Is it just me or are THC levels going DOWN?!


Well-Known Member
I've been buying some of the shit on the rec market for the last 8 months or so while my basement is being remodeled....can't grow at the moment....Anyway, I've always gone for the top shelf strains and recommended strains...most of them had been rated at extremely high THC levels -usually above 25%....sometimes even 33%!!! WHAAAAT?

Lately, though, I've noticed the same strains that were previously rated with very high THC levels, last year, are now reappearing with numbers like 12%, 15%, 19%....occasionally a strain in the 20% range. How is that possible throughout the entire market? Every brand is turning out lower numbers now.

Have the testing methods changed? Can we believe what the market is telling us? It seems that, when high THC level strains were what people wanted to see, all of a sudden, strains started showing up with ridiculously high (and often award-winning) levels....hmmmmm....Then, when talk switched away from THC levels, the thing became terpenes. So now, terpene levels are the new number. Are they real? Why would the THC levels have to drop for the terpene levels to rise? Is it just all more bullshit to sift through so that the bud tenders have something new to talk about? ;)
I've been buying some of the shit on the rec market for the last 8 months or so while my basement is being remodeled....can't grow at the moment....Anyway, I've always gone for the top shelf strains and recommended strains...most of them had been rated at extremely high THC levels -usually above 25%....sometimes even 33%!!! WHAAAAT?

Lately, though, I've noticed the same strains that were previously rated with very high THC levels, last year, are now reappearing with numbers like 12%, 15%, 19%....occasionally a strain in the 20% range. How is that possible throughout the entire market? Every brand is turning out lower numbers now.

Have the testing methods changed? Can we believe what the market is telling us? It seems that, when high THC level strains were what people wanted to see, all of a sudden, strains started showing up with ridiculously high (and often award-winning) levels....hmmmmm....Then, when talk switched away from THC levels, the thing became terpenes. So now, terpene levels are the new number. Are they real? Why would the THC levels have to drop for the terpene levels to rise? Is it just all more bullshit to sift through so that the bud tenders have something new to talk about? ;)
I know in the early days of lab testing in Oregon for example, growers were taking tips of bud from the main colas and sending those in for lab testing inorder to fluff results. Maybe you're just seeing the market evolve in your area
Anyway, I've always gone for the top shelf strains and recommended strains...most of them had been rated at extremely high THC levels -usually above 25%....sometimes even 33%!!!

Going to go ahead and call bullshit on that.

Extremely high THC is typically around 27% and that's IF everything done during the grow is absolutely spot-on perfect.

If you're getting anything around the 25% mark, that's actually very, very good.

33%? Yeah. Completely bullshit. If you even bothered buying from anybody that advertised that, you deserve whatever it is you wind up with. Sounds to me like you bought shit for the same guy that said, "It was owned by a little old lady that only drove it to church on Sunday".
I've been buying some of the shit on the rec market for the last 8 months or so while my basement is being remodeled....can't grow at the moment....Anyway, I've always gone for the top shelf strains and recommended strains...most of them had been rated at extremely high THC levels -usually above 25%....sometimes even 33%!!! WHAAAAT?

Lately, though, I've noticed the same strains that were previously rated with very high THC levels, last year, are now reappearing with numbers like 12%, 15%, 19%....occasionally a strain in the 20% range. How is that possible throughout the entire market? Every brand is turning out lower numbers now.

Have the testing methods changed? Can we believe what the market is telling us? It seems that, when high THC level strains were what people wanted to see, all of a sudden, strains started showing up with ridiculously high (and often award-winning) levels....hmmmmm....Then, when talk switched away from THC levels, the thing became terpenes. So now, terpene levels are the new number. Are they real? Why would the THC levels have to drop for the terpene levels to rise? Is it just all more bullshit to sift through so that the bud tenders have something new to talk about? ;)
I think testing is getting more accurate and honest, ;-).
Going to go ahead and call bullshit on that.

Extremely high THC is typically around 27% and that's IF everything done during the grow is absolutely spot-on perfect.

If you're getting anything around the 25% mark, that's actually very, very good.

33%? Yeah. Completely bullshit. If you even bothered buying from anybody that advertised that, you deserve whatever it is you wind up with. Sounds to me like you bought shit for the same guy that said, "It was owned by a little old lady that only drove it to church on Sunday".
What do you base this off of? Why is 30% unachievable but 27% isn't? Is 3% really that much more?

Used to be 6% thc, I'm sure back then 10% was unheard of but we know it exists now..
Well I was trying to point out that I think there has been a bit of deception among many branches of the system used to sell marijuana to people. First, it was the THC levels when the sellers thought it was all about that. But, as time went on, THC was realized to be just one of the things that made good weed good. So, with that new knowledge, the main focus on THC numbers is/are back down. In WA state, we can't smell the weed before we buy it because it's all prepackaged in sealed containers. It's been hit-or-miss as to what you'll get once the package is opened. I predict that there will soon be terpene numbers included on all labels and that those numbers will likely be the next ones to be exaggerated. They can print anything they want to on a label and there is really no organization like the FDA that will come in, independently and make sure the people are getting what they are told they are getting.

And when I started seeing the 33%^ a few months back, I was wondering how far that THC numbers-game was going to go before it became just flat-out impossible to believe.
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The truth is hard for many to handle. Sucks when you post utter nonsense and get called on it, but just don't post it on the first place then dummy??

You're an idiot.

I never said it was "always" 27%.

I said that is considered the industry max at this time and it rarely happens.

You said it was 6% max at one point.

You're a moronic drama queen hurling numbers out of your ass.

The only thing you "called out" was your own blatant, wanton stupidity.
Well I was trying to point out that I think there has been a bit of deception among many branches of the system used to sell marijuana to people. First, it was the THC levels when the sellers thought it was all about that. But, as time went on, THC was realized to be just one of the things that made good weed good. So, with that new knowledge, the main focus on THC numbers are back down. In WA state, we can't smell the weed before we buy it because it's all prepackaged in sealed containers. It's been hit-or-miss as to what you'll get once the package is opened. I predict that there will soon be terpene numbers included on all labels soon and that those numbers will likely be the next ones to be exaggerated. They can print anything they want to on a label and there is really no organization like the FDA that will come in, independently and make sure the people are getting what they are told they are getting.

And when I started seeing the 33%^ a few months back, I was wondering how far that THC numbers-game was going to go before it became just flat-out impossible to believe.
I agree, I think that's some of it. I think also it's being mass produced more and more and quality is dropping. Look at any of the Canadian dispensary threads, lots of people upset with the quality of the big corporate mass producers.. When Vegas ran outta weed they got it lickety split, idk how much stuff is spread around and across borders but have to think that its becoming more centralized..
You're an idiot.

I never said it was "always" 27%.

I said that is considered the industry max at this time and it rarely happens.

You said it was 6% max at one point.

You're a moronic drama queen hurling numbers out of your ass.

The only thing you "called out" was your own blatant, wanton stupidity.
Welp you're an idiot. Your not an authority on industry maxes. You have 0 clue what you're talking about.

A wealth of data says it was 3-5% the in the late 80s early 90s.

The %THC only increased from there. It just magically got to 27% and stopped, because dumbass tacomac said so lmao :clap::clap::wall:
Whatever, pal.

That's probably why people agree with my post and nobody agrees with any of your bullshit.
Whatever, pal.

That's probably why people agree with my post and nobody agrees with any of your bullshit.

"We'll below 10%"


Here, just click on one of these links in this search, give it look over if you know how to read..

Then maybe all your friends that you say are agreeing with your dumbass can finally get the real info..

"We'll below 10%"


Here, just click on one of these links in this search, give it look over if you know how to read..

Then maybe all your friends that you say are agreeing with your dumbass can finally get the real info..
I find this funny when some old timer starts talking about how weed was so much better in the 70's. I really think it comes down to tolerance, I notice I build a quick tolerance to higher thc strains after taking a break.