New Zealands new gun buy back scheme.

It's not the guns. It's the ass backwards people. How can anyone blame an inanimate object? There are way more alcohol related or vehicular homicides/deaths. Ban cars and booze? Banning booze has worked so well for so many places. Weapons aren't the problem.
It's not the guns. It's the ass backwards people. How can anyone blame an inanimate object? There are way more alcohol related or vehicular homicides/deaths. Ban cars and booze? Banning booze has worked so well for so many places. Weapons aren't the problem.
You really need to get a new argument. No the guns don't act on their own. Its the people with the guns that is a problem. There are no countries worth living in where people commonly carry guns.
Ok guy. I know that I am correct. My lady is the one that carries at all times because I want her to be safe. I hope it doesn't come down to you getting car jacked by all the law abiding criminals to figure it out. Enjoy being a statistic.
Funny how many countries that are livable don't have people walking around with guns and how many that aren't, do.

Having travelled extensively, nothing says "fucked up country" more than a bunch of people carrying guns. I hope for better for my children.

I hope you find a way to compensate for your amount of virility in another way.

If your child, wife or you were being savagely assaulted and an armed Samaritan intervened and stopped the assault, would you thank the person or hit them with your purse?

Also, your comment regarding virility is a poor substitute for an argument. Don't women have a right to be able to protect themselves too? How would you recommend a woman protect herself from a home invasion by a couple of thugs twice her size ?

Nothing says "fucked up logic" more than a bunch of gun grabbers thinking they can end gun violence by concentrating gun ownership in the hands of their overlords.
He’s mos def hung up on forcing sex and ripping off black prostitutes. He keeps asking for approval on that one.

Probably safe to assume the only sex he gets is from hard up whores at the end of the line or slow dogs.

How are those pushups going old man ? Tomorrow shoot for 2 in a row. You can do it!
Guaranteed Rob Roy would starve to death if he was dropped somewhere without his wallet and his credit cards. Silly fat cunt. Bet he can’t drive a nail much less a box of them. Can’t weld. Can’t operate a lathe or a mill or drive a semi. I can do all that. But the fat fairy’s only “skill” is running his mouth. can't weed your garden or put some paint on your rotting plywood. How many years have you been "aging" the wood in your unfinished shack?

This time of year, a sharpened triple pronged stick will get you all the bullfrogs you can eat, unless you throw like a girl, eh hotrodharriet?
I’m not the man I used to be but I’m twice the man you could ever hope to be. This is Alaska wilderness, you fat ignorant fuck. Further we sawed a lot of this ourselves with a sawmill at the site starting 3 years ago. Keep showing your ignorance and abject stupidity.

Looks like the last time you weeded that lame nutrient starved bean patch was about 3 years ago.

You'll be chewing the leather from your size 54 belt this winter if that's your garden.
Looks like the last time you weeded that lame nutrient starved bean patch was about 3 years ago.

You'll be chewing the leather from your size 54 belt this winter if that's your garden.
I’ll post pics later this fall, you ignorant bitch. You won’t and can’t because you’re all talk and hot air and obviously extremely jealous.
You may want to research the word "moron". Seems to fit you very well.
You may want to look up the research that proves you are 43 times more likely to kill yourself or a loved one with your gun rather than defend yourself with it

Why do you want your wife to be unsafe like that?