Problems Keeping temps down in tent


I have a 4x5 grow tent in my garage and even with lights off I can’t get it below 87, highest being 95 degrees, any tips ? Being that it’s in my garage there’s no window for an AC unit or anything like that.


Google portable ac units. You could run the 4 or 6” vent and intake right through the wall
I had that idea then I started looking into DIY AC units and went down a rabbit hole lol I’ll look one up hopefully I can find a cheap one on Craigslist


Well-Known Member
Search those temps you could have 75-80% humidity with lots of air for any signs of mold..some strains are better than others.. If u live in dry for swap cooler..


Search those temps you could have 75-80% humidity with lots of air for any signs of mold..some strains are better than others.. If u live in dry for swap cooler..
I looked up VPD and matched my RH and temp to the chart, thanks ! I hope this helps with the problem.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
The VPD will certainly help your plants tolerate the temps better...but sooner or later, 95F degree temps are going to be a problem, particularly as your plants rise closer to the source of light. Running at night like Harley said will help. But even at that you may still find you have high temps. As much as it sucks, I'd say you should look into a portable AC unit, or consider growing in the cooler times of year if, like where I live, right now is the hottest time of year. You may also consider Sativa strains as they actually prefer warmer temps, even though 95F would be too hot even for them, they do enjoy a good 80-85F as opposed to indica strains which usually prefer 75-80F. Keep tons of air flowing above and some flowing beneath your canopy with a powerful inline fan for extraction and some good 16 to 20" oscilating Lasko type fans. Clip fans around the walls of your tent will also help, but they won't push air completely across your canopy, you'll need a larger stand fan like an oscilating type fan for that.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
I've found that fans like these are perfect for grow tents our size, as mine is about the same as yours just a foot or two bigger in each direction.
I keep two of these type fans on opposite corners of my tent, and keep 1 clip fan on each of the 4 walls in my tent. Along with a turbo well stand fan sitting on the floor beneath the canopy to prevent stagnat air. Also, make sure your fan that's pulling air out of your tent is appropriately sized for your grow space. Air flow is an often underlooked, and incredibly important factor of growing.