Return of the spider mites


Well-Known Member
Cyanide is organic too but I'm not eating any.

I won't spray anything organic or not on buds. I'd rather get rid of them manually and they all come off while trimming. They do not crawl into the buds and I used my USB scope to examine the buds once cured and couldn't find a one. I'm the only one smoking it and all the trim is fine for oil.

Yes cyanide is. But these are made with soy beans (you eat them) and peppermint (you've eaten it). Viable choices for people that do no harm to the plant or people. Now again, if you are paying attention you don't have a room filled with buds before using these but you can. And you bring up a very good point, they don't go to the buds. I've seen people dump plants 2 weeks from harvest because of them thinking they were nuts because they would just trim it off anyway. If the government says you can have so many rat hairs per gallon of peanut butter I don't think smoking up a few mites are gonna kill anybody anyway.


Well-Known Member
I battled them last year and kept them under control, mostly. They were back again this year but after two rounds of Purecrop1 and one Mighty Wash in between, they are gonzo. Have some Forbid as a last resort but doesn’t look like I’ll need it.

Really need to watch your young plants closely...they are difficult to eradicate once the plants get too big. Too many hiding spots for them.

Jimmy the vest uk

Well-Known Member
Just started playing about with isopropyl alcohol.
I really like the fact that i know exactly what im spraying on my plants.
Took a test leaf that was infested with mites, put it under my digital microscope which has a side screen which is awesome btw then sprayed with a 1:1 mix iso and water, the mites stopped moving instantly and quickly turned into little black blobs.
So i took a test plant got the hose took her to a drain blasted her with plain water to smash off as many mite as i could then drenched her with the iso mix solution and left her to sit out of the direct light for 24 hours and she was happy.
Going to get busy with this stuff for the next 2 weeks and will get on here and let everyone know how i get on.
Wish me luck guys


Well-Known Member
I grow in pots outdoors, Iay down the plant and blast it with my spray gun...If the plant is too big to lay down I put a trash bag over the soil so it dont get drenched and I spray the plant branch by branch...Works everytime

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Orange oil. 2oz. per gallon. Foliar spray and drench just before lights out. Add a couple drops of dish soap as a surfactant.This dehydrates and asphyxiates any and all insects in your grow. I add 2oz. Garrett Juice for the beneficial bacteria and mychorrizal fungus. 100% effective my friend.
Do you do repeated applications, fresh water leaf rinse in between?


Well-Known Member
I grow in pots outdoors, Iay down the plant and blast it with my spray gun...If the plant is too big to lay down I put a trash bag over the soil so it dont get drenched and I spray the plant branch by branch...Works everytime
Lol. This is close to my solution. I mixed up ~20 Liters/5 gallons of Neem from concentrate in a wheelbarrow. Taped plastic around the pot, covering the soil. The plants were around a yard/meter tall, but I just dunked the whole thing in it. Poured it all over the trunks and the lower leaves. Seemed to work so far....

(Some leaves did get burned/turned white, but I just pruned them off. I probably should have done a light water spray rinse, after the dunk.)


Well-Known Member
Do you do repeated applications, fresh water leaf rinse in between?
I've never had to repeat and have never rinsed. The active ingredients are the terpenes d-limonene and myrcene so repeated applications, if required, would not be harmful.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I recently found some mites after years of growing mite free. They were on some long flowering sativa's that had been flowering for months. They were too far along to spray with anything. As much as I hated to do it I cut them down after months of growing and did a complete cleaning of the grow tent, the room it was in, and the rest of the house. I even took all my houseplants outside and sprayed them. I'm not playing around. I'll chop an entire crop six weeks into flower if I have to. Complete eradication on sight is the way I roll. But I have so many jars of stash that I can miss a grow and not worry about it. But losing the Old Timers Haze after so many months of growing made me sick but had to be done.
You may already know but Hemp Depot has a bunch of Beanho crosses with Old Timers Haze.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I've never had to repeat and have never rinsed. The active ingredients are the terpenes d-limonene and myrcene so repeated applications, if required, would not be harmful.
Interesting. How far into flower do you feel comfortable using orange oil? (residual taste, odor, etc.)


Well-Known Member
I got mine from some plants a buddy gave me and because I didn't stick to a strict treatment schedule I never managed to get rid of them completely. This time I stuck to it and 4 good treatments with Safer's End All II with 10ml/L added canola oil every 3rd day. Was a very small outbreak that I caught early so that helped. Came from a revegged AK47 I had kept away from the other plants as it had them. Knew it should have had another treatment or two before going back with the others. Managed to start on one of the new plants so sprayed them all well and so far so good.

I've been keeping the grow room warm for a month now so any that may have been dormant while it was cold down there would wake up and starve. Need to move plants down there as it's getting crowded in the spare bedroom and without proper ventilation too warm now that winter is over. Nice chilly 53F down in the basement but 75 in the grow room that's down there. A good vacuuming and spray some bleach around should do the trick.

Called the guys at my favorite hydro store in Edmonton today and they had all 3 capacitors I need to get all my ballasts up and running. Slapped them on my Visa and they should be in the post already. Going to need one of the 1000w going PDQ. If those were digital ballasts they would all be doorstops now. :)


Which shop? I’m from Edmonton


Well-Known Member
You may already know but Hemp Depot has a bunch of Beanho crosses with Old Timers Haze.
No I didn't know that. I just took a look and was surprised to see what they're doing. I'm not going to buy any because I can make my own but their prices are really reasonable. If I didn't already have bunch of the same strains they used for their crosses I might have bought some but I'm doing some things on my own right now. I have a OTH/Ciskei cross and one is showing female. I have two going so I'm hoping the other is male so I can get them a motel room and let them do their thing. Thanks for the information.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. How far into flower do you feel comfortable using orange oil? (residual taste, odor, etc.)

I would not spray on buds but have used as a drench, combined with an ounce of Garrett Juice, throughout flower. Orange oil is not systemic nor is it absorbed by the plant. Kills on contact and conditions the leaves and soil to eradicate and repel many arthropods in all life stages. Great in your vegetable garden and lawn as well


Well-Known Member
Which shop? I’m from Edmonton
All Seasons just a block off of Whyte Ave. A guy named Andre runs the place and has been there for years. Good guys and lots of goodies. I was hunting all over for some new capacitors for some dead ballasts and he had all 3 and I had them 4 days later up here just out of Peace River.


Blue back

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SPLFreak808, post: 14935533, member:

I cant even count how many clones I've bought/gifted/traded, all I know is every grower that told me they were clean either had spider mites,aphids, white flies and one time, russets which hit me hard as fuck.

I always say get clones especially from someone you don't know is like banging a chick without a rubber. You never know what you're going to Any clones I get get treated and put in quarantine before putting in the main room. I use Mighty Wash with great results.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SPLFreak808, post: 14935533, member:

I cant even count how many clones I've bought/gifted/traded, all I know is every grower that told me they were clean either had spider mites,aphids, white flies and one time, russets which hit me hard as fuck.

I always say get clones especially from someone you don't know is like banging a chick without a rubber. You never know what you're going to Any clones I get get treated and put in quarantine before putting in the main room. I use Mighty Wash with great results.
Moral of the story, quarantine everything that comes from outside because just 1 little microscopic egg will fuck you a few weeks later lol. Mighty wash is effective for spider mites, but no way in hell would it stop aphids,russet/broad ect..


Well-Known Member
when i had mites i sprayed neem oil on buds in week 2-3 of flower and green cleaner even later than that. i was really concerned that i sprayed the neem oil too late, after reading everything on here about how it will ruin the smell/flavor of buds. after a couple weeks i could still smell the neem in the tent and became very concerned, i almost chopped the plants. i dont sell my buds but i provide for many people and i've been smoking for over 10 years and i can definitively say i did not taste/smell or experience any negative effect whatsoever from either product and neither did anyone i gifted to. hogwash.

as long as you have 30-40+ days the smell will be completely gone. as for green cleaner, that shit works 100%, iso and soybean oil. i would spray that on flowers any day of the week.

yeah we don't know what happens when we smoke soybean oil. well guess what theres never gonna be a study on that so roll the dice or lose your crop.

as for whats "safe" to smoke versus eat, i think this is the closest you'll get to that information for now:
(spinosad not on there, they seem to prefer neem, pyrethrins, soaps, and essential oils)
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