I could bother with saving condensate but water here is cheap, very cheap, and the floor drain solution is easy and doesn't require any over flow prevention on my tanks. I used to reclaim the condensate from everything when I was growing in missouri, the humidity was much higher there so collection rates were significant. Here my humidity is very low so I am often actually running swamp coolers in my grow rooms to keep the humidity from bottoming out in the 20-30's. I rarely have to run the dehumidifiers.
Plus I mix nutrients in many of my tanks. I let them fill with a float valve off the RO filter, then I shut off the line to the float and add nutes. I have a pump in there mixing. Once I use the nutes I let it fill back up, takes me about 4 hours off my RO filter to get a 30 gallon ones refilled and just about twice that for my 55. So they wouldn't be open to catch water often. My 300 gallon vertical tank is only RO, long term storage and I wouldn't want anything growing in it like the grey slimy stuff that can end up growing in condensate.