New Zealands new gun buy back scheme.

On the contrary, I am a gun owner and welcome and encourage gun “control”. It’s you dumb fucks that shout and scream “your not taking my guns”. Gun control is just that, “control”. Intelligent management of gun laws, taking the guns that the only purpose is to kill people out of the equation is a smart thing, controlling who actually can purchase guns, those who have shown the aptitude to own and handle them safely is a good thing. Making an effort to keep them out of the hands of people that just want them for criminal activity is a good thing. God your such a fucking idiot.

you said - taking the guns that the only purpose is to kill people out of the equation is a smart thing

So you are for nuclear disarmament then ?
quote the post where i said that or shut the fuck up forever, dumbfuck pedophile

If you wouldn't force a legal licensed black sex worker to "serve" a white guy she didn't want to, you would be disavowing your civil rights stance.

What are you some kind of racist ?

If you would force her to, you're a rapist.

Heads I win. Tails you lose. (again)
If you wouldn't force a legal licensed black sex worker to "serve" a white guy she didn't want to, you would be disavowing your civil rights stance.

What are you some kind of racist ?

If you would force her to, you're a rapist.

Heads I win. Tails you lose. (again)
prostitution is not a legal profession and therefore not subject to civil rights laws.

thanks for admitting you have to make up stuff about me.

i don't have to make up anything about you. you describe pedophilia as "consensual" on a regular basis, and you just called yourself a racist
What if somebody you want to disarm doesn't comply ? Do you make faces at them ?
back to the same point you were trying to use when you were telling us people would be imprisoned and killed over obamacare's non-criminal penalty for lack of insurance.

being wrong as fuck apparently never stops you, because you are fucking retarded.
This story is inaccurate. It's not a buyback program. In order to "buyback" something, you would need to have owned it in the first place.

Fake news.
you seem awfully concerned about semantics for a guy who regularly describes black people shopping at the store as "offensive force" and pedophilia as "a consensual act" and racial segregation signs as "reasonable and polite"

shut the fuck up, go away, and give your poor neighbor back his computer already you fucking welfare sponge
prostitution is not a legal profession and therefore not subject to civil rights laws.

thanks for admitting you have to make up stuff about me.

i don't have to make up anything about you. you describe pedophilia as "consensual" on a regular basis, and you just called yourself a racist. you stupid fuck

Let's say you took a ride over to Nevada to try out a new Wendy's restaurant and said, "hey I think after I crap on their floor, I'm gonna go find a hooker. It's legal here! "

What then? You're a rapist or racist ? Which one ?
u know a person with a Nuclear bomb and /or nuclear facilities? Do you think u may be over reacting?

over reacting. Good one.

No, I do not know of anybody who has a nuclear weapon.

Of course you'd need to threaten the use of guns to disarm people for the erroneously named "gun buyback" in New Zealand. I mean any fool can see that, right?