Another white guy gun massacre.


Well-Known Member
Not talking about gun confiscation, talking about the removal of certain types of weapons from public access.
Keep your pistols and rifles and shotguns, but weapons that are designed to kill as many people as possible in the shortest period of time have no fucking place in the general populace of a modern society, and to allow that to continue, is fucking insanity.
Who the fuck is the mentally ill here?
The shooter or the politicians that allow it to continue?

it's corporate greed that allows for this and every other 'bread and butter' issue for Americans.

a baby was murdered at Walmart yesterday..due to lack of bullet-proofing on the stroller- what bad parents! if that baby were still alive, it'd be taken away for neglect.

i can't wait to hear that the shooter was 'a fine person'.
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Well-Known Member
And Idiot 45 talks about other places being 'crime infested shit hole countries'?

Thanks Trump.

Be sure to deny white nationalism terrorism again and remind us about 'very fine people on both sides'.

Thanks again.

Maybe we can go back to cold war nuclear 'duck and cover' drills in schools.


Well-Known Member
“After hearing the gunshots, Oakley said he drew the handgun he was licensed to carry before looking for a place to hide. Then he noticed a bunch of people fleeing from a nearby Footlocker store.

'They just dipped. So I ran with them. I just tried to make my way to the parking lot,' Oakley said.

On his way out, however, the military veteran saw a group of panicking children who were running around inside the shopping plaza unsure of what to do. Their parents were nowhere in sight, he said.

'I got my bag in my hand. I'm trying to pick them up, as many as I can, just run out,' Oakley said. 'But they're so anxious, they're, like, jumping out of my hands.'”

That’s the El Paso I know and I do know it.