Majority Backs ‘Medicare for All’ Replacing Private Plans, if Preferred Providers Stay

You've been employing "I need some rubles for my next hit of krokodil" but you just aren't very good at it.

Tell me more about your solution to Jewish bankers and fiat currency.

lol! rubles... krokodil...

solution? i like the convention of states but that organization has a long journey ahead. i think the debt crisis shouldn't be oversimplified. i know that in life there are seasons where reality has to get worse before it can get better. i think Utopian solutions , whether it be capitalism's market utopia or socialist's social utopia are difficult to formulate, equalize & sustain on a long-term basis.

we can agree to disagree
lol! rubles... krokodil...

solution? i like the convention of states but that organization has a long journey ahead. i think the debt crisis shouldn't be oversimplified. i know that in life there are seasons where reality has to get worse before it can get better. i think Utopian solutions , whether it be capitalism's market utopia or socialist's social utopia are difficult to formulate, equalize & sustain on a long-term basis.

Wow. You said a bunch of words that say absolutely nothing. Schuylaar will give you a like for it because she isn't smart.

we can agree to disagree

Nope. I wrote what I wrote and you have nothing to say about it.

You really are not good at this.
Wow. You said a bunch of words that say absolutely nothing. Schuylaar will give you a like for it because she isn't smart.

Nope. I wrote what I wrote and you have nothing to say about it.

You really are not good at this.

You expect me to express a solution for the labyrinth called the debt crisis on my own? Hey, thanks buddy ol' pal.

Contrary to your belief. I did have something to say about what you wrote. I think maybe you would've preferred I didn't. Nonetheless, I'll improve :)

So, this is what a pissing match feels like..
You expect me to express a solution for the labyrinth called the debt crisis on my own? Hey, thanks buddy ol' pal.

Contrary to your belief. I did have something to say about what you wrote. I think maybe you would've preferred I didn't. Nonetheless, I'll improve :)

So, this is what a pissing match feels like..
No, not necessarily a solution. You didn't even state an opinion.

"i like the convention of states but that organization has a long journey ahead." Wow. A long journey you say? But certainly you have said nothing about why you like them, what this convention would do or anything else.

"i think the debt crisis shouldn't be oversimplified." What the fuck does that mean, junior? Care to offer your opinion about the massive deficit borne by Trump despite the fact that our economy was in no need of expansionary fiscal policy? Or how about the fact that, now that we are so encumbered, an expansionary fiscal policy isn't really an option if the economy slows.

"i know that in life there are seasons where reality has to get worse before it can get better. i think Utopian solutions , whether it be capitalism's market utopia or socialist's social utopia are difficult to formulate, equalize & sustain on a long-term basis." Ugh. Again, you have literally offered no inkling of what the fuck you are talking about. You have coughed up some freshman civics bullshit that would have gotten you a C- on a paper. What the fuck is "Utopian" about any of this?

Are your local coffee shop urchins and crappy middle management at the IRS impressed by this? Nobody here but Schuylaar is and she is so desperate and lonely that she will literally talk to anyone as you doubtlessly already know from her PMs.

The only thing you have done is denounce "fiat currency" without offering any alternative despite being asked to several times. Oh, that and blow your "(((Rothschilds))) dog whistle" to let every neo-nazi anti-Semite creeper within hearing distance know you are one of them.

You aren't good at this. Get your sorry little ass over to GC where the other Stormfront turds hang out. And take Schuylaar with you.
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He's in the 40% support group, you couldn't see through his rhetorical bullshit like 3 hours ago?

Smarten up.
Sorry to double respond but these are more than just part of his 40% supporters. Maybe I sound paranoid but I am utterly convinced that this plague of little assholes is a coordinated effort. If this little shit isn't in St. Petersburg (which, I admit, I doubt he is), his script is certainly originating there. I am no longer differentiating between useful idiots and actual paid Russian trolls. It makes no difference any more than a distinction between "white nationalists" and fucking neo-nazis.

The really, really big tip-off is his "convention of states" bullshit. Notice how far away they stay from calling it a Constitutional Convention? You can't imagine this is unintentional, can you? Putin would laugh his ass off if somehow he were able to maneuver us into that. It would be like the Senate (in reality, Mitch McConnell) being given the power to single-handedly re-write the Constitution and do away with all those things like courts and elections.

Fuck them.

i've been stating my opinion. I've been feeling that your inquisitiveness has been more condescending than curious. It's the same, "because I've lived longer I know better" mentality of senile age seniority.

You enjoyed projecting your rage about other people raging about Rothschilds.

Are you going to compose yourself into greater civility so I can address your perceptions from my perspective or should we just save our time & energy by letting go of our discussion? I'd for sure benefit from not having to read your continued tantrum of passive-aggressiveness.
Sorry to double respond but these are more than just part of his 40% supporters. Maybe I sound paranoid but I am utterly convinced that this plague of little assholes is a coordinated effort. If this little shit isn't in St. Petersburg (which, I admit, I doubt he is), his script is certainly originating there. I am no longer differentiating between useful idiots and actual paid Russian trolls. It makes no difference any more than a distinction between "white nationalists" and fucking neo-nazis.

The really, really big tip-off is his "convention of states" bullshit. Notice how far away they stay from calling it a Constitutional Convention? You can't imagine this is unintentional, can you? Putin would laugh his ass off if somehow he were able to maneuver us into that. It would be like the Senate (in reality, Mitch McConnell) being given the power to single-handedly re-write the Constitution and do away with all those things like courts and elections.

Fuck them.

The Russians never had more influence.

мы выигрываем

The convention body proposes amendments only. Plus it takes 2/3 majority of states to pass proposed amendments
Uh huh. And when a Supreme Court Justice dies, the President gets to nominate a replacement. I saw how that worked out when Scalia croaked.

And don't give me that shit about "only amendments". Amendments are everything. Amendments turned blacks from 3/5s of a man into a whole man, sort of, and even then the Constitution failed to give them equal rights.
You have stated no opinions.

As far as the Rothschilds, did you not say this?

As far as how I compose myself, you have been here three weeks, if you don't like it, make a complaint, otherwise, fuck off. I am not being passive aggressive, I am openly hostile to you as you are full of shit and will remain hostile to you as long as you continue to be full of shit.

I stated a fact but somejow you managed to craft the narrative that I'm enraged by the fact? What?

Yeah because you've never been full of shit in your life. You harbor quite some hate
No true scotsman logical fallacy

Our* country. I'm simply another working class citizen man. I'll respect your emotion of self preservation but attacking me isn't neccesarily going to preserve our quality of lives. I'm just seeking collaborative consensus
Seek GC. Your head is in the right place for it - up your ass.
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lol. Did you think that was a logical question?

Can we really be all that surprised when there are so many publically funded government entitlement programs?

The health care costs & the lack of preventative medicine exemplifies how the medical industry's elite cares more about their lifestyle than their clients. Naively, hypersocialists expect the public purse to promote this industry's elitest tyranny!

You don't think, you regurgitate back what you've heard and do so badly.

Libertarians are just Republicans who are duped by big words about economics that they don't understand.