Should some guns be confiscated and banned?

Take some guns away?

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  • No

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Well-Known Member
Guns aren't the problem. Hatred and mental illness is the problem. People who want to commit these acts of terror are going to find a way to do it regardless of what you ban. Trying to ban all guns and take them away would never work, I mean look how the war on drugs has been going......LOL
Countries that are similar to the US but don't have 300 million guns and counting in distribution have a fraction of US's gun homicide and mass murder rates. Are you claiming the US has that many more people with homicidal rage or mental illnesses?

Assuming your preposterous conclusion is true, how does that have any bearing on the proposal that some guns be confiscated and banned? Wouldn't banning some guns be prudent in our nation of raging homicidal maniacs? Surely you aren't saying that even more guns will make us safer?

You gun nuts don't think very well, if at all.


Well-Known Member
Countries that are similar to the US but don't have 300 million guns and counting in distribution have a fraction of US's gun homicide and mass murder rates. Are you claiming the US has that many more people with homicidal rage or mental illnesses?

Assuming your preposterous conclusion is true, how does that have any bearing on the proposal that some guns be confiscated and banned? Wouldn't banning some guns be prudent in our nation of raging homicidal maniacs? Surely you aren't saying that even more guns will make us safer?

You gun nuts don't think very well, if at all.
I do enjoy this stories ending ...
Thougjt id share, you reminded me of this


Well-Known Member
Guns aren't the problem. Hatred and mental illness is the problem. People who want to commit these acts of terror are going to find a way to do it regardless of what you ban. Trying to ban all guns and take them away would never work, I mean look how the war on drugs has been going......LOL
No, you’re wrong

It’s easy access to guns

Every nation has mental illness


Well-Known Member
My brother in law is a shrink.

Most shrinks will tell you 80% of people have some form of mental illness. Shrinks themselves are in mandatory therapy.

Anybody who shoots a bunch of people has some form of mental illness, guaranteed. Doesn't matter what the court says, courts say all kinds of stupid shit. Look at the Supreme Court. Lol.
I sat in a trial that involved a clearly mentally ill man who made some really bad decisions. But that's what they were. His mental illness wasn't an excuse. He wasn't so disabled that he could not know what he was doing was wrong. So we found him guilty. I had trouble with the idea but he did know what he was doing and he was able to choose otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Yeah sure its the guns fault. lol I have guns all over my house and not one of them has ever walked out and committed a mass murder....maybe I'm just sane....IDK


Well-Known Member
Yeah sure its the guns fault. lol I have guns all over my house and not one of them has ever walked out and committed a mass murder....maybe I'm just sane....IDK
You wont take texans guns away..they hang them on the wall like a shrine lol.
Im not sure what happened there in el paso..
Seems these mass murdering cowards pick churches schools etc where they assume no ones carrying..tisk


Well-Known Member
And you people honestly believe that these shooters couldn't find a way to get guns off the black market if we banned everything you want to ban? Ban all you want IDC all I'm saying is that they will find a way to get them regardless. Where there's a will, there's a way....

You didn't see the interview with the military guy who had his concealed weapon on him near the wal mart shooting and was helping kids escape all the while trying to see if he could neutralize the shooter? we need more people like that


Well-Known Member
And you people honestly believe that these shooters couldn't find a way to get guns off the black market if we banned everything you want to ban? Ban all you want IDC all I'm saying is that they will find a way to get them regardless. Where there's a will, there's a way....

You didn't see the interview with the military guy who had his concealed weapon on him near the wal mart shooting and was helping kids escape all the while trying to see if he could neutralize the shooter? we need more people like that
an AR15 costs $30,000 in Australia and you’ll need to know someone who can find it for ya

They don’t have mass shootings there

You are stupid. Sorry


Well-Known Member
But you can still get an AR in Australia correct? name calling doesn't make your point any more valid or make you right lol maybe you're the one who has the small penis?


Well-Known Member
Here in Canada we need to complete courses and send in paperwork to the government. Then we have a process where they do background checks, which includes medical/psychological and criminal. Then comes the reference checks where I believe 3 references are required.

Our system isn't perfect and I know guns end up in the hands of people who shouldn't own them but it seems we end up with a hell of a lot less legal gun crimes here.

Personally I'm a hunter and use my guns strictly for hunting with the odd target practice run once or twice a year. As a matter of fact both of my guns havent been taken out of the cabinet for a couple years now as I'd taken a break from hunting but I'll be going out this fall.

Where does a gun ban put those that use their firearms strictly for hunting? Even a small calf moose can put quite a bit of meat in my freezer for the winter.


Well-Known Member
But you can still get an AR in Australia correct? name calling doesn't make your point any more valid or make you right lol maybe you're the one who has the small penis?
If you have $30,000 cash and a black market hookup and don’t get set up, sure

That alone would have stopped all three little white pansy trumptards though

Tiny penis haver