My six plant outdoor grow has been taken over by I'm guessing a fungus

This is my first post. I'm an old fart, been growing for going on 50 years mostly outdoors. I have been very fortunate as I have never had any plant diseases until this year. I should have jumped on this problem when I saw it on one plant but unfortunately I let it go and now it has taken over all my plants. Another strange thing is since it has taken over my plants they have lost their odor and are in their third week of flower. My grow is in a remote location and I can only visit once a week. Starting about a month ago I started saturating them with a solution of copper octanoate 10% (copper soap) 2oz/gallon of water once a week for three weeks. It seems to have slowed it down but definitely still present. Last week I soaked them down with milk. I haven't been back since then to see the results. I just purchased some neem oil and some potassium bicarbonate and planning to use the neem oil on my next visit and then switch over to the KHCO3 the week after the neem oil. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what this is and options to treat?


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This is my first post. I'm an old fart, been growing for going on 50 years mostly outdoors. I have been very fortunate as I have never had any plant diseases until this year. I should have jumped on this problem when I saw it on one plant but unfortunately I let it go and now it has taken over all my plants. Another strange thing is since it has taken over my plants they have lost their odor and are in their third week of flower. My grow is in a remote location and I can only visit once a week. Starting about a month ago I started saturating them with a solution of copper octanoate 10% (copper soap) 2oz/gallon of water once a week for three weeks. It seems to have slowed it down but definitely still present. Last week I soaked them down with milk. I haven't been back since then to see the results. I just purchased some neem oil and some potassium bicarbonate and planning to use the neem oil on my next visit and then switch over to the KHCO3 the week after the neem oil. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what this is and options to treat?
copper fungicide gets my vote you have leave spot fungus.