Police kill more than 12.8 times the amount of citizens than mass shooters

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
(headline excerpted from The Free Thought Project)

When gun control disarms law abiding citizens how many MORE citizens will Police kill ? What is their incentive not to murder more if it's known people are defenseless?
easy, filter or screen out police recruits that have a biased prejudice or some sort of obvious deep seated bigotry and a over the top sense of self authoritarianism...an good luck with that method, hasn't really seemed to work anyways... or discard political leaders that embolden a racist mindset, that in turn embolden the racist that carry badges...and guns...
also, regular mandatory mental evaluations all members of the force, from beat cops to police chiefs.
easy, filter or screen out police recruits that have a biased prejudice or some sort of obvious deep seated bigotry and a over the top sense of self authoritarianism...an good luck with that method, hasn't really seemed to work anyways... or discard political leaders that embolden a racist mindset, that in turn embolden the racist that carry badges...and guns...
also, regular mandatory mental evaluations all members of the force, from beat cops to police chiefs.

Not all laws are just. Yet cops swear an oath to enforce all laws.

That means cops swear an oath to do things which are unjust and routinely carry out that oath. How does "more training" solve that ?
I think it would help if we didn't expect cops to do deal with as much administration as it seems we do. Let them be specialized and completely focused and safe on the streets without having to do paperwork. With body cams on the entire time, why couldn't they just stay linked with someone at office who does all the paper work, keeps an eye on whats going on and can communicate with them directly to look shit up or whatever.


Using drones to follow instead of car chases. etc, it seems tech can really help out in a lot of ways to get safer results.
Stupid stupid post by a fucking idiot. The most armed country in the world and cops kill people. Geez I wonder if there’s any correlation? You are one stupid piece of shit.

Not condoning cops who kill senselessly. Just telling you this is one stupid post.
Stupid stupid post by a fucking idiot. The most armed country in the world and cops kill people. Geez I wonder if there’s any correlation? You are one stupid piece of shit.

Not condoning cops who kill senselessly. Just telling you this is one stupid post.

Speaking of stupid, I think you should consider stopping eating bear dung you find on the trail to your woodsy rotting shack. It's obviously causing you to have hallucinations.

As far as your near on topic correlation comment. A long time ago I had friends from Cambodia whose parents were shot by "cops" right in front of them. Then they were put to work in a concentration camp and later escaped after some very tough times. The reason those cops got away with it, was twofold. First Cambodia instituted "gun control" in the 1950s which meant the citizenry was nearly helpless in the 1970s when the killing fields took place. That's not speculation...those things happened.

The second reason was, "cops" there, like in the USA, are exempt from personal responsibility for most of their actions, even when their actions involve them committing horrible (but possibly "legal" ) acts. What happens in nearly every instance when a cop shoots somebody? They do an internal investigation and find their fellow cop innocent.
I think it would help if we didn't expect cops to do deal with as much administration as it seems we do. Let them be specialized and completely focused and safe on the streets without having to do paperwork. With body cams on the entire time, why couldn't they just stay linked with someone at office who does all the paper work, keeps an eye on whats going on and can communicate with them directly to look shit up or whatever.


Using drones to follow instead of car chases. etc, it seems tech can really help out in a lot of ways to get safer results.

Body cams on cops can be a good thing, until they turn them off. I agree that a cop who knows he's on camera will behave better.

If laws are so complicated that a cop has to have administrators direct him like a robot, how is the average guy on the street supposed to know which silly victimless crime he might be committing?
When you shoot somebody in the back 14 times that's running away from you, it doesn't matter if he had a gun.

If somebody was looking like they were going to shoot you and you knew you had the right to defend yourself, wouldn't it help if you were armed?

Is it morally wrong to defend yourself against a person engaged in trying to kill you ? Is it any different if the person trying to kill you is a cop? Why?
When they shoot a 12 year old boy with an Air Soft gun in a park in the broad daylight while he’s with his mother and sister and not a gang - are we great yet?

It gets worse than that.

If the rigged internal investigation somehow goes awry or they need to act like they're being fair to quell public outcry and give the next of kin of their victim a financial settlement, you get to pay for it via your taxes.