just ordered a mushroom grow kit.

Often when you harvest there will be areas of small pins just starting. theses are not always aborts, just the next flush starting. Don't pick unless you see the caps of these tiny ones darkening and becoming pointy. Then they are considered aborts. Aborts btw are very potent for their size and should be harvested if determined they are in fact aborts.

Ahhhhh!!!! sounds like trichoderma or penicillum. The mistake was watering it ( the green) before the salt. That just spread it beyond repair. Salt might keep it at bay for a few days, but dont expect much more. once it is in there, its done. I'd suggest salting the area and then misting the salt . You want it to soak in and saturate the are.
This is an issue i have with any type soil/ nutritional material; used as casing. Peat as well is so prone to the green. I prefer straight Vermiculite as a casing. Straw also has a tendency to contam easily. Often when you find the green, it hasnt started on the casing but from deep underneath in the sub. from the grain or straw.
I'd have to say now,.. the instructions, eh... not so good for contams control.

Love to see some more pics :) But if there is green visible, its probably deep within sub and has been a while.

Do you have an outdoor location you could plant these? I mean almost anyplace with shade.dappled sunlight will work. Let mother nature deal with the trich and you might be surprised how much the tray throws off naturally.

Good first time out with a kit. Congrats on your success.! You've learned about the process first hand and next time can DIY it., Sorry I didnt get any printing info up before it was too late, but i not sure you let any mature long enough to print anyway :P.
Thanks for sharing your experience.

Just a thought.. why so much negativity here? Its almost as bad as a political forum. I look at the forums as a place to learn, share experience, help or be helped. Laughing at others misfortune or mistakes or misunderstaning is just bad karma, and adds nothing to the conversation.
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I suggest another angle on trich. Try 30 percent bleach. Scoop the contamination out and soak the area and surrounding with bleach. I once thought a spray bottle was water. Sprayed the surface and was sure I had killed the mycelium. It didnt, but the unit never went green while all the others did. I now use bleach to get that last flush on horizontal oyster patches and there is no reason to shouldnt work with yours.
I suggest another angle on trich. Try 30 percent bleach. Scoop the contamination out and soak the area and surrounding with bleach. I once thought a spray bottle was water. Sprayed the surface and was sure I had killed the mycelium. It didnt, but the unit never went green while all the others did. I now use bleach to get that last flush on horizontal oyster patches and there is no reason to shouldnt work with yours.

Thank you for the information. At this point the mold has not seemed to progress beyond the salted area. Once my new flush is harvested I will take your advice and see if I can't get anymore fruiting out of this box, without the threat of green mold ruining all my fun. I'd do it now, but I am concerned about bleach residue destroying my almost ready to pick mushrooms.
Mushrooms July 17.jpg I let these ones go a little longer. I only picked two out of this flush. In a day or two Im going to pick everything that looks good, then I'm going to scrape with a sterilized spoon all the moldy area's. Then Ill spray with a bleach solution and fill in the areas with sterilized dirt. I honestly don't expect anything safe to consume afterwards, but I want to see what happens either way.
Oh yeah, very Nice! Congrats.
I like the Bleach approach. Same reason. But, most of my trays are small and I often do not only do a mist or a soak, but a total 24 hr dunk in a bit milder bleach solution. Not so much to remove contams, but in between later flushes to prolong the fruiting and reduce risk of nasties grabbing on.. If you can remove, bleach, and don't see it throughout the sub, you might keep it in check and let 'er go for more.

Nothing like your first successful fruiting. Way to go Voodu., peace
View attachment 4366534 I let these ones go a little longer. I only picked two out of this flush. In a day or two Im going to pick everything that looks good, then I'm going to scrape with a sterilized spoon all the moldy area's. Then Ill spray with a bleach solution and fill in the areas with sterilized dirt. I honestly don't expect anything safe to consume afterwards, but I want to see what happens either way.
Nice, but...... too much c02. Stems are long either because of high co2 levels or low light.
wut uhbout the strain my homies that grow shrooms says longer stems = diff strain b+ and puertoricans

No, the organism likes broad caps.

It's one or the other or both.

However, I am unsure that you would get more weight with the proper parameters.
About 10 days ago, I picked all mushrooms and aborts from my previous flush's and scraped off a good amount of the casing soil. On the areas with green mold I dug down a little deeper into the straw substrate. I did not find any mold growing in the straw area, only on the casing soil. I then sprayed the surface of the kit with about 150 ml of 70/30 distilledwater and bleach. I then re-covered the whole top of the kit with left over sterilized topsoil, I kept the left over soil in a sealed container in the fridge after I initially sterilized it over a month ago. I gave an even spraying of distilled water over the new soil and have been misting daily. I am pleasantly surprised to find more mushrooms growing. Looking healthy and happy, no signs of mold or contamination on the soil, at this time. July 27.jpg
Heck Yeah man, excellent! You did a mighty fine job for your first time out. They aren't that difficult, and you have gained a basic understanding of the entire process. I'm sure you learned quite a bit doing it hands on. Congrats.
To date, I have produced a little over 60 grams of dried Cubensis mushrooms. I anticipate achieving 1 more flush, to make a total of 6 flushes before I retire the grow box to the great outdoors. For the price of the kit, and the yield at present, it works out to 2.75 a gram. Not bad at all in my opinion. This has been a very decent little kit. Anyone living in Canada looking to grow some magic mushrooms, can definitely benefit from this easy to use kit.
To date, I have produced a little over 60 grams of dried Cubensis mushrooms. I anticipate achieving 1 more flush, to make a total of 6 flushes before I retire the grow box to the great outdoors. For the price of the kit, and the yield at present, it works out to 2.75 a gram. Not bad at all in my opinion. This has been a very decent little kit. Anyone living in Canada looking to grow some magic mushrooms, can definitely benefit from this easy to use kit.

Great results and review! Good job on your first try!!
To date, I have produced a little over 60 grams of dried Cubensis mushrooms. I anticipate achieving 1 more flush, to make a total of 6 flushes before I retire the grow box to the great outdoors. For the price of the kit, and the yield at present, it works out to 2.75 a gram. Not bad at all in my opinion. This has been a very decent little kit. Anyone living in Canada looking to grow some magic mushrooms, can definitely benefit from this easy to use kit.
That's pretty decent, in fact the best review I've heard about the kits. But now you should look into monotubs where you can produce a qp per tub for less cost than the kit.
That's pretty decent, in fact the best review I've heard about the kits. But now you should look into monotubs where you can produce a qp per tub for less cost than the kit.

At this point I have enough mushrooms to last me about 5 months. I have been taking about 3-5 grams per dose once every 2 weeks in conjunction with weekly psychotherapy. I have found the mental health benefits to be profound to say the least. My doctors have also been blown away.
In a little time, I may get another kit from the same website, because I know I can produce with it and at the same time try my own spore grow in a plastic tote. That way I can learn to grow it the hard way, and be assured I will have a yield. I would also be interested in different strains of psilocybin mushrooms, so I would have to create my own spawn from a spore syringe to do that.
I may even decide to grow culinary mushrooms, since it appears to be rather simple. I love shitake, Oyster, Lions mane or Morel mushrooms.
At this point I have enough mushrooms to last me about 5 months. I have been taking about 3-5 grams per dose once every 2 weeks in conjunction with weekly psychotherapy. I have found the mental health benefits to be profound to say the least. My doctors have also been blown away.
In a little time, I may get another kit from the same website, because I know I can produce with it and at the same time try my own spore grow in a plastic tote. That way I can learn to grow it the hard way, and be assured I will have a yield. I would also be interested in different strains of psilocybin mushrooms, so I would have to create my own spawn from a spore syringe to do that.
I may even decide to grow culinary mushrooms, since it appears to be rather simple. I love shitake, Oyster, Lions mane or Morel mushrooms.
I thought about growing oysters for retail, could produce close to MJ per sq ft. I tried microdosing a gram a day for 8 days last year, I know that's a high microdose but it had a profound long lasting affect. That was after a half quarter trip, golden teacher, highly recommend.