10 weeks into flower

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Well she’s still throwing out white hairs. When they all go brown and recede is usually when they are ready.

Without knowing the strain I’d say anywhere from 2-5 weeks left.

She does look sativa dominant so on the upper end of that scale I’d say.

With a keen eye and a torch you can see the little trichomes. Like pins with water droplets on them.

Cloudy = upper high

Amber = couch lock.

Invest in a loupe. You’ve still plenty of time for it to arrive. Plus it’s fun seeing your plants up close!


Well-Known Member
Ok first time ever posting.i am right at ten weeks into flower i dnt have a loup to check tricombes.So whats the next best way to determine if they ready any help is appreciated thanks in advance
Definitely atleast 4 weeks to go.

I would guess that you are at 10 weeks from when you flipped the lights to 12/12? That IS NOT 10 weeks of flowering.

FLOWERING BEGINS WHEN THE PLANTS ACTUALLY START FORMING FLOWERS, not when you flip the lights. This is a super common misconception among some indoor growers.

Your plants are still growing fresh new buds, and aren't even close to the final ripening.
Thank you but your right that is how i was doing the weeks from when i flipped the lightlight. So next question can i put bloom buster on now and when should i stop if so


Well-Known Member
You probably don't need it. You already have some slight tip burn on some leaves, and the leaves seem like that have decent color. It would be easier to tell with normal lighting for the pictures instead of the LED. Keep feeding them for a few more weeks, and then you can taper off for the final weeks. Hopefully should have some nice smoke.


Well-Known Member
Ok first time ever posting.i am right at ten weeks into flower i dnt have a loup to check tricombes.So whats the next best way to determine if they ready any help is appreciated thanks in advance
Those aren't close to done 4 weeks sounds accurate to me. Looks like you are using blurple unless your running 40w or more per square foot you have really low output when the plants don't have enough light the grow slower


Well-Known Member
Definitely atleast 4 weeks to go.

I would guess that you are at 10 weeks from when you flipped the lights to 12/12? That IS NOT 10 weeks of flowering.

FLOWERING BEGINS WHEN THE PLANTS ACTUALLY START FORMING FLOWERS, not when you flip the lights. This is a super common misconception among some indoor growers.

Your plants are still growing fresh new buds, and aren't even close to the final ripening.
Who counts like that? I've never met a grower that counted like that. That would mean my plants are 2 weeks in looking like this?


Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Who counts like that? I've never met a grower that counted like that. That would mean my plants are 2 weeks in looking like this?

I think its sensible. Breeders often lowball the grow times. All it takes is 1 quick pheno to produce a ‘grow’ time. While others might take longer.

Sometimes it can take weeks for it to being to flower. Sometimes a week.

So it makes sense because they only flower when they - well, flower...

It can lead to novices pulling plants too early, it’s been 9 weeks time to pull. Forgetting that 2 weeks of pre budding. When 2 additional weeks are most likely needed.


Well-Known Member
Who counts like that? I've never met a grower that counted like that. That would mean my plants are 2 weeks in looking like this?
Most real growers understand how the plant biology works, and don't count from an arbitrary point like the 12/12 flip. It takes time for plants to transition into flower from veg. Trying to include the transition period into the flowering time is one of the biggest reasons new growers especially try to harvest plants too early.

You certainly wouldn't say a plant is flowering outside until it started stacking nodes and forming flowers...... Well the plants biology is the same inside, you aren't a god that controls its every action. You can direct the plant by switching the lights, but it must be genetically mature enough to flower before it will. Have you ever ran plants 12/12 from seed. It still takes weeks before they start to flower because they must be mature. Along with being mature, the specific genetics and the environment will play huge factors into how long it takes for plants to actually begin to flower after the flip.

Counting from the point the plant actually starts forming flowers puts you on its genetic timeline. Which gives you the best ability to grow the plant to full potential.

That being said I don't count weeks anymore. I havn't for years. There is very little point. Once you watch the plants and learn how they grow you treat them appropriately. They get harvested when they are done, not based off a number of weeks.

Plants grow differently in different environments as well, and it might take a crop of identical clones different time frames because of one variable or another.
Thanks for taking your time to explain this. like i said first time indoors and any and all advice is greatly appreciated.After these are done i got my hands on some auto flowering seeds thats my next adventure.
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You probably don't need it. You already have some slight tip burn on some leaves, and the leaves seem like that have decent color. It would be easier to tell with normal lighting for the pictures instead of the LED. Keep feeding them for a few more weeks, and then you can taper off for the final weeks. Hopefully should have some nice smoke.
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Well-Known Member
Most real growers understand how the plant biology works, and don't count from an arbitrary point like the 12/12 flip. It takes time for plants to transition into flower from veg. Trying to include the transition period into the flowering time is one of the biggest reasons new growers especially try to harvest plants too early.

You certainly wouldn't say a plant is flowering outside until it started stacking nodes and forming flowers...... Well the plants biology is the same inside, you aren't a god that controls its every action. You can direct the plant by switching the lights, but it must be genetically mature enough to flower before it will. Have you ever ran plants 12/12 from seed. It still takes weeks before they start to flower because they must be mature. Along with being mature, the specific genetics and the environment will play huge factors into how long it takes for plants to actually begin to flower after the flip.

Counting from the point the plant actually starts forming flowers puts you on its genetic timeline. Which gives you the best ability to grow the plant to full potential.

That being said I don't count weeks anymore. I havn't for years. There is very little point. Once you watch the plants and learn how they grow you treat them appropriately. They get harvested when they are done, not based off a number of weeks.

Plants grow differently in different environments as well, and it might take a crop of identical clones different time frames because of one variable or another.
I've done 12/12 from seed I get what you are saying I just don't agree. The day you change the light cycle the plants start to change they stretch alot before you see flowers that's not normal veg growth that's flowering stretch they may not have flowers yet but they are flowering not vegging. And if a grow goes well the breeder recommendation that the clone places give you is accurate if you count from light flip. I don't grow from seed my understanding is the breeder recommendation is wrong most of the time that's not the case when buying clones


Well-Known Member
I've done 12/12 from seed I get what you are saying I just don't agree. The day you change the light cycle the plants start to change they stretch alot before you see flowers that's not normal veg growth that's flowering stretch they may not have flowers yet but they are flowering not vegging. And if a grow goes well the breeder recommendation that the clone places give you is accurate if you count from light flip. I don't grow from seed my understanding is the breeder recommendation is wrong most of the time that's not the case when buying clones
You don't have to agree, but its biology/botany, not bro-science. If you only grow from clone you obviously don't fully understand plant growth. Again you wouldn't say a plant was flowering outside before it "started flowering". It is no different indoors, these plants are not that complicated or mysterious.

Breeder recommendations can definitely be off and I don't suggest following them. But they are typically based on actual flower time which is the first place people misunderstand them. If the breeder says 8 weeks and you count from 12/12 flip the plant wouldn't be ready. But if you actually counted 8 weeks from when it begins to flower then the breeder is usually much closer to the harvest window.

The stretch you are talking about is the "transition period". It is generally listed right on your nutrients and many grow charts. In Botany this period is commonly called the "pre-flower stage", not to be confused with "preflowers" that form on the plant even during veg.