Hello..pssst come look

It is not possible to be racist against whites

If someone hates me for no other reason than the colour of my skin, then yes... that is, in fact, racism. I don't mean to spam this thread with facts-n-stuff, but I don't see any reference to the impossibility that other races are, by default, unable to be racist against "whites". Remember, you guys are in the "facts only" business around here.



If someone hates me for no other reason than the colour of my skin, then yes... that is, in fact, racism. I don't mean to spam this thread with facts-n-stuff, but I don't see any reference to the impossibility that other races are, by default, unable to be racist against "whites". Remember, you guys are in the "facts only" business around here.



They got fired from that business lol.
If someone hates me for no other reason than the colour of my skin, then yes... that is, in fact, racism. I don't mean to spam this thread with facts-n-stuff, but I don't see any reference to the impossibility that other races are, by default, unable to be racist against "whites". Remember, you guys are in the "facts only" business around here.



No, you’re wrong.

Whites have all the institutional power. Thus it is impossible to be racist against whites

You are just triggered by name calling, snowflake. And the name that has you triggered is “white”, which you are.

Fucking snowflake
No, you’re wrong.

Whites have all the institutional power. Thus it is impossible to be racist against whites

You are just triggered by name calling, snowflake. And the name that has you triggered is “white”, which you are.

Fucking snowflake

Snowflake calling someone else a snowflake Hahahaha again, “I know you are but what am I?” Hahahaha dealing with children here
Irrelevant when looking at the definition of a word. Your opinion is emotionally triggered, hence the term "triggered".

  1. (of a mechanism) activated by a trigger.
    "a triggered alarm"
    • (of a response) caused by particular action, process, or situation.
I am calmly explaining how racism works while you hysterically cry that you are the victim of racist oppression

You are triggered. I am not
No, you're not. You are explaining how racially based discrimination works. That is a different construct. Although racism is the primary driver for that type of discrimination, they are not one in the same.
Because of Conalds irrational hatred of immigrants, he recently deported a 32 year old diabetic man who was brought to this country illegally as a 6 month old

This Christian man was sent back to Iraq, a country he never knew, with languages he never spoke, and that man died because he could not acquire the insulin he needed to survive

That is racism. You got called white. You are white. This triggered you into a meltdown because you are a snowflake

Have some perspective about life you vanilla cupcake
Are you another white guy crying racism?
If someone hates me for no other reason than the colour of my skin, then yes... that is, in fact, racism. I don't mean to spam this thread with facts-n-stuff, but I don't see any reference to the impossibility that other races are, by default, unable to be racist against "whites". Remember, you guys are in the "facts only" business around here.



Who says they hate you for the color of your skin?

As far as what I said, yeah right after a major hate crime targeting Mexicans in an environment that is already being amplified by trolls. Trolls who are trying to put this myth out there that the white male agenda is not alive and well because it gives Trump cover by making families fight.
“Known liar” ?? Hahahaha

Please post the quote in which you said I voted for trump. I know you want to. I want to prove something to you