Trouble with plants outside


Well-Known Member
heres some pics from today, not looking good.
Oh man, that sucks. It looks like the new growth is dying. Have you done anything differently since before it started like add any supplements or boosters to your base nutrients? Or what have you been feeding with?


Well-Known Member
miracle grow unfortunatly but very small amounts. i think i increased it to two small scoops per 2liter bottle of water. the first week i did that it started. before that i added 1 small scoop per 2 liter water once a week.

nothing extra added to the mix though


Well-Known Member
For a veg nute miracle grow isn't that bad. People like @hotrodharley have mentioned using it without problems, and when I had nothing else I used it, no deficiencies. This might help
Harley also commented recently on another thread where iron deficiency was a possibility, and the other poster mentioned a spray, I think it was in the marijuana plant problems section.


Well-Known Member
im gonna go out in the morning because were gonna get some sunny days , and flush the shit out of them. any objections?
also holding off on the veg feed for another week or until signs.
and what are your thoughts on pruning the yellowish white growth and dead shit.


Well-Known Member
How would flushing help? All you'll do is wash out any nutrients in the soil, and if you don't have any nutes in the water you use you'll just cause other problems. I believe it's called hypotonic stress? Or osmotic stress? Definitely osmotic stress. I usually don't bother with ph as I grow in soil, but do you have any info on the general ph of your rootzone?
Pruning the dead growth is fine, but I would hold off on pruning the yellowish stuff until you have new green growth. The parts of the leaves that are still green are still performing photosynthesis and feeding your plant.


Well-Known Member
For a veg nute miracle grow isn't that bad. People like @hotrodharley have mentioned using it without problems, and when I had nothing else I used it, no deficiencies. This might help
Harley also commented recently on another thread where iron deficiency was a possibility, and the other poster mentioned a spray, I think it was in the marijuana plant problems section.
I’ve grown a lot with MG. Works great in veg. A bit rich in nitrogen for the best flower but any tomato food will handle that.


Well-Known Member
I didn't flush them but today things are progressing to worse. Not sure how to stop this I have no way to test the ph at my disposal unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Have you switched back to the low dose miracle grow? It sounded like that was working for you before. I've never dealt with an iron deficiency, so I'm kinda shooting in the dark here. Was there a stressor, something happen or change other than slightly increasing the mg?


Well-Known Member
Lots of shit storms .. bad weather. I'm eaitig another day to fully dry the soil then gonna feed the low dose mg . Basically all I can do. I also pulled my WW out her pot to check the roots..they look healthy a little bound but I've never had an issue like this from root bound. So I threw 4inches of 3 way mix soil to the bottom and replanted it. I have no bigger pots I would repotted altogether. Playing the waiting game. Still seeing spot of death in the affected areas. I'm mainly watching other new growth spots to see if they develop or not.

Edit- now I'm wishing I took a pic of the root zone when I had it out the pot. Oh well.

And one more thought to throw out there. I have these affected ones next to NOT on (lol) a soy field. The farmer is my landlord and he sprayed the crop right before my plants went south. Is there a possibility his spray was herbicidal or something? I'd think my plants would be dead though. I see clearly other weeds in the field dying..thats why im wondering.
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Well-Known Member
That is a definite possibility. If they didn't take a direct hit it could have damaged them. An iron deficiency, if I've understood what I've read correctly can be a reaction to stress.


Well-Known Member
I hope they come out of this. On a bright note, my other plants in a different location are doing amazing .


Well-Known Member
Soy. Do you know if it's Monsanto soy? Farmers around here put signs up saying what seeds they're planting. I see them every time I drive to my sister's place. Even if they're not Monsanto they could be GMO, and resistant to whatever hericide he might have sprayed. Even if he sprayed fertilizer, it could have caused a lockout. Potassium can cause an iron lockout in high enough doses. It's one of the things I was worried about when I was researching potassium bicarbonate for mold/powdery mildew control.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure ive seen the signs in the past and he has seed corn right next to it so im assumimg its monsanto


Well-Known Member
It's been two weeks since they sprayed and one week since the signs have shown. And my wife says she saw big barrels that were spraying on the back of the tractors I was at work so that's all I really know


Well-Known Member
Update - I took care of the affected plants as best as I could and it took about two weeks of clenching my teeth. All the new growth died so I cut tje dried out dead parts. Just kept watching them and feeding keeping in mind there's still plenty of green leaves performing photo synthesis. One day I noticed new growth. It was coming around. And as luck would have it I got about a week of solid new growth before flower kicked in. Enough to bring it back to life..



Well-Known Member
"no-see-um" is what that black fly is I am pretty sure, they are a annoying little gnat kind of thing that like moist soil.


Well-Known Member
Weird thing about it is it's producing crystals way earlier then my other stuff that never had issues (different locations). It's just packing the trichomes on there