• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obama not a citizen of US?

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Typical conspiracy theory.

A few shreds of circumstantial evidence point to conclusion A.
A mountain of hard evidence points to conclusion B.
Therefore, conclusion A is the correct one.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, if the CIA and FBI didn't find anything wrong with Obama's birth certificate, or his past associations, I think it's safe to say there aren't any problems.

CIA > Random internet "investigator"


Well-Known Member
if you trust the cia or the fbi ive got some ocean front property to sell you in nebraska (didnt want to be too cliche by saying arizona) lol


Well-Known Member
note that the previous post is not saying that his birth certificate is fake, im going off an another subject completely


Well-Known Member
if you trust the cia or the fbi ive got some ocean front property to sell you in nebraska (didnt want to be too cliche by saying arizona) lol
I wouldn't trust federal agents to cover my ass, but I certainly trust that they would cover their own asses in a competent manner. That would certainly be a career ender there.. I'm pretty confident that someone in a Bush era CIA/FBI/NCS/DIA would blow the whistle if Obama were anything but what he says he is.


Well-Known Member
how many times can you guys argue about the same shit, Obama, Mccain, Obama McCain, its getting old...


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1498736]how many times can you guys argue about the same shit, Obama, Mccain, Obama McCain, its getting old...[/quote]

It's almost over with, and then I'm sure there'll be arguments about new stuff.

Big P

Well-Known Member
It's almost over with, and then I'm sure there'll be arguments about new stuff.

exactly, new threads after the election like:

"do you agree or disagree that all white people should be sent to prison camps as per the Obama administrations executive order?:mrgreen:"


"does the obama administration have the right to make muslim our national religion?":mrgreen:


"do you really think the nucleur fallout comming our way through the trade winds will kill us or just disfigure us?":mrgreen:

or heres the most realistic one:

do you think we should reward and give more money to people who dont work hard and discourage hard workers from working hard?

then after that will be this thread by some dumocrat:

"hay what happend to all the monies???? i got no job and no food to eat"

well Timmy, theres no more money cuz people got tired of slaving for somone else to line thier pockets, thats why there are no more companies in the united states of america anymore.

sorry timmy you can only give away stuff for so long until theres nothing for anyone anymore.

i think thats a rule of physics or somthing

you cant make somthing out of nothing, and the companies in the united states are fleeing america in droves. just ask the great Galifornia what what happend to all the business that used to be in that state.

hey wait a min, isint cali going bank rupped? sounds like they had the right plan,

hey obama lets do the same socialist model for the rest of the country,

come on please! its Chinas turn to be rich and happy im tired of it here in america:roll:

Big P

Well-Known Member
I hope that does not actually happen but im not sure why it wouldnt, american companies, you can kiss them goodbye

thats why ive been stackin my chips, ill be ok, but everyone else is gonna get raked

the sad thing is, the way poeple are, it takes a horrible catastrophy for them to learn thier lessons, poeple as nations seem to only learn thier lessons the hard way, and then let enough time go by when those people are dead, then thier children will have to relearn these fuckin lesson the hard way again.

i hate to say it, but the majority of poeple are ignorent to the extream, from all sides of all subjects

im hoping maybe the younger ones are more enlightened now due to all the information we have recieved from the vastly improved reasourses available today.

anyway my chips are already stacked, lets see how it goes. bring the pain obama.

keep holding down the poor by giving them hand outs instead of giving them skills and jobs.

why would they need skills or a job if your already giving them other peoples hard earned money?

so ironiclly it is these policies that have created the huge imbalance in the poor communities and led to crime and violence instead of helping lift people up to become self sufficient.

instead they give them money which is not enough to live on so they suppliment with crime and drug dealing.

which in turn creates more addicts and worthless parents and more poeple on the dole, then more dealers on the streets

and the dumbass poeple are like, "why do our inner cities keep getting worse and worse and the problems getting larger and larger?"

its because the government is and has been encouraging it for decades and decades little Timmy for decades


Well-Known Member
Heh, yeah, I'm quaking in my boots at the rich folks having to pay the same tax rate they did under H. W. Bush and Clinton. That just totally destroyed our economy. Oops, wait, no it didn't -- those were times of economic prosperity, and we were paying all our bills, and the Congressional Budget Office was projecting a surplus. What happened? Oh yeah, Bush came along and gave massive tax cuts to people with $50 billion dollars, even when those people, at least some of them, said they didn't WANT those tax cuts. Warren Buffett called those tax cuts 'welfare for the rich' and wondered why he, of all people, was getting tax cuts when the common man was suffering so much.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
keep holding down the poor by giving them hand outs instead of giving them skills and jobs.

why would they need skills or a job if your already giving them other peoples hard earned money?
Welfare reforms under Reagan, Bush, and Clinton have largely eliminated this problem, and Obama has no intention of reversing this course. Did you hear the speech he gave on father's day? It was a strong call for more personal responsibility among fathers.

so ironiclly it is these policies that have created the huge imbalance in the poor communities and led to crime and violence instead of helping lift people up to become self sufficient.
You may have had an argument 30 years ago. Get with the times.

instead they give them money which is not enough to live on so they suppliment with crime and drug dealing.

which in turn creates more addicts and worthless parents and more poeple on the dole, then more dealers on the streets

and the dumbass poeple are like, "why do our inner cities keep getting worse and worse and the problems getting larger and larger?"
Are they getting worse? Or do you just think they are? New York City has gotten better over the last 20 years, for sure.

its because the government is and has been encouraging it for decades and decades little Timmy for decades
The government is causing a problem that doesn't exist by doing something they're not actually doing? You tell em.

Big P

Well-Known Member
actullly that welfare reform stuff is complete bull, i have a zillion friends and thier baby mommas on that shit, as soon as they get a check its off to get some coke

you have no idea, "hey man ill buy you $100 worth of food with my food stamps if you give me $50"

shit ill do that all day. i figure im getting raked so may aswell come up where I can,

too bad I actually married my wife, i should have done like every one else and just put her on welfare for an extra $300 a week

If I make a $10,000 check on my comission guess what, i take home a about 5 or 6 g's by the end of it

I been workin hard all my life I slave at work to make my money

yet all my friends sit on thier asses all day and play video games and sell drugs and collect checks

I dont blame them cuz hey its free money right?

but the way I see it, is I worked hard for somthing and I should be enjoying myself and be able to reap the fruits of my labor, i have earned this right

instead Im constantly in a hussle cuz i gotta give a half of my hard erned pie to sombody else to gobble up, who cares less about raising thier family right and taking care of them and who didnt make the right decisions in life and work hard like did.

let alone most of the fucking money is getting pissed away on the biggest pyramid sceme ever perpetrated on the people of this country,

its called social security, sure the fucks who pay in it first get all the benifits but if your at the ass end of the pyramid you get fucked, like all of us are being fucked straigh in the ass

needless to say I dont expect any of you guys to give a shit its all good.

and its funny obama calls people who make $250K rich, its easy for him to say when he already has millions.

how about this, if hes gonna fuck the rich, why not just fuck the rich and leave above average Joe out of this????

u think someone makeing $250K per year in California is considered rich? you know what kinda of costs are involved in living ?

anyway, im not stupid i know they will rape me and I prolly may end up losing my job when they fuck up the ecomony so I got me a small house ima pay off, ima save as much as possible so my kids and family are secure

but hey I could of had my house paid off by now and been livin the good life, but I guess I forgot I gotta strap these retchid complete strangers on my back and tell my kids sorry you could have had a better life but these fucking strangers are bleeding us dry.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
That's not a good situation, but it's not something the government caused. You said yourself these people you're talking about make their money by selling drugs, and it's not the government's fault they're doing that. The welfare program you're talking about sounds like a state one anyway. What state do you live in, california? If so, your main problem is with your governator, not Washington DC.

Still, you can't deny that there are a lot of honest people out there who are making a lot less than $250,000 and hurting a lot more. Would you prefer the government raise their taxes or cut programs that benefit them instead so they have to sell drugs in order to make ends meet?


Well-Known Member
and its funny obama calls people who make $250K rich, its easy for him to say when he already has millions.

how about this, if hes gonna fuck the rich, why not just fuck the rich and leave above average Joe out of this????

u think someone makeing $250K per year in California is considered rich? you know what kinda of costs are involved in living ?
The unadjusted median income in California is around $35,000. I'd say that if you make seven times more than the average citizen you're fairly "rich." How much more do you have to earn than the typical citizen to be considered "rich" by you? Ten times more? Twenty? Thirty?

State Reports on Median Income for 2006