Rh for vaping

I noticed I only got a few puffs out of over dried weed. So if it crumbles to a powder that's no good.

Properly cured bud that has still some springyness and stickyness to it vapes for A WHOLE LOT longer and with a lot more vapor and nice taste on the exhale.
No joke you can get like 3x more puffs out of one oven.
What you're looking for is bud that grinds fine but still clumps and hold together a little bit.
What vape do you have. RH should not be a problem with a good desktop vape. It also depends on if you grow your own week or purchase because you can do more things yourself.

Got a Storz & Bickel MIGHTY, not desktop, but one of the best portables. Temp. Adjustable.

I’m a home grower
Got a Storz & Bickel MIGHTY, not desktop, but one of the best portables. Temp. Adjustable.

I’m a home grower

OK then the best vape without question and I will explain in a moment, is the Vapexhale, and especially so if you grow your own because only then can you unleash the full potential of this vape, and your weed. But you'll want a portable so that why you have the Mighty. I've got the Firefly2 but it's only good if everything is perfect otherwise it's crap.

The Mighty and the Vapexhale will cover you for every situation. The Vapexhale is unquestionably the most perfect design, it's just basically a glass tube fresh outside air enters through the bottom of the tube and does not come into contact with anything else other than the basket at the top.

Now you grow your own then you can use all the larfy sticky fluffy stuff and it will be the same as the best bud, because you can get a light fluffy bit not too much about .15g or less and carefully place it in the basket, it does not need a lid, because it's all in one bit and won't fly around, so you then just such the trichomes right off and it can supply an endless stream of perfect low temperature air, as much as you like.

And to vape concentrate the only way you can get full flavour right to the end, is to use lightly vaped bud as a base, crumble a bit in the bottom of the basket then with another pinch place a dab on that and maybe cover with bit of vaped bud and carefully drop that in the basket. Set low about 9-10 o clock, and you'll get the sweetest concentrate you've ever tasted right to the end.

I'll probably end up getting a mighty eventually as a portable.
To get a better point of reference I'm using a pax2
but yeah something a tad wetter than usual would probably be good but stay lower than 65% rh
you'll know it if you did it right because you'll blow a nice cloud.
If it's too wet it will taste more like warm plants and less like bud.
if it's too dry it will still taste good but you won't get vapor past the 10th draw or so.

You could sample your nugs throughout the cure and stop when you like it best?
That seems like your safest bet
OK then the best vape without question and I will explain in a moment, is the Vapexhale, and especially so if you grow your own because only then can you unleash the full potential of this vape, and your weed. But you'll want a portable so that why you have the Mighty. I've got the Firefly2 but it's only good if everything is perfect otherwise it's crap.

The Mighty and the Vapexhale will cover you for every situation. The Vapexhale is unquestionably the most perfect design, it's just basically a glass tube fresh outside air enters through the bottom of the tube and does not come into contact with anything else other than the basket at the top.

Now you grow your own then you can use all the larfy sticky fluffy stuff and it will be the same as the best bud, because you can get a light fluffy bit not too much about .15g or less and carefully place it in the basket, it does not need a lid, because it's all in one bit and won't fly around, so you then just such the trichomes right off and it can supply an endless stream of perfect low temperature air, as much as you like.

And to vape concentrate the only way you can get full flavour right to the end, is to use lightly vaped bud as a base, crumble a bit in the bottom of the basket then with another pinch place a dab on that and maybe cover with bit of vaped bud and carefully drop that in the basket. Set low about 9-10 o clock, and you'll get the sweetest concentrate you've ever tasted right to the end.

I'll probably end up getting a mighty eventually as a portable.
To get a better point of reference I'm using a pax2
but yeah something a tad wetter than usual would probably be good but stay lower than 65% rh
you'll know it if you did it right because you'll blow a nice cloud.
If it's too wet it will taste more like warm plants and less like bud.
if it's too dry it will still taste good but you won't get vapor past the 10th draw or so.

You could sample your nugs throughout the cure and stop when you like it best?
That seems like your safest bet

Cheers, guys!

How much is the pax2
If you grow your own for your own enjoyment then one of the nicest ways to make your own rosin is with the slug33, the Fat Mac will turn out about .6g in one go from good quality larf. But the main thing is that it is incredibly satisfying to use, zen like with the blowtorch and the slow turning of the vice crank. Just stuff it in the forge, and even this is very satisfying because there's no prep, no bags no bullshit, just stuff that herb into the chamber and tamp it down takes 30 seconds, then about 5 minutes for the good stuff to be ready. Turns out some pretty connoisseur grade rosin too, absolutely top shelf.

When I light up the blowtorch for some reason it always brings to mind that scene in Rats on Cocaine, "Swing" about 3:33 in when Cage lights up the blowtorch...http://www.apocalypsecartoons.com/roc-10-swing.html
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The drier the better. Anyone who says opposite has actively proved themselves a deluded lying nutcase, or a hydro growing meth dealer who thinks water equals potency stickiness and weight.

Cant even talk about weed anymore, people are too dumb and upside down about everything thanks to the internet giving unevolved morons an equal voice. .

You want that shit dry, vaping or combusting. Period. Dont get good hits? Well you wanna keep smoking wet npk plant fiber and never actually understand the icky sticky goo, go right ahead. But you're ruining it for the rest of us those who have to grow from a wheelchair because of proliferation of stupid growers with dumb ideas like "i dont get good hits from dry weed, it must be the thc evaporating". America is so fucked.
But you're ruining it for the rest of us those who have to grow from a wheelchair because of proliferation of stupid growers with dumb ideas like "i dont get good hits from dry weed, it must be the thc evaporating"
wtf? Somebody you don't know and never met vaping wet weed made you grow from a wheelchair? Makes perfect sense now that you pointed it out good thing people like you are around to save us.
OCD is real.
Gee whizz LinguaPeel, what’s going on?
Am i really that mashed or do I read a lot of gibberish here, coupled with anger? Might be coz the weed your smoking is too dry?

I think you’re getting a bit emotional under the veil of anger you’re displaying.

Bad day at the office?

Anyway, wherever you are, I send you lots of happy thoughts, hope it helps.

America is so fucked.
Is America really fucked coz people are smoking pot that’s a tad wet, Or is America fucked coz you have Mr Vagina Neck calling the shots?

Respect though for growing from a wheel chair.
The drier the better. Anyone who says opposite has actively proved themselves a deluded lying nutcase, or a hydro growing meth dealer who thinks water equals potency stickiness and weight.
60% rh isn't considered wet, it's in the acceptable range for a cure.
Vaping fresh bud would taste like shit but anything between 50 and 60% rh is considered the desirable norm for smoking.
over dried buds do lose their smell
Do it how you like it, no need to get angry
The drier the better. Anyone who says opposite has actively proved themselves a deluded lying nutcase, or a hydro growing meth dealer who thinks water equals potency stickiness and weight.

Lol. Just harvested my Pink Grapefruit two weeks ago, after 4 days when it was still a bit obviously still a bit damp at about 70% nevertheless since it was covered in trichomes it's easy to gently place a bit of bud in a vape basket, in my case the vapexhale, and because it's all in one piece I don't need to put the cap on the basket, just let that warm air flow over the bud and suck those trichomes right off . Works a treat.

Some vapes are very fussy, like the Firefly2 which is perfect when the stars align otherwise it's a crock of shite. Others like the vapexhale can handle any type of weed you want to throw at it.
Lol. Just harvested my Pink Grapefruit two weeks ago, after 4 days when it was still a bit obviously still a bit damp at about 70% nevertheless since it was covered in trichomes it's easy to gently place a bit of bud in a vape basket, in my case the vapexhale, and because it's all in one piece I don't need to put the cap on the basket, just let that warm air flow over the bud and suck those trichomes right off . Works a treat.

Some vapes are very fussy, like the Firefly2 which is perfect when the stars align otherwise it's a crock of shite. Others like the vapexhale can handle any type of weed you want to throw at it.
Works amazing for bubble hash also. I use to press it out and make rosin to dab but all I do now is stick a few chunks in the basket and vape away. Tastes much better that way imo.