Police kill more than 12.8 times the amount of citizens than mass shooters

It gets worse than that.

If the rigged internal investigation somehow goes awry or they need to act like they're being fair to quell public outcry and give the next of kin of their victim a financial settlement, you get to pay for it via your taxes.
You still would have never made it to middle age if cops and government didn’t exist. Stupid motherfuckers didn’t last long. Or they worked as milliners or dressmakers.
Body cams on cops can be a good thing, until they turn them off. I agree that a cop who knows he's on camera will behave better.

If laws are so complicated that a cop has to have administrators direct him like a robot, how is the average guy on the street supposed to know which silly victimless crime he might be committing?
Yeah I think body cams should be live linked to the headquarters, that way they can have eyes on important situations. I think more eyes is a positive thing, police shouldn't need to worry about transparency.
Not all laws are just. Yet cops swear an oath to enforce all laws.

That means cops swear an oath to do things which are unjust and routinely carry out that oath. How does "more training" solve that ?

Why focus on police when it is clearly a problem of American society which is violent and scared at its roots. Police around the world enforce unjust laws but they don’t go around killing people. Training to use other methods could work. Saw British police save a crazy guy with a knife where there is a good chance he would have been killed in America. There lots to learn but don’t just lay blame at the police.
Why focus on police when it is clearly a problem of American society which is violent and scared at its roots. Police around the world enforce unjust laws but they don’t go around killing people. Training to use other methods could work. Saw British police save a crazy guy with a knife where there is a good chance he would have been killed in America. There lots to learn but don’t just lay blame at the police.

While I disagree with your post, I appreciate your semi-coherent delivery.
Yeah I think body cams should be live linked to the headquarters, that way they can have eyes on important situations. I think more eyes is a positive thing, police shouldn't need to worry about transparency.

Eventually the totalitarian state will replace cops with robots, who will "malfunction" and terminate undesirables on the street. (kidding)

I think security is a necessary service that people want, enforcement of nefarious laws not so much. Maybe one solution is to get rid of victimless crime type laws, since cops are already not supposed to be enforcing them if the enforcement violates a persons rights.
things won't change until cops are finally held to some sort of accountability for killing innocent people.. far too many times do they go scott free with zero charges filed, the most they seem to face is possible loss of a their job, or desk duty..
i saw just the other day that cop from new york won't be facing any charges for killing a guy who had the audacity to sell loose smokes on the street..
I've never pointed out that you are a pedophile. I thought your depravity was confined to incontinent floor bombings and obsessive white guilt.
That’s because unlike you I don’t repeatedly say that children can consent you pedophile

Nice “white guilt” mention there, ya pos neo nazi
That’s because unlike you I don’t repeatedly say that children can consent you pedophile

Nice “white guilt” mention there, ya pos neo nazi

I've said that the wherewithal to consent isn't a fixed exact age for every person.

Are you saying that's inaccurate and that at the stroke of midnight when a person turns a certain age they magically attain the ability to consent ?

Thanks on the white guilt thing, very kind of you to notice.
I've said that the wherewithal to consent isn't a fixed exact age for every person.

Are you saying that's inaccurate and that at the stroke of midnight when a person turns a certain age they magically attain the ability to consent ?

Thanks on the white guilt thing, very kind of you to notice.
11 year olds cannot consent to sex with adults you fucking pedophile neo-nazi
things won't change until cops are finally held to some sort of accountability for killing innocent people.. far too many times do they go scott free with zero charges filed, the most they seem to face is possible loss of a their job, or desk duty..
i saw just the other day that cop from new york won't be facing any charges for killing a guy who had the audacity to sell loose smokes on the street..

Have you ever seen that video where a cop shots a black teen/young adult and you can watch the video and at first glance you think, damn, he just shot an unarmed teen. But they show the video slowed down and it turns out the teen was pulling a gun out and it was a justified killing. Was so freaking fast.

It must be like combat duty in some places for them. Imagine the stress. That's the reality that they deal with. It's unfair to expect people doing a shit job like that to be any different. Hell is war as they say.

Which brings us to the real problem. War on Americans. The Drug War. That is where all this shit comes from. The government awarding government contracts to arm the police like military. All drugs need to be legalized. forfeiture needs to end. Then teens stop pulling out guns and cops stop killing innocent people.

Cops are a product of the system.
Have you ever seen that video where a cop shots a black teen/young adult and you can watch the video and at first glance you think, damn, he just shot an unarmed teen. But they show the video slowed down and it turns out the teen was pulling a gun out and it was a justified killing. Was so freaking fast.

It must be like combat duty in some places for them. Imagine the stress. That's the reality that they deal with. It's unfair to expect people doing a shit job like that to be any different. Hell is war as they say.

Which brings us to the real problem. War on Americans. The Drug War. That is where all this shit comes from. The government awarding government contracts to arm the police like military. All drugs need to be legalized. forfeiture needs to end. Then teens stop pulling out guns and cops stop killing innocent people.

Cops are a product of the system.

what gun did the unarmed black guy in new york who dared to sell loose cigarettes have that paid for his faux pas with his life after a cop put him in a choke hold?
sure, some people might be armed, but many, too many, are not, and are still shot like a dog in the street..
You still would have never made it to middle age if cops and government didn’t exist. Stupid motherfuckers didn’t last long. Or they worked as milliners or dressmakers.

Well that is a nonsense. No cops tomorrow and people live just as long. No government tomorrow and people adjust and live just as long, well at least the healthy ones.
what gun did the unarmed black guy in new york who dared to sell loose cigarettes have that paid for his faux pas with his life after a cop put him in a choke hold?
sure, some people might be armed, but many, too many, are not, and are still shot like a dog in the street..

You've missed the point.