Seedlings and legal plant count


Well-Known Member
My good friend Bob lives in the legal state of MA. Bob has read the law numerous times. The law clearly states anyone over age of 21 can have 12 plants per household, 6 of which can be in flower. They need to be hidden from plain site and in a secure location.

Bob has 6 plants in flower and 10 seedlings about a week old. Is Bob in violation of the law? Is there any grey area about maturity of the non-flowering plant?

We were discussing this last night and Bob thinks that the seedlings are so young that there is no THC in them and therefore they do not count yet.

I advised him to cull the 4 weakest seedlings, but am curious on what the community has to say.


Well-Known Member
My good friend Bob lives in the legal state of MA. Bob has read the law numerous times. The law clearly states anyone over age of 21 can have 12 plants per household, 6 of which can be in flower. They need to be hidden from plain site and in a secure location.

Bob has 6 plants in flower and 10 seedlings about a week old. Is Bob in violation of the law? Is there any grey area about maturity of the non-flowering plant?

We were discussing this last night and Bob thinks that the seedlings are so young that there is no THC in them and therefore they do not count yet.

I advised him to cull the 4 weakest seedlings, but am curious on what the community has to say.
no mention of seedling in law.we got the same law in maine but allows up to 99 seedling under 12in.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
What exactly is the punishment for having 4 more plants, in Canada it wouldn't even be an indictment, we're only allowed 4 plants but I got 18 in possession right now and the entire town knows about it, they knew about my operation before it was legal, so glad I live here the law is so lax we really dont have to worry about the law.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
well holy shit,the government actually did something that makes sense!!!lol
In MI it's 12 also (per person and add 12 5 more times for caregiver patient count.
So 72 legal for a full up caregiver.

These are counted as "Any plant with roots"
They even count root balls in a pot that has been harvested of it's above ground plant.

So, if I have 6 root balls in or around my grow. Those count as a "plant"... Go figure that one out!