how cold


stays relevant.
You don't want your plants to get below 50, most strains will not hold up to that type of weather, and the growth will be very slow.


Well-Known Member
not always, gt. it's true that you don't want a constant temp below 50, but a peak low of 40f toward harvest can help out. most outdoor plants go through this naturally in the fall before harvest. most plants' leaves will begin to change color around 45f.

being this is an indoor room, the ideal temperature would be in the high 60's or low 70's. 55f shouldn't hurt anything at all, unless you are adding co2 to the environment.


stays relevant.
yes I have outdoor growing experience. that's where I was growing until I decided indoor was best. This guy isn't growing outdoor though, and surely he hasn't mentioned what strain. There are strains that can survive the cold weather, but I don't assume he's growing a strain that has become acclimated to that weather.


Well-Known Member
i did note that it was an indoor room, and mentioned it a couple posts above... also mentioned that i agree with your indoor temp advice ;)

almost any strain (other than a poorly bred weak strain) will endure cold night temperatures. these temps do not hurt the plants, and are actually helpful in several ways:

bugs: cold temperatures will drive most pests to the ground or other shelter to escape the cold in attempt to survive. this means your harvested buds will be cleaner than if it were a year round 80f climate (with pests considered in a typical outdoor environment).

bag appeal: sure, most of us are medical users, growing for ourselves. in this case, quality is more important than color, but to the salesmen out there, cold helps bring more money per bag. leaves change color in the fall due to the temperatures falling below a certain temperature (averaging 45f in my area). pot fan leaves and sweet leaves will change purple, blue, black, red, yellow, orange, and any combination, bringing color to a normally all green plant. you guys all know people go ape for the purps...

sativas: ever done a 16-22 week sativa outdoors? if it weren't for the cold, they would NEVER finish in time. the cold is a trigger that allows the re-bud process to halt, and trichs to mature a little quicker than normal. that means that you get a ripe harvest at frost time rather than a half finished lofty swag sativa...

there are other reasons that i could list, but i'm sure you get the idea. please don't try to think i'm arguing with you or anything. if you read the text, you'll see what my opinion of an ideal indoor temperature is. i merely wish to inform others who may one day read this thread to understand that cold is not going to kill.



Well-Known Member
my girls this year have taken 4 frosts, two nights in a row 27F, 28F. besides the purple hue no signs of stress.


stays relevant.
i did note that it was an indoor room, and mentioned it a couple posts above... also mentioned that i agree with your indoor temp advice ;)

almost any strain (other than a poorly bred weak strain) will endure cold night temperatures. these temps do not hurt the plants, and are actually helpful in several ways:

bugs: cold temperatures will drive most pests to the ground or other shelter to escape the cold in attempt to survive. this means your harvested buds will be cleaner than if it were a year round 80f climate (with pests considered in a typical outdoor environment).

bag appeal: sure, most of us are medical users, growing for ourselves. in this case, quality is more important than color, but to the salesmen out there, cold helps bring more money per bag. leaves change color in the fall due to the temperatures falling below a certain temperature (averaging 45f in my area). pot fan leaves and sweet leaves will change purple, blue, black, red, yellow, orange, and any combination, bringing color to a normally all green plant. you guys all know people go ape for the purps...

sativas: ever done a 16-22 week sativa outdoors? if it weren't for the cold, they would NEVER finish in time. the cold is a trigger that allows the re-bud process to halt, and trichs to mature a little quicker than normal. that means that you get a ripe harvest at frost time rather than a half finished lofty swag sativa...

there are other reasons that i could list, but i'm sure you get the idea. please don't try to think i'm arguing with you or anything. if you read the text, you'll see what my opinion of an ideal indoor temperature is. i merely wish to inform others who may one day read this thread to understand that cold is not going to kill.

sweet. no i don't think you're arguing. i asked the question and you were nice enough to answer... for all we know, this guy could've been trying to make his plants purple for a long time- and you just answered him.

+rep for the kind princess :)


Active Member
First off thank you everyone for your advice. And second sorry for so little info i was in a rush to post this morn before i left for work. So here are a few details on this grow. The strain is a Blue Moonshine from D.P. It is in a Bubble Bucket. She was vegging for 2 months under 480 w of floros(built the light board myself bongsmilie ,there might be a pic of it floating around this site somewhere) She went into my flower room on 10/08/08 so today is 14 days and she is starting to flower nicely. My flower room is a 4' wide by 6' long by 9' tall room. As for lighting i am using a 1000w HPS P.L. system with a Hortalux bulb and an air cooled hood. (This is where my question would have come in on my original post):joint: During the summer i was drawing in air from the A/C duct, and now that it is fall that is no longer an option so i am bringing in air from outside which is great when the light is on because the cold air is keeping my room in the low 70's compared to the mid 80's with the A/C, but when the light is off it has gotten down to the very low 50's and that is why i was concerned. Oh and this is my first fall/winter grow with a 1000w 3rd total. i used to use a 400w before that. sorry for rambling on but you know how it is when your stoned :mrgreen: Oh almost forgot anyone have any experience with this Strain? And if any one is interested i can post some pics:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
you can actually use the outdoor temps as an air conditioner. all you need is a 120v climate controller, which will turn the fan off at a set low temp, turn it on at a set high temp (ie, on at 75f, off at 60f)