all kinds does in fact reduced physician's incentives to actually see and treat patients. I am sorry but it works out that way.
Just for the record, IMO these are the best in terms of what they cure. 1.) Mega doses of Vitamin C, especially liposomal vitamin C 2.) Maga doses of niacin 3. Cannabis 4. plain baking soda. 5.) Dandelion They are listed in order of how effective each seems to be.
I am no more an expert on these things than you are or anyone else. Trial and error show that they work very well and many times better than those of formal medicine. Lifespans in the United States have started declining. Socialized medicine of all kinds does in fact reduced physician's incentives to actually see and treat patients. I am sorry but it works out that way.
did you think that was a logical argument?
imo the problem isn't socialized medicine, it's fiat currency poorly understood thanks to the entitlement mentality of the various high ranking social officials & their self-congratulatory masses.

as an american, i don't want to pay higher taxes & have that compounded to the one size fits all wasteful tendencies of the federal government. if it was on a state by state basis that's a step in the right direction. even still, i think the bigger elephant in the room is the national leadership's addiction to the profitable destabilizing leveraging of corporate & government (public owned) debt.
imo the problem isn't socialized medicine, it's fiat currency poorly understood thanks to the entitlement mentality of the various high ranking social officials & their self-congratulatory masses.

as an american, i don't want to pay higher taxes & have that compounded to the one size fits all wasteful tendencies of the federal government. if it was on a state by state basis that's a step in the right direction. even still, i think the bigger elephant in the room is the national leadership's addiction to the profitable destabilizing leveraging of corporate & government (public owned) debt.
Sorry, I mostly tuned you out at "fiat currency" and then broke out laughing when you felt the need to say "as an american (sic)".

Welcome, comrade.
imo the problem isn't socialized medicine, it's fiat currency poorly understood thanks to the entitlement mentality of the various high ranking social officials & their self-congratulatory masses.

as an american, i don't want to pay higher taxes & have that compounded to the one size fits all wasteful tendencies of the federal government. if it was on a state by state basis that's a step in the right direction. even still, i think the bigger elephant in the room is the national leadership's addiction to the profitable destabilizing leveraging of corporate & government (public owned) debt.
did you think that was a logical argument?
Even with the the lowest estimated cost of 32.6 trillion dollars his plan only comes up with half the staggering cost and it will be the biggest nationalization in history. Industry experts estimate the cost as high as 49 trillion dollars. It won't happen even if a president is elected who wants it to.

let's turn the clock back to inheritance tax days..that'd work.
did you think that was a logical argument?

lol. Did you think that was a logical question?

Fricken grand slam homerun!

That is all Bernie's super soldier army cares about, GIMME FREE SHIT!

Can we really be all that surprised when there are so many publically funded government entitlement programs?

let's turn the clock back to inheritance tax days..that'd work.

The health care costs & the lack of preventative medicine exemplifies how the medical industry's elite cares more about their lifestyle than their clients. Naively, hypersocialists expect the public purse to promote this industry's elitest tyranny!
lol. Did you think that was a logical question?

Can we really be all that surprised when there are so many publically funded government entitlement programs?

The health care costs & the lack of preventative medicine exemplifies how the medical industry's elite cares more about their lifestyle than their clients. Naively, hypersocialists expect the public purse to promote this industry's elitest tyranny!

citizens are paying taxes for the first time in 10 years to bankroll the elites tax cut..MAGA!
imo the problem isn't socialized medicine, it's fiat currency poorly understood thanks to the entitlement mentality of the various high ranking social officials & their self-congratulatory masses.

as an american, i don't want to pay higher taxes & have that compounded to the one size fits all wasteful tendencies of the federal government. if it was on a state by state basis that's a step in the right direction. even still, i think the bigger elephant in the room is the national leadership's addiction to the profitable destabilizing leveraging of corporate & government (public owned) debt.

welcome free thinker:hug:
i think it's so adorable when two perspectives begin the futility of ad-hominem attacks upon each other. it really distracts from the topic of discussion. it's like: here we are, the 99% working class crying over spilled milk while the financial-elites leverage our vulnerability of survival.

imo entitlement is the source of america's social dysfunction. the wealth inequality at the federal, corporate & wealthy levels compared to the working class is substantial. but here we go again, exacerbating the anti-capitalist & anti-socialist phobias, astounding! Like a broken record, individuals repeat what they've heard unknowingly preserving the status quo of our capitalist society's elite.
I think it is lack of self-criticism that is our dysfunction. People rarely take the time to do it, it is easier to blame a smaller group that will get no real push back and move on.
Awww, @schuylaar, in her loneliness, has a new friend. PMs are already on the way.
Aw, don't be so cynical!

citizens are paying taxes for the first time in 10 years to bankroll the elites tax cut..MAGA!

I voted for Trump. Of the 2 options the elites gave us, I preferred him over Hillary. Lesser of 2 evils.

It's not like either elitest isn't going to gaslight the american public. It's in the hierarchy's participants best short-term interest to preserve their position within their own constituencies. Power consolidation generally happens from the top down.
Aw, don't be so cynical!

I voted for Trump. Of the 2 options the elites gave us, I preferred him over Hillary. Lesser of 2 evils.

It's not like either elitest isn't going to gaslight the american public. It's in the hierarchy's participants best short-term interest to preserve their position within their own constituencies. Power consolidation generally happens from the top down.
Thank you for your emo kid with an eight grade education perspective.
I think it is lack of self-criticism that is our dysfunction. People rarely take the time to do it, it is easier to blame a smaller group that will get no real push back and move on.

I agree.

But more social leverage = more social responsibility.

That's not to so my behavioral resignating complacency doesn't contribute to the problem. It'd be hypocritically for me to state I don't partake in the privileges of capitalism. Social problems are overwhelmingly large, complex & contradictory elephants