Should some guns be confiscated and banned?

Take some guns away?

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  • No

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Well-Known Member
Trump’s footsoldiers

White incels with ear-protectors

Clearing out the invaders

Wiping out the Mexican wouldbe

Rapists and killers of blonde Anglo Saxon women

Gotta keep the race pure and the

News fake.

Don and Eric got tigers to shoot, the

Nazi aesthetic finessed with hair


Well-Known Member
He’ll hang. If he’s mentally ill it will become known quickly once assessment begins. That’s the point. He’s not and it will show. In fact I’ll predict he’s assessed as very intelligent and organized.
They usually kill themselves or get shot. He must have cunted out at the last minute. Nobody gives a flying fuck about that guy anyway.


Well-Known Member
I’ll never give my guns up fuck that!! I open and conceal carry shit pops off I’m ready to end it before it’s gets ugly


Well-Known Member
Weird how other countries don’t have mental illness

Darn. Sucks for us
Im sure they do. You wouldd have to look up mass killings in other parts of the world if you wanted to compare. Then your dumbass remark wouldnt be needed. Anyone thats mass/ murdering is mental.
So is hating on people when you cant win an arguement ..oh and banning them from threads. I guess that is considered rage quit huh


Well-Known Member
Im sure they do. You wouldd have to look up mass killings in other parts of the world if you wanted to compare. Then your dumbass remark wouldnt be needed. Anyone thats mass/ murdering is mental.
So is hating on people when you cant win an arguement ..oh and banning them from threads. I guess that is considered rage quit huh
So they have mental illness elsewhere but nowhere near the gun massacres

So we can conclude that it’s not mental illness

Thanks, lump

You fucking retard

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Mental illness or not, it took planning, he knew it was illegal and he knew the penalties. Under the law here he would be held responsible for his actions. The banning of assault weapons and handguns would help, problem is, it’s a non starter so yes pick a fight, that fight should be universal background checks of depth to start. If you see a picture of the guy suited up in a clan costume he don’t get a gun ...... just sayin.


Well-Known Member
Your shit is mush bro. Hows the job going? You holding that one down or already shit canned?
You just contradicted your own earlier conclusion therefore it’s my brain that’s mush. Right

You’re just not smart enough to hang out here. You’re a fucking idiot. You goddamn lump


Well-Known Member
Guns aren't the problem. Hatred and mental illness is the problem. People who want to commit these acts of terror are going to find a way to do it regardless of what you ban. Trying to ban all guns and take them away would never work, I mean look how the war on drugs has been going......LOL

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Guns aren't the problem. Hatred and mental illness is the problem. People who want to commit these acts of terror are going to find a way to do it regardless of what you ban. Trying to ban all guns and take them away would never work, I mean look how the war on drugs has been going......LOL
The numbers tell the story. Countries (1st world) that have gun controls have less killings. The banning of assault weapons and handguns would be a huge thing IMO in curbing the mass killings.


Well-Known Member
They also don't have mass media pumping hatred each day they turn on the news....or politicians acting like adult children daily. But yes, I agree some form of better gun control is needed. Better screening, mental health check ups, idk somthing.