FISA Abuse by FBI

Hey bugeye, you ready to grab your musket and join the revolution?

Funny how everything he says about being above the law can be applied to the shitgibbon.
The FBI never should have been allowed to sustain a counterintelligence investigation into Donald Trump’s campaign based on hearsay from Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, who helped to arra nge a $25 million Australian government donation to the Clinton Foundation, and on a “minimally” verified dossier written by British spy Christopher Steele, who was working on the Hillary Clinton opposition-research team.

Page was already on the FBI's radar well before that. When he joined the Trump campaign as Manaforts backdoor man, they were screwed. Its interesting how that article seemed to ignore this part of what opened up the FISA application. In fact, when I tried to search their site for carter page I just got random results, before a bunch of popup windows popped up.

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See, October 2016 was when this was opened up.