Who do you think will win?

  • HLG

    Votes: 68 90.7%
  • HydroGrow

    Votes: 7 9.3%

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You guys make NO sense & confuse real growers.
bit rich coming from a dyslexic noob that can barely write a coherent sentence and blames white light for his grow issues... when there are thousands of people smashing it with whites.

The real growers dont have deficiencies. Weird that...:confused:

I am sure you two members are responsible for many leaving this forum and costing RIU in membership and advertiser dollars. @sunni should really be keeping an eye on you two.
you still promoting a rip off merchant and rat? have you taken the piss out of any other RIU members family photos recently? You got any pics of led weed ? GTFO

Captain Morgan not on the mag then...GG4 too, renowned for loving the Mg...bit awks. Must be magic
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Could this be intensity related? Emmerson effect is more relevant on lower intensities, could this be the same for this sortakindablurple? In the side by side it seems like the hgl plant gets lower intensities overall which could be why hybrid says it doesnt get "led deficiencies" but the plant response to the beefed up spectrum makes it grow well even with less light.

400 PAR nominal is the sweetspot when incorporating proper Emerson effect, from what Ive read, think Figgs(rip) said it, cant remember. I run my 3x3 with about 200 watts of Luminus COBS with 730nm puck, and i think they kick ass with under 500 PAR which is where i now keep it at max PAR.
bit rich coming from a dyslexic noob that can barely write a coherent sentence and blames white light for his grow issues... when there are thousands of people smashing it with whites.

The real growers dont have deficiencies. Weird that...:confused:

you still promoting a rip off merchant and rat? have you taken the piss out of any other RIU members family photos recently? You got any pics of led weed ? GTFO

Captain Morgan not on the mag then...GG4 too, renowned for loving the Mg...bit awks. Must be magic
Listen man, im not saying it cant be fixed. Once you know how & still dont do it, then its growers error. Till they make a nute line specific, media, or at least the led manufacturer can give a heads up to decrease early failure rates & have less people discouraged, wanting to box up their brand new premium fixtures.
Yo, im not stupid, i get PM's anout thus shit. Write short cuz i dont have time to write at all punk. Lucky i respond to dumb shit like this.
Big cultivators, growers doing much bigger things then we see here are always in discussion about this at the Grow Stores.
Let it go man. Its real. Even knowing how to prevent it fir the most part, my garden is a touchy bitch. One feed a lil off n they tell me. Scary shit.
bit rich coming from a dyslexic noob that can barely write a coherent sentence and blames white light for his grow issues... when there are thousands of people smashing it with whites.

The real growers dont have deficiencies. Weird that...:confused:

you still promoting a rip off merchant and rat? have you taken the piss out of any other RIU members family photos recently? You got any pics of led weed ? GTFO

Captain Morgan not on the mag then...GG4 too, renowned for loving the Mg...bit awks. Must be magic
Oh lookie - it's @Ryante55 and lukio :lol:

The sad sad part is that neither you nor @Ryante55 ever offer anything helpful to the community and just bring negativity to this led section. I am sure you two members are responsible for many leaving this forum and costing RIU in membership and advertiser dollars. @sunni should really be keeping an eye on you two.
The post I am quoting shows just how out of touch you are to what is really going on.... :dunce:

So who left because of them? Please quote someone. You got Whytewiddow to abandon riu by posting personal shit about his kids.
im not stupid, i get PM's anout thus shit
That doesnt mean you know what youre talking about. You're renowned for lockout and feeding problems and you know that right? right? please answer that.

One feed a lil off n they tell me. Scary shit.
says it all. maybe you're more suited to soil than hydro. I can run an led coco garden for 10 days without even being there and see no problems. i am not alone either! im not a great grower, im lazy and i make mistakes sometimes but i'll blame myself, fix it and move on.

This place is unsurprisingly and rightly filled with new led growers. if i was a newb looking for advice and saw all your lighting i'd probs ask you also.
I understand you're legit trying to help people, unlike @OneHitDone, and thats great, thats what forums are for.

years ago, when i started using led I signed up to uk420 and was told in no uncertain terms by mods and whoever else was involved in their ignorant circle jerk, that they are too weak, "wont grow bud", "throw them away" blah blah blah...yadda yadda yadda...i proved them all wrong and left, guess which lighting theyre all using now? They can suck my nut. you're kinda doing the same...all these newbs you keep preaching led deficiency to, will, i hope, eventually realise you're wrong.

Big cultivators, growers doing much bigger things then we see here are always in discussion about this at the Grow Stores.
Let it go man. Its real.
No they're not, you're making that up. show me one big cultivator struggling under led. i'll wait.

@OneHitDone you're so predictable. i can almost hear your brain seize up before hitting google images to find an educated response, and you didn't let me down - classy. its no wonder only one or two ignorants here back you...and youve been here years! ouch.
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well at least you knew what you were talking about, zypher, one of 3 including key4/diyleduk, whos doing fine work over there. its nice to see them all come round. tell arthur im loving his led garden. hahaha - he slagged off white sammies so hard lololol

cant remember the other guys name, knew about cobs. i imagine he moved on too
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no rebuttal, just nonsense. doesnt even surprise me anymore. weak
I still have the original PM from Hybrid about LEDs. He showed up all innocent with the first post...then bam from post 2 till now has been all garbage and free advertising for years all Amare.....Most of the good light builders left because of these unsavory characters.

Never having basic technical data is a red flag, always has been, and they pride themselves somehow on neveroffering it, laugh out loud.....
So who left because of them? Please quote someone. You got Whytewiddow to abandon riu by posting personal shit about his kids.
Please put on your big boy pants and get the facts straight - if you post a photo on a public forum it is fair game for jokes and sarcasm. Like I would even know that dude was ignorant enough to actually post pics of his family on a marijuana forum - I still don't know that it is and neither do you so get over yo bad self.

no rebuttal, just nonsense. doesnt even surprise me anymore. weak
Admit it bro - it just eats your ass that I am getting more action in my lettuce grow thread than your little "secret garden".
It is clear what is going on here,
@Abiqua , @sethimus , @Rocket Soul and yourself all troll around shit disturbing in other people threads cause your own suck ass and are dead.
You clearly need a hobby or to increase your plant count or something. Way too much time worrying about what's up in other folks threads that don't concern you :peace:
I still have the original PM from Hybrid about LEDs. He showed up all innocent with the first post...then bam from post 2 till now has been all garbage and free advertising for years all Amare

and thats probs why nobody has bought any

if you post a photo on a public forum it is fair game for jokes and sarcasm
bollocks, even you regret that but we all know you meant it. id of banned you for it. POS

it just eats your ass that I am getting more action in my lettuce grow thread than your little "secret garden".
do you know how stupid that sounds? hahaha

i didnt read the rest
Please put on your big boy pants and get the facts straight - if you post a photo on a public forum it is fair game for jokes and sarcasm. Like I would even know that dude was ignorant enough to actually post pics of his family on a marijuana forum - I still don't know that it is and neither do you so get over yo bad self.
So you appologised later on because you were right?? You know its weak AF to go after peoples children and thats why you did it.

Unsubbed and youre on ignore
The sad sad part is that neither you nor @Ryante55 ever offer anything helpful to the community and just bring negativity to this led section. I am sure you two members are responsible for many leaving this forum and costing RIU in membership and advertiser dollars. @sunni should really be keeping an eye on you two.
The post I am quoting shows just how out of touch you are to what is really going on.... :dunce:


Calling on Sunni pointing fingers at people accusing them of what youre yoing yourself?
Weak AF, and everybody knows it.
    That doesnt mean you know what youre talking about. You're renowned for lockout and feeding problems and you know that right? right? please answer that.
- Why is it do you think ive had feeding problems over the past 2 yrs.???? Lmfao!
Im single handedly (with some help from those more helpful members) been trying to correct this LedDefficiency thing . That says it all. UhDuh, really? Dont tell me you're going full Brick mode too?
If you followed the advice of the majority around here for the past 2 yrs im sure you'd be in allot worse shape then i was THEN...Havent burn a plant in the past few runs now that ive figured out which advice to take n which to kick to the curb.

"maybe you're more suited to soil than hydro. I can run an led coco garden for 10 aadays without even being there and see no problems. i am not alone either! im not a great grower, im lazy and i make mistakes sometimes but i'll blame myself, fix it and move on."

-You Can Do It All Big Guy Im Sure, But Unfortunately we are not all as good as you & guys like you that claim success in CoCo are lacking pics & facts. Or finally have it dialed in & are afraid so much you may tarnish LED (OR YOUR FAVORITE SUPPLIER) that u just continue on like a God & Growers like me are just plain stupid...

-Why should i have to if its not led related?
Used to & am again killing it in CoCo.
Although i DO NOT recomend usung CoCo & will be making the switch.

This place is unsurprisingly and rightly filled with new led growers. if i was a newb looking for advice and saw all your lighting i'd probs ask you also.
I understand you're legit trying to help people, unlike

- Man, I'm trying to help people so hard it hurts sometimes. And im 100% PRO-LED , using the best tech i can get my hands on to compare n share.
Not tying to turn people off dude. Only trying to let know you can do good, dont be disscouraged, make these changes, ect....
Instead of hating try helping.

@OneHitDone, and thats great, thats what forums are for.
OHD is honest, u may not like his response but it is & he IS REAL.

years ago, when i started using led I signed up to uk420 and was told in no uncertain terms by mods and whoever else was involved in their ignorant circle jerk, that they are too weak, "wont grow bud", "throw them away" blah blah blah...yadda yadda yadda...i proved them all wrong and left, guess which lighting theyre all using now? They can suck my nut. you're kinda doing the same...all these newbs you keep preaching led deficiency too, will, i hope, eventually realise you're wrong.

No they're not, you're making that up. show me one big cultivator struggling under led. i'll wait.

-Are u kidding me RN? I DONT watch the YouTube or grow shows, podcasts or anything. Do talk to real growers at real growstores dropping mad G's. I Know real growers outside the computer & we talk eye-eye.
But since you mentioned it im pretty sure that Canook repping HLG lost a few serious Notes his first few runs. I feel bad but still, he was blaming the CoCo supplier, the water, you name it, the blame game went on as it did with me fir like 12 - 14 mo. Out of the 2 yrs. I see the same everywhere when i do try you tube or other threads.
Maybe you just need to hey out of the house more?

@OneHitDone you're so predictable. i can almost hear your brain seize up before hitting google images to find an educated response, and you didn't let me down - classy. its no wonder only one or two ignorants here back you...and youve been here years! ouch.

Why you guys hating on OHD? Cuz hes actually trying to learn something for himself instead of following the Deaf, Dumb, n Blind Heard around here that would rather give reach arounds n BJ's to Vendors then tell the truth. ? Yeah, now you guys are going after stupid shit to attempt to hurt his personal character.
Let me tell you lil fuckers something right now, that Dudes got more class in his pinky toe then your whole Ugly family put together. Eat a dick! Soft Sally-Ass Mu-Fu's.

Oh, here we go, RIU Either editing my posts or making them hard to read???
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I still have the original PM from Hybrid about LEDs. He showed up all innocent with the first post...then bam from post 2 till now has been all garbage and free advertising for years all Amare.....Most of the good light builders left because of these unsavory characters.

Never having basic technical data is a red flag, always has been, and they pride themselves somehow on neveroffering it, laugh out loud.....
Someone unzipped their fly obviously!
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