Bernie Sanders goes to Canada with group to buy insulin

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
He? I’m talking about the reasoning big pharma gives for overcharging Americans, mainly that we are subsidizing the world.
Huh? Ya that’s it, your subsidizing our drugs. Or it could be drug prices are regulated here as in other countries where as the States has no such regulations? What would happen if your country regulated prices to match the general price paid by other countries?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
See the problem with a few of you is that you have an unhealthy view of the world and you pick “sides” you believe I’m right wing because I believe a few things you don’t agree with. In reality I have always voted Democrat or independent, always been for universal health care, high wages and everything else normal intelligent people would consider a left position. What’s more I also put my money where my mouth is (unlike most Democrats in America who are outdone bigly when it comes to charitable contributions by Republicans) and I own homeless shelters and literally help house thousands of people. Now I have no problem if a few right wing people like my post, much of the world we actually get along. I do have a problem with what I see from you and some others who start with the insults the second you don’t like somebody’s opinion and even calling people pedophiles when you know they are not. I don’t see you as “left” though, I see you just as grown men not acting anywhere near their age on a pot board.
If you don't slavishly devote yourself to every one of his vapid notions you are labeled the ENEMY and must be treated like shit.

Tells you the level of intelligence you're dealing with.


Well-Known Member
What would happen if your country regulated prices to match the general price paid by other countries?
Well I’m a dual citizen so not sure which country you are talking about. Every country handles it differently, there is no general price I am aware of. But where the government dictates the produce for everything there is still amazing care and same drugs and the companies still make a profit. What do you think happens?


Well-Known Member
If you don't slavishly devote yourself to every one of his vapid notions you are labeled the ENEMY and must be treated like shit.

Tells you the level of intelligence you're dealing with.
Lol, seriously Tyler. That pretty much sums up you Progressive assholes. Last week Padraper came in with a "somebody said something bad about Bernie and he is the only Jewish candidate so that makes it anti-Semetic (sic)" bullshit. Everybody who disagreed was an anti-Semite according to him. And then you dragged your sorry, pimping, sex trafficking ass in here to agree. At least @Padawanbater2 had the good sense to go back to stroking his dick over reddit porn for a while.

You are an idiot who is guilty of every single thing you accuse others of - and much more, because so far I haven't heard you accuse anybody of abusing their girlfriend and forcing her to fuck strangers for their crack money.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Well I’m a dual citizen so not sure which country you are talking about. Every country handles it differently, there is no general price I am aware of. But where the government dictates the produce for everything there is still amazing care and same drugs and the companies still make a profit. What do you think happens?
So no more subsidies, would Canada’s prices go up? Yes Canada negotiates drug pricing based on what other countries pay so there is uniformity. You said we subsidies the drug companies but yet they would still make a profit without them? I’m confused as to what your actually saying lol.


Well-Known Member
Americans have been fed an argument that goes like this, Americans must pay higher prices because the rest of the world can’t and if it wasn’t for the high prices new drugs and research wouldn’t happen. I obviously don’t buy that for a second, but that’s the lie and one many people here have bought into.


Well-Known Member
The Republican Party is the party of the fascists, by the fascists and for the fascists.

Just go down the list and check off the warning signs of fascism from the US Holocaust Museum:


1. Powerful and continuing nationalism
2. Disdain for human rights
3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
4. Rampant sexism
5. Controlled mass media
6. Obsession with national security
7. Religion and government intertwined
8. Corporate power protected
9. Labor power suppressed
10. Disdain for intellectual and the arts
11. Obsession with crime and punishment
12. Rampant cronyism and corruption

Nice to see that you have abandoned your leftist pose. Nobody believed it, BTW.
Funny. When I said these same things about Trump years ago you were first in line to ridicule me for it.

Better late than never...

Well, maybe it doesn't matter if it's already too late.


Well-Known Member
One of my friends is a lead on a research team that develops drugs in one of those countries so I can assure you that you are incorrect and buying into the lie. The world has changed
Fair enough, I knew I went too far with that good call. I was too lazy to correct it to 'vast majority' of studies are done by the US.


Well-Known Member
Lol, seriously Tyler. That pretty much sums up you Progressive assholes. Last week Padraper came in with a "somebody said something bad about Bernie and he is the only Jewish candidate so that makes it anti-Semetic (sic)" bullshit. Everybody who disagreed was an anti-Semite according to him. And then you dragged your sorry, pimping, sex trafficking ass in here to agree. At least @Padawanbater2 had the good sense to go back to stroking his dick over reddit porn for a while.

You are an idiot who is guilty of every single thing you accuse others of - and much more, because so far I haven't heard you accuse anybody of abusing their girlfriend and forcing her to fuck strangers for their crack money.
Thanks for telegraphing that you have no point and will happily vote for the shiny corporate shill, even if it kills you.