Random Jabber Jibber thread

insolent, irrational and insignificant too.
Your vag must really hurt for you to keep going on like this.
insolent, irrational and insignificant too.

in·so·lent: showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.

You started that by making negative comments about a couple of my posts. You remember the first one with your gif comment. Again, you're a hypocrite.

ir·ra·tion·al: not logical or reasonable.

It seems irrational for you to be a hypocrite. You're also a hypocrite for bitching about me editing my post even after you deleted your own. Twice a hypocrite. It would have been reasonable for you to scroll past my Jurassic Park post. If you're too old for that movie to be iconic for you then that post wasn't for you.

in·sig·nif·i·cant: too small or unimportant to be worth consideration.

If this is the case then why do you carry on? Maybe you're just using words that you don't understand... wouldn't it be easier to just stfu and leave me alone rather than carrying on... if I'm so insignificant? I guess the fact that you are not going to stfu shows that I'm not insignificant to you, lol. Glad to know I'm this important in your life ;)

You can't even make simple arguments without mismanaging your lexicon, man.

Yes we went over that and I suggested posting it up so GWN could edit it in for you. Now it's starting to look like you're ashamed of your chimichanga LOL
Yes we went over that and I suggested posting it up so GWN could edit it in for you. Now it's starting to look like you're ashamed of your chimichanga LOL
If I was ashamed I would have taken it down from Facebook as well. I didn't. I came back from running errands and didn't think about asking for it to be edited. Oof.
Yes we went over that and I suggested posting it up so GWN could edit it in for you. Now it's starting to look like you're ashamed of your chimichanga LOL
But I'm gonna be honest, the fact that you keep bringing it up even after it's done (and suggesting that I'm ashamed, followed up by an LOL) kinda makes me think that you enjoy drama and stirring the pot. I believe I read a post of your's where you said you were retired... which likely makes you old enough to be my mother. Why such a zeal for the drama? Aren't you a little too venerable for all that (especially considering our age difference)?
But I'm gonna be honest, the fact that you keep bringing it up even after it's done (and suggesting that I'm ashamed, followed up by an LOL) kinda makes me think that you enjoy drama and stirring the pot. I believe I read a post of your's where you said you were retired... which likely makes you old enough to be my mother. Why such a zeal for the drama? Aren't you a little too venerable for all that (especially considering our age difference)?
Skeet, I was teasing you about the chimichanga because I thought it was quite funny, no ill intent.