
Where do I find info on property seizure guidelines? I see the laws as far as jail time and fines but that's it. Any help would be appreciated.
It's going to matter if it's state (and which state) or Federal, the type of crime committed, if the assets seized were used during the commission of the crime or were fruits of such. If we're talking about a lot of money/property, you may want buy an hour of a criminal defense atty's time who has experience in criminal forfeiture cases.

specifically search for "forfeiture of assets seized" or "guidelines on seized and forfeited property"

good luck
It's going to matter if it's state (and which state) or Federal, the type of crime committed, if the assets seized were used during the commission of the crime or were fruits of such. If we're talking about a lot of money/property, you may want buy an hour of a criminal defense atty's time who has experience in criminal forfeiture cases.

specifically search for "forfeiture of assets seized" or "guidelines on seized and forfeited property"

good luck

Thank you! I think you are probably right about talking to a lawyer, God only knows what kind of loopholes or laws within laws there may be.