What did you accomplish today?

It seems as though you've found a sinecure. I've always targeted those when I needed to be in the work force. Kudos...

noun: sinecure; plural noun: sinecures

a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit.

"political sinecures for the supporters of ministers"
synonyms: easy job, soft option;
informal cushy number, money for old rope, money for jam, picnic, doddle, walk in the park, cinch, gravy train;
informal bludge
"Connie's job was a sinecure that could be done by anyone"
I've lucked into a couple of those gigs. Unfortunately I was not mature enough to handle them. My mind was the devil's workshop. So there ensued sleuthing, poking into nooks and crannies and myriad other undesirable and immature traits.

Buffer riding races anyone?
I've been calling it my pin monkey job. Having a pulse and being able to read and write were the only requirements. I feel a little guilty taking money for nothing, if I was in an office I would dust and clean or do something. Here if nobody is chatting there's absolutely nothing to do.

Thanks to that link I now know the weight of the pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
I had a similar gig when in early college, 4-8pm M-F; sat in a room waiting to answer the phone; merely to tell the caller to call back during 8am-3:30pm and ask if they wanted to speak to a specific person. I'd record the call in a log book. There was a TV and radio in the room, I did my homework and watched TV. I had 4 calls in the month and a half I had the job. I quit cuz I was going out of my mind. Pay was $5/hr (damned good in 1973). A nice lady would come at quitting time and lock up, she also left when I would show up for the day. One Friday I told her I quit, she tried to talk me out of it, telling me what a great job I was doing LOL. Never did find out what the business did or anything.
I had a similar gig when in early college, 4-8pm M-F; sat in a room waiting to answer the phone; merely to tell the caller to call back during 8am-3:30pm and ask if they wanted to speak to a specific person. I'd record the call in a log book. There was a TV and radio in the room, I did my homework and watched TV. I had 4 calls in the month and a half I had the job. I quit cuz I was going out of my mind. Pay was $5/hr (damned good in 1973). A nice lady would come at quitting time and lock up, she also left when I would show up for the day. One Friday I told her I quit, she tried to talk me out of it, telling me what a great job I was doing LOL. Never did find out what the business did or anything.
Jobs like these need to be gathered and catalogued. We need a Sinecurator. I nominate you for the post, as that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
LMAO. Indeed
With T-shirts bearing the cover story

howdy everyone......well my weekend was kinda shitty......but it went well overall...saw a few family member that i hadn't seen in a few years. They asked me when i'm coming to Houston to visit them.....with my work schedual...eh who knows....like to hit they're farm in La grange though......50acres and 2 stock ponds full of bass.....

Welp it's gonna be 97F today heat index to the 105 and 108 today......everything got they're morning watering and inspection....