Muscle cars, guns and machismo


Well-Known Member
So I’ve been looking into a Hellcat. It’s sort of my dream car and for some reason, a driving factor in my professional life. I’m not quite sure why I can’t stop thinking about it. It feels like some dinosaur resurrected to conquer the planet. I am weak, and will probably shift into an SRT8 for a bit.

I haven’t been taking my rifles out lately. I have been restoring some antiques. Trinkets from a cool old man who passed away. I am bringing them back to life and mounting them in honour of him. Looking forward to taking my girlfriend out for a firearms safety day at a range! 22 cal, 7.62x39, 12g

I’ve been busy, and to be honest, current events are fucking with my energy. I’m Canadian and am still conflicted with the violence that some troubled young (and old) people are inflicting on America.

Somethings gotta change, shake hands with your neighbors and compromise?

Blast it all! Who’s got some muscle cars/trucks/guns/explosions or stories that help you zen or unwind?
If you like bringing old things back to life why not get an old car and put an elephant motor in it (520) and do fucking wheelies on the highway or something nuts like that. Every person I've met that owns a hellcat is an absolute tool about it. Yes they rip but it's a different kind of gear head. They are out there with tire shine and dusters because really all you can do is clean the thing. You can't mod them the bank owns it and everyone is scared to touch the new stuff so they are forced to put stickers and clean the thing, yet the have this chip on their shoulder. True gearheads just pass by and don't even look at them at a car show so that drives them nuts...they make plaques and put more stickers and paintings under the hood desperate for a head nod that never comes. Build an old car put your style into it hell put a hellcat engine in it the whole process is much more rewarding in the end you'll be laughing at the children with heckpussys when you're finished
How many people have you actually met that drive a Hellcat? . I just paid off my Challenger and have no problem getting compliments from of old dudes, who enjoy the classic feel to the car. I don’t often concern myself with strangers. There are tools who drive every type of car, that’s for sure. Lots of tools on this site, that’s also for sure. Getting the feeling I’m asking the wrong crowd... too many snowflakes here!
Probably 7 or 8.. there are some 'snowflakes' here but they reside in the politics section. I'd rather see someone build a car than buy one
Well you don’t have to be rude, I work on cars too. So you’ve met 7 people and now judge the entire ownership of Hellcats. Why is everyone so irritated on this site? It’s blowing my mind lately...
I live in Los Angeles. We are lousy with those particular Dodges. I second Inda's take on it. Here the demographic that seems to drive them (poorly) are entitled, rich kids. It was the same with Saleen Mustangs. My husband handled a case on those that blew the kid's parents away when they brought the Ford engineers in who showed charts of the kid's misuse of the car. I'd listen to Inda. He knows muscle.

PS I'm irritated because it's currently running 114 and above and our humidity is 40% and yesterday it rained.
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Ok, I see where this is going.
For a guy coveting an 11-second car, that sure took you long enough. You might finish before you even knew it was a race.

Sort of like your performance on this thread. You DID see the bright shiny tree, no?
