Often when you harvest there will be areas of small pins just starting. theses are not always aborts, just the next flush starting. Don't pick unless you see the caps of these tiny ones darkening and becoming pointy. Then they are considered aborts. Aborts btw are very potent for their size and should be harvested if determined they are in fact aborts.
Ahhhhh!!!! sounds like trichoderma or penicillum. The mistake was watering it ( the green) before the salt. That just spread it beyond repair. Salt might keep it at bay for a few days, but dont expect much more. once it is in there, its done. I'd suggest salting the area and then misting the salt . You want it to soak in and saturate the are.
This is an issue i have with any type soil/ nutritional material; used as casing. Peat as well is so prone to the green. I prefer straight Vermiculite as a casing. Straw also has a tendency to contam easily. Often when you find the green, it hasnt started on the casing but from deep underneath in the sub. from the grain or straw.
I'd have to say now,.. the instructions, eh... not so good for contams control.
Love to see some more pics
But if there is green visible, its probably deep within sub and has been a while.
Do you have an outdoor location you could plant these? I mean almost anyplace with shade.dappled sunlight will work. Let mother nature deal with the trich and you might be surprised how much the tray throws off naturally.
Good first time out with a kit. Congrats on your success.! You've learned about the process first hand and next time can DIY it., Sorry I didnt get any printing info up before it was too late, but i not sure you let any mature long enough to print anyway
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Just a thought.. why so much negativity here? Its almost as bad as a political forum. I look at the forums as a place to learn, share experience, help or be helped. Laughing at others misfortune or mistakes or misunderstaning is just bad karma, and adds nothing to the conversation.
Ahhhhh!!!! sounds like trichoderma or penicillum. The mistake was watering it ( the green) before the salt. That just spread it beyond repair. Salt might keep it at bay for a few days, but dont expect much more. once it is in there, its done. I'd suggest salting the area and then misting the salt . You want it to soak in and saturate the are.
This is an issue i have with any type soil/ nutritional material; used as casing. Peat as well is so prone to the green. I prefer straight Vermiculite as a casing. Straw also has a tendency to contam easily. Often when you find the green, it hasnt started on the casing but from deep underneath in the sub. from the grain or straw.
I'd have to say now,.. the instructions, eh... not so good for contams control.
Love to see some more pics

Do you have an outdoor location you could plant these? I mean almost anyplace with shade.dappled sunlight will work. Let mother nature deal with the trich and you might be surprised how much the tray throws off naturally.
Good first time out with a kit. Congrats on your success.! You've learned about the process first hand and next time can DIY it., Sorry I didnt get any printing info up before it was too late, but i not sure you let any mature long enough to print anyway

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Just a thought.. why so much negativity here? Its almost as bad as a political forum. I look at the forums as a place to learn, share experience, help or be helped. Laughing at others misfortune or mistakes or misunderstaning is just bad karma, and adds nothing to the conversation.
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