Pruning alternating nodes question????


Active Member
i have tried to prune my clones in the past and they have alternating nodes and when i did cut off new growth it just stopped growing for a while and did not break into 2 branches like my clones that dont have alternating nodes. is there a special way im supposed to prune the alternating nodes? Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
its a clone from a clone. Im not trying to trim off the fan leaves. Im trying to top it i guess is the word. i want 2 main colas instead of one.


Well-Known Member
its a clone from a clone. Im not trying to trim off the fan leaves. Im trying to top it i guess is the word. i want 2 main colas instead of one.
that would be called topping the plant. what you do is locate the newest growth and snip the plant there. when it recovers it should produce two colas instead of one. now this will not necessarily improve your yield because instead of the plant focusing its energy on one cola it has to do it for two.
Topping, Pruning and Bending Cannabis Marijuana Plants